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Ivan Tishchenko

The Case Against Minimalism | NetObjectives - 0 views

    Discusses principles behind Kanban vs. Scrum. States that Kanban is built on principles (which is good), and Scrum is built on practices (not that good).
    Discusses principles behind Kanban vs. Scrum. States that Kanban is built on principles (which is good), and Scrum is built on practices (not that good).
Ivan Tishchenko

InfoQ: Kanban Applied to Software Development: from Agile to Lean - 0 views

    Deeper analysis of Kanban applicability to Software. Lots of interesting details on the origin (Toyota production). Provides several possible models of Kanban for Software. Good references list.
    Deeper analysis of Kanban applicability to Software. Lots of interesting details on the origin (Toyota production). Provides several possible models of Kanban for Software. Good references list.
Ivan Tishchenko

What is Best, Scrum or Kanban? - 0 views

    Another article on Scrum vs Kanban. Has a very good high-level descriptions of both Kanban and Scrum, and then gives pros and cons for each of them.
Ivan Tishchenko

The Real Differences between Kanban and Scrum | NetObjectives - 0 views

    A very good summary on the Kanban. Highlights Kanban strong sides. Comparison to Scrum.
    A very good summary on the Kanban. Highlights Kanban strong sides. Comparison to Scrum.
Ivan Tishchenko

How to Write a Project Charter - Part - PM Hut - 0 views

    Short but useful article with good template of project charter.
Ivan Tishchenko

How to run a brainstorming meeting - - 0 views

    Detailed and well-thought-thru article on brainstorming. But, as I see it, it is only author's opinion on the effective brainstorms. I have seen/participated/led brainstorms which violated some of the rules he proposed, and they still provided good value outcome.
Ivan Tishchenko

Painless Functional Specifications - Part 1: Why Bother? - Joel on Software - 0 views

    An example, a good one, and a guide, on how to write useful functional specifications. Useful and fun.
Ivan Tishchenko

Gaperton's blog - Такие разные отчеты - 0 views

    (Russian article) Gives an overview of how one can use regular reports (like weekly reports) "for good" and "for bad".
Ivan Tishchenko

Gaperton's blog - ГОСТ-овский стиль управления - 0 views

    Статья про то, как можно эффективно построить управление IT-проектом по ГОСТ.
    (Russian article) Explains basics of how the project management & documentation was done according to USSR standards.
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