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Chris Hall

Read our Twitter news at - the gadget guide - 0 views

    The Twitter craze has finally made it across the Atlantic, with a reported increase of 974% in UK Twitter users over the past 12 months. Its beauty is in its simplicity, but there are a host of tips and tricks to get you super-connected with the world. F
Chris Hall

Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google (MT Hacks) - 0 views

    "a Greasemonkey user script that does exactly this. It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page"
Chris Hall

FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools | SAP Web 2.0 - 0 views

    Ever wanted to make presentations a more interactive, Web 2.0 experience? A prototype version of the PowerPoint Twitter Tools is now available for testing.
Chris Hall

Woofer: The 1400 Character Anti-Twitter - 0 views

    Even though plenty of us have found ourselves shortening our tweets to meet the 140 character limitation imposed by Twitter (Twitter), very few of us ever really need 1400 characters.
Chris Hall

Times Higher Education - Twitter feedback to help Government rate universities - 0 views

    The Government has confirmed that it is to launch an official annual university league table, using measures such as students' personal feedback on their lecturers via the website Twitter.
Chris Hall

In Defense Of Email | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Those Twitter posts bemoaning too much email often sound like somebody complaining about too many invitations to the prom - an "everybody wants me" or "I'm in such demand" kind of boast. In reality, a lot of people do have too many messages in their inboxes, but it's hardly the fault of email itself. They're just doing it wrong.
Chris Hall

How To Cite A Tweet In Academic Papers | Edudemic - 0 views

    Twitter is a big part of education and technology. But what happens when it needs to be included in an academic paper? Until now, you had to do your best to guess the proper citation for tweets in academic papers. That all just changed.
Chris Hall

Microsoft Testing Enterprise Microblogging Product - 0 views

    Microsoft is opening up a new office software called OfficeTalk in a "limited private pilot" scheme. The service is basically akin to Yammer - and on a smaller scale - a Twitter rival.
Chris Hall

University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo - Telegraph - 0 views

    The £4,400 MA in Social Media will also explain how to set up blogs and publish podcasts. Bit of a Telegraph slant on the story though.
Chris Hall

"Where Do You Learn?": Tweeting to Inform Learning Space Development (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    A study in which participants are asked to send Twitter messages instead of recording the information in a diary
Chris Hall

6 Gorgeous Twitter Visualizations - 0 views

    here a
Chris Hall

Twitter Professors: 18 People to Follow for a Real Time Education - 0 views

    "Never before in history has it been easier to glean from the knowledge of others who will give it away to you for free. It's equivalent to getting higher education." Lon S Cohen
Chris Hall

Teens Just Don't Blog or Tweet [STATS] - 0 views

    A new study published today by Pew Internet finds that teens and young adults are blogging less and using social networking sites more, with the prominent exception of Twitter.
Chris Hall

The space for social media in structured online learning | Salmon | Research in Learning Technology - 0 views

    "In this paper, we explore the benefits of using social media in an online educational setting, with a particular focus on the use of Facebook and Twitter by participants in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) developed to enable educators to learn about the Carpe Diem learning design process. We define social media as digital social tools and environments located outside of the provision of a formal university-provided Learning Management System. We use data collected via interviews and surveys with the MOOC participants as well as social media postings made by the participants throughout the MOOC to offer insights into how participants' usage and perception of social media in their online learning experiences differed and why. We identified that, although some participants benefitted from social media by crediting it, for example, with networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities, others objected or refused to engage with social media, perceiving it as a waste of their time. We make recommendations for the usage of social media for educational purposes within MOOCs and formal digital learning environments."
Chris Jobling

PeerWise - 1 views

    PeerWise supports students in the creation, sharing, evaluation and discussion of assessment questions. From Twitter: "@busynessgirl Have you seen Peerwise? #socrait (via @polarisdotca)"
    Presented during the Activities week of JISC Enhancing e-Learning Conference
Chris Hall

What Sir Ken Got Wrong | Pragmatic Education - 0 views

    "If you're interested in education, at some point someone will have sent you a link to a video by Sir Ken Robinson, knighted for services to education in England in 2003. He has over 250,000 followers on Twitter, his videos have had over 40,000,000 views online, and his 2006 lecture is the most viewed TED talk of all time. The RSA Opening Minds curriculum his ideas are associated with is taught in over 200 schools in the UK. He clearly has some influence."
Chris Hall

HOW TO: Convert Your Blog Into a Podcast on iTunes for Free - 0 views

    From Paul Latreille via Twitter - Bloggers can now add text-to-speech capabilities to their site with new tools such as Odiogo, allowing readers to actually listen to blog posts on the website, and even on iTunes (as well as iPods and iPhones) as a podcas
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