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chs lions

The Increasingly Irrelevant Desktop OS | ZDNet Future of OS in Clouds - 0 views

  • The future is to have no distinct operating system on your local device (Tablet, Phone, Netbook, Laptop) but have access to operating systems (not that you’ll need one), services and applications via the Cloud.
    Here's the future of Operating systems... in the clouds.
Dallas McPheeters

Our Plastic Brains -- THE Journal - 0 views

  • The brain's capacity to learn, it turns out, is not set by our genes or predetermined in any way--not even by early learning disadvantages.  
    The brain's capacity to learn, it turns out, is not set by our genes or predetermined in any way--not even by early learning disadvantages.
    There is no excuse after all. The brain is able. The question is, do we enable it?
chs lions

Education Week: An Open Letter From Arne Duncan to America's Teachers - 0 views

  • In the next decade, half of America’s teachers are likely to retire. What we do to recruit, train, and retain our new teachers will shape public education in this country for a generation.
    "In the next decade, half of America's teachers are likely to retire. What we do to recruit, train, and retain our new teachers will shape public education in this country for a generation. "
chs lions

Sun's Jonathan Schwartz: The Haiku Resignation Tweet - Tech Trader Daily - - 0 views

    Can YOU carry on a conversation in Haiku?
chs lions

Which Are The Top Eight Global Risks Right Now? - 1 views

  • We have a confluence of events on the world stage at present that carry the seeds of massive turbulence not witnessed in generations.
    Good article explains some top global risks and gives the reader a chance to rank them from greatest to lowest.
    Take the poll in this article by cutting and pasting the order in which you believe the risks should be ranked, from greatest to least risky. Explain your reasons why.
    Student made presentation at:
Dallas McPheeters

The Future Is Co-Mingled Sensation and Co-opted Dreams | Fast Company - 0 views

  • "In the information age, you don't teach philosophy as they did after feudalism. You perform it. If Aristotle were alive today he'd have a talk show.”  - Timothy Leary
  • We are, more and more, outsourcing our minds.
  • Just like the "mind" of the computer used to exist within its hard drive and is now transitioning to the wireless cloud, so too, the human mind used to exist in the brain (our biological hard drive) and is now transitioning and distributing itself to the cloud, Internet, electric network, etc.
    What are your thoughts concerning this take on future trends of outsourcing our mind?
    Take a quick read and comment your reactions. I'm curious what you think.
Dallas McPheeters

Drama Resource - Creative Ideas for Teaching Drama - 0 views

    "Not sure where to start? Maybe you are looking for drama games to add into a session. Perhaps you would like to explore how drama techniques can help you to explore a theme. It could be that you need an idea of how to plan a drama lesson. If so, take a look at our lesson plans for The Gruffalo and World War Two Evacuees. You could use these as they are or adapt them around your own theme. "
Dallas McPheeters

Digital Photography Tutorials - 0 views

    "DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY TUTORIALS - Learn how to take and edit digital photographs using visual tutorials that emphasize concept over procedure, independent of specific digital camera or lens. Topics range from basic camera tips to advanced techniques."
Dallas McPheeters

The findingDulcinea Blog: The Dirty Little Secrets of Search Skills of the Lost Generation - 0 views

    "The Dirty Little Secrets of Search Skills of the Lost Generation The New York Times Website reported today on "The Dirty Little Secrets of Search." It details how J.C. Penney manipulated Google's search results to rank first for search terms such as "dresses" and "bedding." The article follows another NY Times article, "A Bully Finds a Pulpit on the Web," which described how a crooked retailer's Website ranked high in Google for "eyeglasses," because of links from highly critical Web postings. In today's article, Matt Cutts of Google defended his team's efforts to combat search engine spam, noting that "[s]pammers never stop." The article offers data that explains spammers' persistence: on average, 34 percent of Google's traffic goes to the No. 1 result, about twice what goes to No. 2 result. Google cannot reasonably be expected to anticipate or immediately counter every scheme. The solution to this problem is not to shame Google into working harder to fight spam. The solution is education. Internet users must learn how to find information online effectively, so they are not as heavily influenced by the first search results on a single search engine. "
Dallas McPheeters

