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John Ridley

SAMR model - a talk by the guru, Dr P - 2 views

    Talk by Dr Puentedura - developer of the SAMR model the TPCK area is the interaction of all three. This is where pedagogy, content and technology come together in the creation of a particular approach to a particular topic using a particular set of technological tools.
    A bit heavy in places - but useful if you want to know more about the SAMR model than most people!
John Ridley

TTS Technology Strategy - Overview presented to ESC, Jun 2012 - 4 views

    This is a test to see if we can access documents from a dropbox folder throught diigo. This document outlines the 5 aspects of the strategy and the long term aims. The more detailed strategy plan can be found in the TWG folder in 'usebyall' and contains annual targets for each of the 5 aspects.
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