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adie afton

Boundary Value Analysis - 0 views

    Every software testers read first Boundary Value Analysis
adie afton

Equivalence Partitioning - 0 views

    software testers should read Equivalence class guidelines
adie afton

Black box testing - with user involvement - 0 views

    Black box testing - with user involvement on software why?
adie afton

Black box testing - 0 views

    Black Box Testing is testing without knowledge of the internal workings of the item being tested.
adie afton

The Testing Techniques - 0 views

    To perform these types of testing, there are two widely used testing techniques.
adie afton

Widely employed Types of Testing - 0 views

    Please read brief definitions on the widely employed types of testing.
adie afton

Broad Categories of Testing - 0 views

    Based on the V-Model mentioned above, we see that there are two categories of testing activities that can be done on software
adie afton

Orthogonal Array Testing - 0 views

    Black-box technique that enables the design of a reasonably small set of test cases that provide maximum test coverage
adie afton

Comparison Testing - 0 views

    Black-box testing for safety critical systems in which independently developed implementations of redundant systems are tested for conformance to specifications
adie afton

The Testing process and the Software Testing Life Cycle - 0 views

    Every testing project has to follow the waterfall model of the testing process.
adie afton

Evolution of the Software Testing discipline - 0 views

    The effective functioning of modern systems depends on our ability to produce software in a cost-effective way.
adie afton

Who will benefit? - 0 views

    Beginners. For those of you who wish to mould your theoretical software engineering knowledge into practical approach to working in the real world.
adie afton

Software Testers for Beginners - 0 views

    Beginners Guide To Software Testing introduces a practical approach to testing software.
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