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Cathy Oxley

Skype in the classroom - 10 views

    'Connect your classroom to the world. A free and easy way for teachers to open up their classroom. Meet new people, talk to experts, share ideas and create amazing learning experiences with teachers from around the world.'
Martha Hickson

Librarydoor: Common Core Carpe Diem! - 32 views

    This webinar gave an overview of the reading, research, and rigor components that librarians can "assist" teachers with. If you wrap your head around these critical shifts, and you will likely become as building leaders as you model solutions for meeting the CCSS. Teachers all over are trying to figure this out and this is a piece of cake for us! Carpe Diem! Wrap your head around Inquiry and Student Centered research projects. (Writing standards 6-10) Help "repackage" research units Help find "rigor" - Rich Text - reading passages, correctly aligned to the CCSS Lexile bands. Understand what it means to "read closely" - with purpose, meaningful, directed, points of view, etc. Understand what a Lexile is and its role in the CCSS Help teachers replace lower level texts (Lexile) with alternatives correctly Lexiled, or Non-fiction Inquiry Units using your non-fiction collection!
Cathy Oxley

Stuartholme School - Geography Parks Project - 6 views

    A Year 10 Geography unit
Cathy Oxley

Dr. Seuss & WWII: Analyzing Political Cartoons - 14 views

    from The National WWII Museum | New Orleans::
Martha Hickson

Teacher Resources | Library of Congress - 0 views

    Includes tool for searching for materials by state standards
Cathy Oxley

Lessons | Class With Apps - 27 views

    Lesson ideas for schools using iPads
Martha Hickson

Activate Instruction - 15 views

    At its most basic level, Activate Instruction is a free open database of standards-aligned learning resources-but it was designed to be much more. Teachers can browse, search, rate, add, share, and organize resources. Parents and students can follow teachers to see what they posted or search for the resources they like best. When integrated with student assessment data systems, Activate makes it easy for teachers to use student assessment data to connect students with the resources that match their specific needs.
Cathy Oxley

The Games-Rich Classroom: Epic Results with Citadel (planning included!) - 6 views

    Tim Ryland's unit on King Arthur using the Epic Citadel app,
Fran Bullington

Instructional Strategies - 14 views

    Zoom-In Inquiry is often an introduction portion of a lesson. During this activity, students uncover a primary source image piece by piece in order to understand a big idea or theme related to curriculum standards. An investigative question starts the exploration and guiding questions focused on observation, interpretation, and evaluation follow as pieces of the image are revealed one at a time. Students use evidence and subject specific vocabulary to support their hypotheses. Students reflect on their understanding of the primary source and its relationship to "the big picture" or a large scale understanding that is overarching and essential to the subject. Finally, other related primary sources are presented that ask students to apply knowledge and understanding from the Zoom-In Inquiry to a new source or problem.
Anthony Beal

Pirates of Plagiarism - Lesson Plans - 0 views

    "Skills: To identify the incorrect statement by using reference materials"
Donna Baumbach

ALA | Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Lesson Plan Database - 46 views

    "search the database for lesson plans by learning standards and indicators, content topic, grade-level, resources used, type of lesson or schedule, keyword and much more. In addition, registered users can bookmark lesson plans in a portfolio for future use, rate and comment on lesson plans in the community, print to PDF and socially share lesson plans on the web, and create and publish their own lesson plans in the database."
Cathy Oxley

How to Teach Writing - Ideas and Resources - 13 views

    Creative writing syllabus with lesson plans: fiction.
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