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Lissa Davies

Extreme Speed Booking:Using Technology to help kids love reading - 36 views

    The idea behind the site is to introduce students to a variety of books and form classroom book groups.  How does Extreme Speed Booking work?  A whole lot like speed dating.      Students spend a little time with each book and then rate them accordingly with "I want to read more",  "Interesting", "Not for me", or "I've already read".  Students can also make a note of how interested they are in reading the book (maybe a 1-10 scale)?  This process introduces students to a variety of books, genres and authors.  Students may come across titles and authors they wouldn't otherwise find.  It also helps teachers form classroom book groups that are of high-interest and investment to students because they had input. iLearn Technology
Anne Weaver

Keeping Them Reading: Speed Dating with a Book | Three Teachers Talk - 12 views

    Confession:  I have never been speed dating. I just love the idea of it. In 2012 I wrote about an activity we did in my AP English class that got everyone talking as we prepared for the AP exam. I ...
Carla Shinn

Why the Smart Reading Device of the Future May Be … Paper - 20 views

    "Paper books were supposed to be dead by now. For years, information theorists, marketers, and early adopters have told us their demise was imminent. Ikea even redesigned a bookshelf to hold something other than books. Yet in a world of screen ubiquity, many people still prefer to do their serious reading on paper." And this: "People tended to read slowly and somewhat inaccurately on early screens. The technology, particularly e-paper, has improved dramatically, to the point where speed and accuracy aren't now problems, but deeper issues of memory and comprehension are not yet well-characterized."
Anne Weaver

eclection - Speed Dating For Books - 31 views

    ideas for students to share books they like, or to select new titles to read (especially when a teacher/librarian has to do a booktalk and doesn't have enough time to familiarize him/herself with cart of choices.
Carla Shinn

Get On Board the Book Speed Dating Train - 29 views

    Great way to help teens find the right read. There are many ways to modify the event and make it something you can do anytime classes come in to select a book.
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