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Filmmaker Overcomes Himalayan Difficulties to Bring Rare Yogi Interview to Those Seekin... - 0 views

    Two landslides on a road in the Indian Himalayas tested holistic health filmmaker Victor Demko's resolve to get an interview with Yoga Master Swami Sundaranand. Demko encountered this challenge while traveling from Rishikesh to Gangotri, the site of the historic head water of the Ganges River and longtime home of the 79 year old Swami Sundaranand, one of the last hardcore Himalayan yogis.

In Depth Exposure to Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health Practitioners Pays Off fo... - 0 views

    In Depth Exposure to Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health Practitioners Pays Off for Both Clients and Practitioners With the new healing arts "sessions" DVD series, subscribers to receive a new DVD session with a carefully chosen guest practitioner in the mail every other month.

Need a New Idea for Getting Together with Holistic Friends? - 0 views

    The Center for Healing Arts is a world wide community of healing arts practitioners and those interested in healing and wellness. Members receive six DVD healing arts sessions a year, one every two months, that features a personalized, in-depth encounter with an adept practitioner of the healing arts.
    The Center for Healing Arts is a world wide community of healing arts practitioners and those interested in healing and wellness. Members receive six DVD healing arts sessions a year, one every two months, that features a personalized, in-depth encounter with an adept practitioner of the healing arts.

Holistic Health Alternative Medicine Support for Journalists - 0 views

    A new member's based DVD series made by aims to help support holistic health practitioners own need for rejuvenation. Subscribers receive six DVD sessions a year, one every two months, that features a personalized, in-depth encounter with an adept practitioner of one of the healing arts.

Inner Life and Outward Attitude Focus of New Healing Arts Web Site, TheCenterForHealing... - 0 views

    Today people are realizing more than ever that one's inner life and outward attitude are connected to one's health -- that our thoughts and attitudes play an important part in our over-all wellbeing. Increasingly, people are looking for alternatives to what mainstream medical models offer.

Yoga's "Swami-ji" Gives Blessing to First Virtual Holistic Health Alternative Medicine ... - 0 views

    The deep need for in-depth experiential holistic heath alternative medicine information by practitioners, the medical community and a population striving for optimal wellness prompted filmmaker and holistic health meditation practitioner Victor Demko to the Himalayas' India/Tibet border area. Demko was able to obtain a rare one-on-one series of interviews with a reclusive Swami who generously gave his blessing to what is now The Center for Healing Arts.

Holistic Health Alternative Medicine Support for Journalists - 0 views

    The Center for Healing Arts is a world wide community of healing arts practitioners and those interested in healing and wellness. Members receive six DVDs a year, one every two months, that features a personalized Now, thanks to The Center for Healing Arts you can experience personal encounters with expert holistic health and alternative health practitioners six times a`year`on DVD - all from the comfort and privacy of your home.
    The Center for Healing Arts is a world wide community of healing arts practitioners and those interested in healing and wellness. Members receive six DVDs a year, one every two months, that features a personalized Now, thanks to The Center for Healing Arts you can experience personal encounters with expert holistic health and alternative health practitioners six times a`year`on DVD - all from the comfort and privacy of your home.

New Holistic Health & Alternative Medicine Website Launches. - 0 views

    Professional Film Director, Producer, Interviewer and Healing Arts Enthusiast Victor Demko has announced the launch of a new Holistic Health website; The Center for Healing Arts ( Healing Arts is for anyone involved in the healing process-for practitioners, students, caregivers, and those having an interest in personal wellness. Subscribers receive six DVD's a year, one every two months, that features a personalized, in-depth encounter with an adept practitioner of one of the healing arts.

Filmmaker Victor Demko has turned his own decade-long passion for the wisdom of the gre... - 0 views

    Demko, a former student of Robert Wise and Ron Howard at the American Film Institute, is the Founder and Director of The Center for Healing Arts. In 2005, he was working on a film about Swami Sundaranand, a Himalayan yogi, ascetic and naturalist when he b
toddy bonbon

腰痛治療ナビ - 0 views

    椎間板ヘルニア,ヘルニア,ギックリ腰,ぎっくり腰,挫骨神経痛,肩こり,四十肩,リウマチ などなど、腰痛や神経痛でお悩みの方必見のサイト!役立つマメ知識から近所の治療院検索まで 幅広
toddy bonbon

腰痛を知るサイト:腰痛辞典 - 0 views

    ぎっくり腰でお悩みの方、ヘルニアで苦しんでいる方,リウマチで苦しんでいる方向けの 腰痛治療のサイト。何処に行けばいいのかわからない。。。そんな人には特にお薦めです! 腰痛,ぎ
toddy bonbon

ギックリ腰を知るサイト:ギックリ腰辞典 - 0 views

    魔女の一撃、ぎっくり腰についての情報サイト。腰痛についての情報はとにかく ここから集めると非常に便利!ぎっくり腰に限らず,椎間板ヘルニア,リウマチ,四十肩など、 腰痛に繋がる
toddy bonbon

四十肩,肩こりなどを知るサイト:肩こり・四十肩辞典 - 0 views

    リウマチ.jpの姉妹サイト。腰痛治療についての情報を網羅しており、四十肩,ぎっくり腰, リウマチ,椎間板ヘルニアなど、その症状についての解説は非常に鋭い。腰痛でお悩みの方が 見に
toddy bonbon

リウマチを知るサイト:リウマチ辞典 - 0 views

    四十肩、リウマチ、ぎっくり腰などでお困りの人向けのサイト。腰痛の原因や痛みの解決方法, またお薦めの治療情報などを網羅している。腰痛のことならここで解決できるはず!
toddy bonbon

椎間板ヘルニアを知るサイト:椎間板ヘルニア辞典 - 0 views

toddy bonbon

坐骨神経痛を知るサイト:坐骨神経痛辞典 - 0 views

toddy bonbon

中学=ぎっくり腰、社会人=ヘルニア,そしてカイロプラクティックへ - 0 views

    ぎっくり腰で腰を壊し、腰痛と仲良くなったらヘルニアをこんにちは。人生腰痛がパートナー となりつつある1人の男の奮闘記。
toddy bonbon

【腰痛,ぎっくり腰,ギックリ腰、ヘルニア】カイロプラクティック.com - 0 views

    ヘルニア治療,腰痛治療,リウマチ,ぎっくり腰に効果が高いとされているカイロプラクティック について取り上げたサイトです。腰痛でお困りの方は是非どうぞ
toddy bonbon

ぎっくり腰を知るサイト:ぎっくり腰辞典 - 0 views

    ぎっくり腰で苦しい思いをしている方に朗報です!!!ぎっくり腰.jpなら貴方の腰にとって 最も適した治療法から、お近くの治療院までご紹介!ぎっくり腰に限らず、ヘルニア,リウマチ,
1 - 19 of 19
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