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Chris Hall

The space for social media in structured online learning | Salmon | Research in Learnin... - 0 views

    "In this paper, we explore the benefits of using social media in an online educational setting, with a particular focus on the use of Facebook and Twitter by participants in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) developed to enable educators to learn about the Carpe Diem learning design process. We define social media as digital social tools and environments located outside of the provision of a formal university-provided Learning Management System. We use data collected via interviews and surveys with the MOOC participants as well as social media postings made by the participants throughout the MOOC to offer insights into how participants' usage and perception of social media in their online learning experiences differed and why. We identified that, although some participants benefitted from social media by crediting it, for example, with networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities, others objected or refused to engage with social media, perceiving it as a waste of their time. We make recommendations for the usage of social media for educational purposes within MOOCs and formal digital learning environments."
Chris Hall

"The International HETL Review HETL Review Special Issue (2013)" - 0 views

    "For the 2013 Conference in Orlando, we received nearly 50 full papers. From those 50, we selected a subset of the highest quality papers to publish. All articles went through a rigorous double-blind peer review and editing process. From the selected papers, we published two special issues - one IHR special issue and one JARHE special issue."
Chris Hall

delicious blog » What's Next for Delicious? - 0 views

    Is Delicious being shut down? And should I be worried about my data? - No, we are not shutting down Delicious. While we have determined that there is not a strategic fit at Yahoo!, we believe there is a ideal home for Delicious outside of the company wher
Chris Hall

Fake popup study sadly confirms most users are idiots - 0 views

    For most of us, security issues happen to "other people"-we block popup ads, we carefully examine dialog boxes and, for those of us on the Mac platform, we snicker when confronted with something that attempts to mimic a Windows system warning.
Chris Hall

Elevate | University Campus Suffolk: Open Badges Generator - 0 views

    "There are many systems available for issuing badges to recipients, however all of the systems we have come across (including BlackBoard) need the recipient to be a registered user of that specific system. This became a stumbling block for us as we would like to issue badges based on the more frequented face to face elements the Elevate Team offer. Workshops, Masterclasses and group sessions are all based away from systems such as BlackBoard, so how could we issue badges?"
Chris Hall

Are you in the Training Ghetto? | Donald H Taylor - 0 views

    "We talk about change a great deal in our profession of Learning and Development (L&D) - and rightly. There is plenty of change going on at the moment, technological, economic and societal, and we have to adapt to it."
Chris Hall

JEEHP :: Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions - 0 views

    Facilitating the provision of detailed, deep and useful feedback is an important design feature of any educational programme. Here we evaluate feedback provided to medical students completing short transferable skills projects. Feedback quantity and depth were evaluated before and after a simple intervention to change the structure of the feedback-provision form from a blank free-text feedback form to a structured proforma that asked a pair of short questions for each of the six domains being assessed. Each pair of questions consisted of asking the marker 'what was done well?' and 'what changes would improve the assignment?' Changing the form was associated with a significant increase in the quantity of the feedback and in the amount and quality of feedback provided to students. We also observed that, for these double-marked projects, the marker designated as 'marker 1' consistently wrote more feedback than the marker designated 'marker 2'.
Chris Hall

Education Research Report: Number Line Is Learned, Not Innate Human Intuition - 0 views

    Tape measures. Rulers. Graphs. The gas gauge in your car, and the icon on your favorite digital device showing battery power. The number line and its cousins -- notations that map numbers onto space and often represent magnitude -- are everywhere. Most adults in industrialized societies are so fluent at using the concept, we hardly think about it. We don't stop to wonder: Is it "natural"? Is it cultural?
Chris Hall

course-builder - Course Builder - Google Project Hosting - 0 views

    Course Builder is our experimental first step in the world of online education. It packages the software and technology we used to build our Power Searching with Google online course. We hope you will use it to create your own online courses, whether they're for 10 students or 100,000 students. You might want to create anything from an entire high school or university offering to a short how-to course on your favorite topi
Chris Hall

AJET: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Home Page - 0 views

    AJET 28(Special issue, 6) was published on 15 August 2012. Readers are invited to select file format, window width, font and font size to suit their personal preferences for screen reading comfort. For environmental sustainability purposes, we endeavour to make screen only reading as attractive as we can.
Chris Hall

The State of Educational Blogging 2013 | The Edublogger - 1 views

    "We're often asked for detailed information on how educators are using blogs. The main reasons why we get these requests from educators are: They need information to convince school administrators to allow blogging. They are trying to work out the benefits of blogging and how blogs are used with students. They want to know more about which blogging platforms are commonly used by educators (and why). So last year we decided to conduct an annual survey on how educators are using blogs.  Our goal is to document the trends in educational blogging."
Chris Hall

Everybody Needs Good Neighbours? Evidence from Students' Outcomes in England - Gibbons ... - 0 views

    We use administrative data to estimate the effect of neighbourhood composition on teenagers' educational and behavioural outcomes in England. We exploit a unique research design based on changes over time in neighbourhood composition experienced by residentially immobile students, where these changes arise purely through residential migration among other students in our data set. The complete coverage of our data allows investigating heterogeneity and non-linearities in the effect of neighbourhood composition at an unprecedented level. Our results show that changes in neighbourhood composition have no effects on test scores but some effects on behavioural outcomes, which are heterogeneous for boys and girls
Chris Hall

iPad danger: app v. web, consumer v. creator « BuzzMachine - 0 views

    The iPad is retrograde. It tries to turn us back into an audience again. That is why media companies and advertisers are embracing it so fervently, because they think it returns us all to their good old days when we just consumed, we didn't create, when t
Chris Hall

JISC Elevator - 0 views

    JISC have created this mockup of an idea for a funding platform to get feedback from JIF10 attendees to help us assess whether we should pursue the idea any further. JISC are thinking that we would use the platform to fund short projects costing between
Chris Hall

VideoLectures - exchange ideas & share knowledge - 0 views

    More free content,this time from Slovenia. How far behind are we? If iTunesU is a risk for some, will we get left behind?
Chris Hall

We Need Evidence - But What If We Don't Like The Findings? - 0 views

    Should institutions should be developing iPhone applications providing, for example, resources of interest to new students?
Chris Hall

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 0 views

    "I have always liked David White's ideas about digital visitors and residents. And in the training sessions we run we find an increasing individual differentiation in people;s confidence and competence in using digital technologies. In this video David White (@daveowhite, of the University of Oxford explains how the Visitors and Residents model provides a framework to understand individuals' engagement with the Web based on motivation and context. In part 1 of this series, he argues that the metaphors of 'place' and 'tool' best represent the use of technology in contemporary society and allow us to better adapt to the challenges of new forms of academic practice."
Chris Jobling

Evaluation of Assessment Diaries and GradeMark at University of Glamorgan | The Project... - 0 views

    This is the project blog for a JISC funded project - Evaluating assessment diaries and GradeMark at the University of Glamorgan. This project is part of the JISC Assessment and Feedback Programme. The programme has three strands. Our project is in Strand B where we will evaluate assessment and feedback related innovations which are already underway in a faculty or institution, and report on lessons for the sector.
Chris Jobling

The Design Studio / Transforming Assessment and Feedback - 0 views

    "The Assessment and Feedback area of the Design Studio gives access to existing and emergent work on assessment and feedback of significant interest. Under a series of themes, you can explore what we currently know about enhancing assessment and feedback practice with technology, find links to resources and keep up to date with outputs from the Assessment and Feedback and other current JISC programmes."
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