The Technium: What Technology Wants - 0 views

    "What Technology Wants Your dog wants to go outside. Your cat wants to be scratched. Birds want mates. Worms want moisture. Bacteria want food. The wants of a microscopic single-celled organism are less than the wants of you or me, but all organisms share a few fundamental desires: to survive, to grow. The wants of a protozoan are unconscious, unarticulated, and more like an urge, or even tendency. A bacterium tends to drift toward nutrients with no awareness of its needs. There is no room beneath its membrane for a will as we know it, yet in a dim way it chooses to satisfy its wants by heading one way and not another. Perhaps not much room is needed to want. The astrophysicist Freeman Dyson claims that we should view the smallest known bits of organized matter -- quantum particles - as making choices. For millions of years a particle will exist and then suddenly it decays. Why then? Dyson says that from the individual particle's viewpoint, this moment can only look like a choice, a satisfaction of a want. It is only on the scale of statistics with millions of particles that a particle's choice shapes up as a predictable radiation half-life. But even individual human wants and desires average out to weirdly predictable laws in aggregate. If a little one-celled protozoan - a very small package - can have a choice, if a flea has urges, if a starfish has a bias towards certain things, if a mouse can want, then so can the growing, complexifying technological assemblage we have surrounded ourselves with. Its complexity is approaching the complexity of a microscopic organism. This tissue consists (so far) of billions of dwellings, millions of factories, billions of hectares of land modified by plant and animal breeding, trillion of motors, thousands of dammed rivers and artificial lakes, hundred of millions of automobiles coursing along like cells, a quadrillion computer chips, millions of miles of wire, and it consumes 16 terawatts of power. Read
Dallas McPheeters

How to Crash the Internet - 0 views

    Good article explains the volatility of the web-o-sphere.
andre buccino

relevant magazine - 0 views

    this is a article about what heaven is seen to be from what Jesus said in the bible... check it out!
    God's eternal economy is to make man the same as He is in Life and Nature but not in the Godhead, and to make Himself one with man and man one with Him; thus to be enlarged and expanded in His expression that all His divine attributes may be expressed in Human virtues. Our final destiny is God Himself which transcends mere space/time considerations to which we are accustomed to limit Him. The Church is the reprint of the Spirit. If New Jerusalem is our destiny, note in Revelation that it comes down "out" of heaven from God "to" the Earth. So where do you plan to be? Heaven or Earth? Man seems to want to go to heaven but God seems to want to come to Earth. :-) May the eyes of heart be enlightened to see and to apprehend "with all" the saints, right?
Dallas McPheeters

Federation of American Scientists :: Why Games? - 1 views

    "Why Games? Games Support: Active Learning The best way to define "active learning" is to compare it with passive learning, which has been the traditional mode of teaching for thousands of years. Passive learning is loosely defined as students being the targets of lectures and reading assignments, without, for the most part, taking any direct role in their own learning. Active learning requires the student to engage in dynamic endeavors such as role-playing, debate, and give-and-take discussion with peers. Its purpose is to compel the student to become part of the learning process -- not just the object of lectures or reading material. Games, by their very nature, encourage active learning, as the student becomes the driver of the learning activity itself, instead of being a mere passenger. Experiential Learning Experiential learning is sometimes described as "learning by doing." Long understood as one of the best modes of learning, until recently, it has also been one of the most expensive, and possibly most dangerous, as on the job training can sometimes have disastrous results. The military and civilian flight schools In particular, but not exclusively) have long know that experiential learning through games or simulators can convey genuine, practical skills to raw students, and gradually, this concept has been taking root in the corporate world and in conventional schools. Computer games, when well-crafted, can give a student the look, feel, and decision-making challenges of the real world, and in doing so, can help them be better-prepared for the real-world arenas in which they have been trained. Problem-based Learning Problem-based learning, an academic cousin to active learning, encourages progress in students by presenting them with a series of problems which must be solved, prior to the student advancing to the next step of his or her learning or training. In games, such problems are typically known as "scenarios," "missions," or "levels," bu
Dallas McPheeters

Navy Training Exercise (NTE) Strike & Retrieve Installer for PC Download at GameSpot - 0 views

    Download this Navy simulation game
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    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
    Download this Navy simulation game
Dallas McPheeters

Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies : et3 Network : Space Travel on Earth™ - 0 views

    How we could travel over land in the future, up to 4000 mph! Colorado Mines students working on this project.
Emily Heiner

Leaderboard - 0 views

    Create online leaderboards
    Hmm... seems to create banners but not leaderboards. Not sure why they use that word other than to get hits from searches?? Let's keep looking. Thanks for trying!!
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