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adie afton

What is IDEAL model used for in software testing? - 0 views

    IDEAL is testing stands for Initiating , Diagnosing , Establishing , Acting , Learning .It is basically a process improvement method . Here as the Acronym for IDEAL suggests it initiate an idea for process improvement then go for analyzing and then planning for the deployment . It is deployed to the process and then the feedback we get is used as the lesson . It used in agile testing mostly. Agile technology or incremental model is the ideal model of software testing. We need to follow plan, kick off, testing, reporting bugs. In this model all the requirements are divided into small small development program and done. If we test them. We can detect bugs early

Emerging Trends In Software Testing To Look For - 1 views

    Competitive pressure and constant evolution keep improving the standards of quality assurance. Here are a few emerging trends in software testing to look for. Test Automation: Test automation is a big factor in improving efficiency of software.
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