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Bruce Comerford

Tablet-friendly websites - 59 views

Did you get any feedback from this? I like the virtual manipulatives -

tablets tools websites

Tami Brass - 0 views

    General listing of tablet blogs and websites - developer related
Tami Brass

OneNote Web Exporter - Home - 1 views

    Export OneNote 2007 notebooks as interactive websites - very cool

BBC News - Children who use technology are 'better writers' - 1 views

    Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust.
Tami Brass

.: SUMO Paint :. - 0 views

    This would be a great website for use on a tablet
Demetri Orlando

Organizing/tagging of our bookmarks - 46 views

Thanks Tami! that's awesome. I do wonder about this issue in a global sense of using shared social bookmarking software. I just feel like I'm missing something in terms of the functionality of the ...

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