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craig roland

Teaching Visual Literacy to Students - 0 views

    Visual literacy is a multi-faceted subject matter, and faculty wishing to include images in their curriculum can quickly find themselves overwhelmed by the prospect of addressing visual literacy. (looks like something that art teachers are uniquely qualified to teach).
Angela Christopher

ImageChef - 0 views

    # Visual Poetry # Flower Text # Poetry Blender # Sketchpad # Word Mosaic # Video Video
    # Visual Poetry Visual Poetry # Flower Text Flower Text # Poetry Blender Poetry Blender # Sketchpad Sketchpad # Word Mosaic Word Mosaic # Video Video
Angela Christopher

Developing Visual Literacy: Exploring Form, Content and Context with Faith Ringgold's T... - 0 views

    Sets of exercises will guide you through a detailed exploration of Tar Beach 2. Use your cursor to explore the visual elements that Ringgold has utilized in the construction of Tar Beach 2. Compare/Contrast with Tar Beach 1.
craig roland

Common Visual Design Misconceptions :: UXmatters - 0 views

    3 common misconceptions about the role of visual design.
Angela Christopher

Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena - 0 views

    Examples of visual & optical illusions: great for teaching about the illusion of space, motion, op art, etc.
Angela Christopher

VisualBlooms - home - 3 views

    Visual + Blooms + Web 2.0!
Angela Christopher

Math Forum: Varnelle's Primary Math - 0 views

    These lessons are designed to guide young children through an introduction to symmetry using a puzzle set of seven geometric shapes called Tangrams. As children manipulate the tangrams, they will visually learn about slides (translation), turns (rotation), and flips (reflection).
Angela Christopher

Burmark Presentation - 0 views

    Visual Literacy, power of images in the classroom

Showcase Of 60 Unique and Memorable Animal Inspired Logo Designs | DesignBeep - Stumble... - 4 views

    Good visuals for a graphic design project.
Angela Christopher

Jeffco Visual Arts: Sketchbook/Journaling - 0 views

    Suggestions for using sketchbooks & journaling in the classroom
craig roland

Marja Hakala - Visual artist - 0 views

    Finnish artist Marja Hakala makes site-specific environmental art out in nature - parks, reserves, mountainsides - as well as in gallery spaces and interiors using materials she finds in the environments she chooses.
craig roland

Kapitaal - Video - 0 views

    Typography is all around us. A journey through an information staturated urban environment.
Clif Mims

Sumo Paint - 3 views

    Online Image Editor
Clif Mims

StoryJumper - 3 views

    Simple and inexpensive way to publish your own children's book.
craig roland

Oldest Art, Top 50 List of Earliest Prehistoric Artworks: Petroglyphs, Carvings, Oldest... - 0 views

    List of Earliest Prehistoric Artworks: Oldest Petroglyphs, First Carvings & Sculpture, Earliest Stone Age Cave Paintings: From 290,000 BCE.
Clif Mims

Nota : Casual Collaboration - 0 views

    Mash your ideas and media together with friends in a dynamic whiteboard wiki. Using photos, videos, and other web content you can instantly create brainstorms, presentations, scrapbooks, and enjoy an interactive chat with more than 50 friends.
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