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Martha Ezell

Upload videos - YouTube Help - 0 views

    "instructions to upload your videos from a computer or from a mobile device."
Martha Ezell

Google Classroom Video Series by - YouTube - 0 views

    google Classrooom intro tutorials

Camtasia for Mac Editing Basics: Dimensions - YouTube - 1 views

Martha Ezell

3 Ways to Reduce Video Size - wikiHow - 0 views

  • A file size that is very large will virtually prevent the video from being usable. It won't be permitted for uploading to sites like YouTube; it will be too large to email; and it will slow download times if hosted on a website. Reducing a video's file size is a crucial step if you want to share your video online.
    Follow the steps below to learn how to reduce video size for either Windows or Mac.
Martha Ezell

Video Space Calculator - Digital Rebellion - 1 views

    an indication of the amount of space a given video format will take up on disk
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