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Janet Hale

Education Week: Common [Core] Standards Judged Better Than Most States' - 12 views

  • For the Fordham Institute analysis, teams of reviewers analyzed sets of academic-content standards, as well as supplemental materials such as curriculum frameworks, from all 50 states. They then compared these to the CCSSI standards.
  • Mr. Finn acknowledged that the Fordham group’s review, like any review of standards, involves judgment calls about what students should know and be able to do. Its reviewers gave more points for highly specific standards focused on content rather than metacognitive “strategies” or skills, and for standards that are clear, well organized, and easy for teachers, students, and curriculum developers to use.
    "The common academic-content standards that dozens of states are now adopting are better overall than 33 individual states' standards, according to an analysis released today by a Washington research-and-advocacy group." Provides a REPORT CARD for each state's standards in comparison to the ELA and Math CCSS.
Janet Hale

Global Competence Matrix Heidi Hayes Jacobs invovlement - 3 views

    "Teaching and assessing student work that addresses issues of global significance - around the world or in students' own backyards - are essential to a world-class education system. The global marketplace is real, and today's schools must prepare students to participate, interact, and thrive in it. The more our students know about recognizing the challenges and opportunities of an interconnected world, the better they will be able to work in it and improve it. Our students' well-being, the vitality of our communities, and the welfare of our nation depend on it."
Janet Hale

Educational Leadership:Strong Readers All:Summarize to Get the Gist - 2 views

    "The 10 percent summary strategy costs little in teacher time, and it prepares students for the common core state standards in literacy." Excellent article for sumarization.
Janet Hale

AZ Academic Standards: Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level - 2 views

    "This 2009 Educational Technology Standard replaces the Educational Technology Standard from 2000. Schools should use the 2009/10 school year as a transition year, with full implementation by the 2010/2011 school year."
Janet Hale

CCSS Math Connections ... Surprises in Mind Video - 2 views

    "A video documentary on learning mathematics for K-8 teachers and administrators; 1 one-hour video program Many people - in and out of school - find mathematics frustrating, difficult, even impossible. This documentary uncovers a surprise: Mathematical creativity - expressed in art, architecture, and music and valued by industry - is built into the brain and can flourish under the right conditions. A remarkable 12-year study following students from first grade through high school demonstrates the brain's surprising natural abilities for learning math. The study, led by Professor Carolyn Maher of Rutgers University, brought results that are corroborated by new research from leading cognitive psychologists. Discover ways to unlock this natural human gift for mathematics in classrooms, workplaces, and homes. "
Janet Hale

Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers | - 1 views

    "wenty-five states have joined together to create the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC or Partnership). The goal is to create an assessment system and supporting tools that will help states dramatically increase the number of students who graduate high school ready for college and careers and provide students, parents, teachers and policymakers with the tools they need to help students - from grade three through high school - stay on track to graduate prepared. The Partnership will also develop formative tools for grades K-2."
Janet Hale

CCSS_Assessment Shifts Handout - 1 views

    Handouts Notes from ASCD Presentation on Assessments Shifts Presented by Susan M. Brookhart Presented April 3, 2012.
Janet Hale

SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium Official Web Site - 1 views

    "Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium - Smarter Balanced is a state-led consortium developing assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts/literacy and mathematics that are designed to help prepare all students to graduate high school college- and career-ready."
Janet Hale

On the Road to Implementation | - 1 views

    "Achieve's "On the Road to Implementation: Achieving the Promise of the Common Core State Standards" seeks to identify the key areas that state policymakers will need to consider to implement the new standards with fidelity. "
Janet Hale

Indiana Video CCSS for Grades 6-12 ELA Overview - 1 views

    "Understanding the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects"
Janet Hale

Making the Transition to CCSS: ELA and Literacy Video Series - 1 views

    "About the Mini-series This video mini-series has been designed to provide an efficient pathway for understanding and implementing the most significant shifts in English language arts and literacy instruction. Ranging from seven to ten minutes in length, each video tackles one important topic and then provides tools that educators can begin using in their classrooms immediately. The order in which the videos are watched is not critical, so please feel free to start with the one that seems the most intriguing."
Janet Hale

ELA_Learning Progressions Framework 12/2011 - 1 views

    Karin Hess Learning Progressions Designed for Use with the CCSS ELA
Janet Hale

Indiana DOE Common Core State Standards Information and Resources - 1 views

    Ongoing presentations, information, and updates for Indiana on the implementation of the Common core State Standards
Janet Hale

Indiana Common Core State Standards and Curriculum Mapping - 1 views

    "Listen to Dr. Schauna Findlay, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, describe the forthcoming Common Core State Standards and the state's plan for adopting these standards and developing curriculum maps for teachers to help in the transition from our current Indiana Standards to the new Common Core State Standards. "
Janet Hale

DEFINE ALGEBRA PP by Eric Milou - 0 views

    Slides make great points that summarize needs to consider for CCSSM
Janet Hale

Next Generation Science Standards DRAFT - 0 views

    "Next Generation Science Standards for Today's Students and Tomorrow's Workforce: Through a collaborative, state-led process managed by Achieve, new K-12 science standards are being developed that will be rich in content and practice, arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education. The NGSS will be based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council."
Janet Hale

Common-Standards Supports for Teachers Eyed - Teacher Beat - Education Week - 0 views

    "Five states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards are beginning work on an initiative to create an open-source "platform" that would help teachers access, download, and create resources tied to the common standards, officials from the Council of Chief State School Officers told us today."
Janet Hale

Education Week: Give the Standards Back to Teachers - 0 views

    "A standard is a statement that can be used to judge the quality of a mathematics curriculum or methods of evaluation. Thus, standards are statements about what is valued. -From 1989 standards released by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics "
Janet Hale

First Known Use Of OMG In Letter To Winston Churchill (PHOTO) - 0 views

    "From the looks of this, Lord Fisher may have been the world's first teenage girl. Did he ever meet a sentence he couldn't end in an exclamation point? In addition to representing the first-known use of the phrase "O.M.G.", this 1917 letter from Lord Fisher to Winston Churchill has given us a new favorite catch phrase: Shower it on the Admirality!! (We think it means go on with your bad self.)"
Janet Hale

5 Top Resources for Aligning Your Social Studies Curricula to the Common Core - Fleming... - 0 views

    "Social studies supervisors and teachers across the country are revising their unit plans to meet their state's content standards, as well as, the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History and Social Studies. Simultaneously, many states are implementing new evaluation and observation frameworks. The performance ratings employed by the most popular evaluation models encourage a shift away from teacher-led direct instruction to more student-centered activities incorporating inquiry and synthesis. In social studies, primary source document analysis goes hand in hand with the 9-12 Common Core reading and writing standards. Here are five top resources to align your curricula to the Common Core with student driven lessons. "
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