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Automation testing Checklist - 0 views

    With our automation testing checklist, the testing team/test manager can monitor the automation testing activities and ensure their precision. From defining the requirements, strategies, and use cases to performing tool evaluation, creating test scripts, and more, our checklist will guide you throughout the process of automation testing.

How Build Verification Test or BVT is performed? - 0 views

    Build Verification Test (BVT) is a set of tests that is executed on every new software build to assess and verify its readiness to face off & undergo through more thorough & rigorous testing procedures. Few of its important features are: Executed on every new build. Test cases are of shorter duration Automation is preferred to execute BVT cases

The Economic Argument For Test Automation - 0 views

    "If you automate a mess, you get an automated mess." (Rod Michael) Virtually all software development projects today contain an element of test automation. If an initiative is not already underway chances are there is one under consideration. The software engineering groups are generally convinced of the benefits - greater test coverage achieved faster being the most apparent.

What is Parallel Testing? - 0 views

    Software testing time can be reduced with the assistance of parallel testing. So, learn about it today and verify the compatibility of the newly developed system while testing the application or its various components concurrently.

Process Cycle Test - 0 views

    A process cycle test is a black box test design technique, used to design test cases suitable for the execution of the business scenario and process. It is used to evaluate the suitability trait of the system with the organization and the automated information system, .
qualitypoint Tech

Framework in QTP |QualityPoint Technologies - 0 views

    I have written below reply for a question asked about "Framework in QTP" in our QTP knol The below link may help to get some idea about Keyword driven testing. In case of keyword driven testing, we need to do proper planning and initial huge effort. Anyway it will give benefit of easy maintenance and easily adding more test cases/scenarios.
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