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Hector Rivas

Collins - Infrastructure Management for Engineers - 0 views

    "Collins exists to drive infrastructure automation. Someone recently asked me to describe collins in a sentence. At Tumblr, it's the infrastructure source of truth and knowledge. Everything about Tumblr production environments is stored and encoded in Collins, and that data is used to drive all of our automation. Sometimes people refer to systems like this as a CMDB, or Configuration Management DataBase. Collins started as a system to manage all of the physical servers, switches, racks, etc in Tumblr production environments. As we started to inventory hardware, IP addresses, software, and so on, we found the API and data gave us an excellent way to drive automation processes. Today Collins can do push button cluster (HBase, Hadoop, web, etc) deployment, drive configuration generation when hardware cluster topologies change, drive infrastructure updates when software configuration changes, and help manage software deploys. Because of the loosely coupled design of Collins, consistently applied conventions are a system requirement. This document serves as a guide to those conventions as well as the basic core concepts of the collins system. If you're just interested in the basic howto or screenshots, click here."
Hector Rivas

Home · sileht/razor-wiki Wiki - 0 views

    "Razor is an advanced provisioning application which can deploy both bare-metal and virtual systems. It's aimed at solving the problem of how to bring new metal into a state where your existing DevOps/configuration management workflows can take it over. Newly added machines in a Razor deployment will PXE-boot from a special microkernel image, then check in, provide Razor with inventory information, and wait for further instructions. Razor will consult user-created policy rules to choose which preconfigured model to apply to a new node, which will begin to follow the model's directions, giving feedback to Razor as it completes various steps. Models can include a handoff to a configuration management system or to another system capable of controlling the node (such as a vCenter server taking possession of ESX systems)."
Hector Rivas

Architecture - Flynn - 0 views

  • at a certain scale an abstraction becomes necessary to let developers and operators focus on generic “computation jobs” instead of managing and configuring hosts and their processes.
  • Systems with a scheduler at their core use the scheduler to run everything. It is the interface to the resources of the cluster.
  • A scheduling system
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • consistent way to intelligently place tasks based on cluster resources and whatever other policies are required for that type of task
    Description of the architecture of the Docker based PaaS Flynn. Interesting mention to scheduler, etc.
Josef Hoerandtner

Setting up a ruby development VM with Vagrant, Chef, and rbenv - 0 views

    Even Thoughtworks Chief Scientist spends much more time on automatiing quite simple things with Chef. Not really new stuff for us, but still an interesting read.
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