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craig roland

100 Blogs That Will Make You Smarter | Online - 0 views

    These blogs bring you information about politics, technology, art, literature, an international perspective on life and culture, and much more. Become a regular reader of these blogs and who knows how intelligent you will be in the end.
craig roland

50 Useful Blogging Tools for Teachers | Teaching Tips - 0 views

    No matter how you use blogs in your classroom, these tools will help you get started, enhance your experience, or bring the students into the fun.
Kelli Cody

Favorite Art Education Blogs #arteducation #blog | A Listly List - 2 views

    a growing collection of art education blogs!
Angela Christopher

Learning in Hand Blog by Tony Vincent - 2 views

    Technology & App blog, educational uses included.
Angela Christopher

Deep Space Sparkle - 0 views

    art teacher's blog complete with photos of student work
craig roland

Alltop - Top Art News - 0 views

shared by craig roland on 18 Dec 08 - Cached
    Top art blogs at AllTop.
Angela Christopher

Art Is Messy - 0 views

    Art is Messy is blog written by a K-12 art teacher in China. Student work, lesson ideas and resources.
craig roland

New Art - 1 views

    Blog about installation art, performance, theater, cinema, painting, sculpture, digital art, and more.
craig roland

Arturo Herrera | Failure | Art21 Blog - 1 views

    In his Berlin studio, Arturo Herrera discusses the importance of accepting failure in order to be able to learn and grow as an artist.
craig roland

Aviary - Creation on the fly / blog / If other artists drew the Mona Lisa - 0 views

    If other artists drew the Mona Lisa
craig roland

Diigo Blog » Announcing "Diigo Educator Accounts" - 0 views

    Today, we are happy to announce the release of Diigo Educator Accounts, a suite of features that makes it incredibly easy for teachers to get their entire class of students or their peers started on collaborative research using Diigo's powerful web annotation and social bookmarking technology.
craig roland

Mel Chin: The Fundred Dollar Bill Project | Art21 Blog - 0 views

    The Fundred Dollar Bill project invites students of all ages to participate in a giant performance artwork and collective creative action to support the rebuilding of New Orleans.
Angela Christopher

Create Great-Looking Interactive Quizzes (in minutes) - embed in any website / blog! - 3 views

    "Create great-looking quizzes for your classroom or website, for free!"
craig roland

Why Great Teachers Are Story Tellers at The Core Knowledge Blog - 0 views

    I'm going to suggest that organizing a lesson plan like a story is an effective way to help students comprehend and remember.
craig roland

Shorpy Photo Archive | History in HD - 0 views

    A vintage photography blog featuring thousands of high-definition images from the 1850s to 1950s.
Kelli Cody

SchoolArtsRoom | Art Education Blog for K-12 Art Teachers - 3 views

    NAEA SchoolArtsRoom
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