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Terri Schoone

Edcanvas - 0 views

    Edcanvas is a cool web tool that allows teachers to create multimedia rich lessons and share them with their students. These lessons can include YouTube videos, slides, files, text, and images which you can download either from the web or use the ones you have in your computer
Terri Schoone - 0 views

Janice Poston

Free Technology for Teachers: Watch2Gether - Watch and Discuss Videos Online - 0 views

    Watch2gether is a neat site through which you can watch YouTube videos and host text chats about them at the same time. I've written about the service in the past, but it just got a facelift so I'd like to point it out again. It is really quite easy to use Watch2gether.
Terri Schoone

Wordle - word cloud generator - 0 views

    Create word cloud graphics containing lists of words, vocabulary, or names, or generate a word cloud from a popular text. It is recommended that you create the list of word in a word processor (Word) so you can save the list (in case you wish to edit and regenerate the word cloud later). Copy and paste the list into Wordle and have fun generating just the right combination for the right effect. The more often a word is listed the bigger it will be in the cloud. Using a ~ between words identifies it as a phrase and will keep the words together in the cloud.
Hannah Stucker

tagxedo - 0 views

    Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text. The following are a few examples to show the versatility of Tagxedo, especially how tightly the words hug the shapes.
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