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Angela Christopher

Lesson Plans - 0 views

    Elementary Lesson Plans, Art History included
Emily Avery

Arts Edge - 0 views

    Site with lesson plans and other resources for art teachers.
Angela Christopher

blissart / FrontPage - 0 views

    Great art projects, photos & plans
    art projects, photos & plans
Angela Christopher

Elementary Art Lessons - 0 views

    Art lesson plans organized by title/topic.
Angela Christopher

Photoshop For Kids - Tips, Tricks, Tutorials & Books For Kids | - 2 views

    Adobe provides free lesson plans for using Photoshop with kids- lessons, assessment tips and finished examples are provided for each lesson.
craig roland

Why Great Teachers Are Story Tellers at The Core Knowledge Blog - 0 views

    I'm going to suggest that organizing a lesson plan like a story is an effective way to help students comprehend and remember.
Angela Christopher

Know the Artist: Henri Matisse - 0 views

    Brief biography, web links, lesson plans
Angela Christopher

YouthArts Toolkit -- arts programs for youth at risk - 0 views

    The YouthArts Toolkit is designed to assist agencies in designing and documenting effective arts programs for youth at risk, but it has other, related applications. The planning model presented herein can be used to support the development of effective funding proposals. Funders, likewise, can use the list of critical elements and best practices to inform their grant and program evaluation criteria. We hope the kit will prove helpful to other partners as well.
Angela Christopher

Romare Bearden Lesson from Madison Museum of Contemporary Art - 2 views

    Through this lesson plan students analyze a collage by African American Romare Bearden, investigate the impact of jazz on art, and create an original collage.
Angela Christopher

Project Planner | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    online planning template for project based learning
Angela Christopher

Lesson Plan: Cave Art - Animals in Art - 0 views

    Cave Painting lesson, positive & negative shape, neutrals, line
Angela Christopher

Meet Matisse - Art History Lessons - KinderArt Art Lesson Plans - 0 views

    Matisse Lessons, grades K-2
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