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Contents contributed and discussions participated by mira ahmad

mira ahmad

Apathy in the face of catastrophe is unacceptable | The Sheaf - 2 views

  • illions are living without even the basic necessities. We have to do something, right? Well, apparently not.
    • mira ahmad
      Yes. We believe that teens are ignorant because of apathy.
    This article goes beyond the main theme of my project. Instead of being about ignorance, it's about apathy. It links apathy with catastrophic events. It explains that in many natural disasters, Canada does incredible things, but when it came to the floods in Pakistan that injured or displaced over 21 million people, the public reaction was underwhelming.
mira ahmad

Youtube video-Miss USA is unaware - 0 views

shared by mira ahmad on 07 Oct 10 - No Cached
    This video is an example of Miss USA answering a question.
    This video is important because she was chosen to become miss USA by the american population... I thought that it was a good example because it shows how she can't even formulate an answer that makes sense. What she says has nothing to do with the question...
mira ahmad

Ignorance, Apathy and Greed - 0 views

  • Many people are apathetic about a social problem because they are not informed.
  • When we dig down through all the layers to the roots of the causes, we find three fundamental causes of social problems: ignorance, apathy, and greed.
    • mira ahmad
      The author is concluding that most social problems can be linked to the three main issues that people have: ignorance, apathy and greed.
  • greed, apathy, and ignorance are all related.
    • mira ahmad
      Ignorance, apathy and greed are all social issues that lead to the main fundamental issues that go on in today's world (Violence, crime, war, global warming, etc.) They all relate to eachother and are linked within, as explained in this paragraph.
    • mira ahmad
      Yes, because by using our moral imagination we can find creative and different ways to do the right thing. Also, being aware allows us to understand the importance of some issues going on.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Greed depends on the absence of sympathy, and it benefits from ignorance about a social problem. Apathy can be reduced if there is less ignorance and less greed. Ignorance is reinforced by apathy, since apathetic folks don't care to obtain the knowledge which would reduce their apathy. Greed exploits the ignorance of the majority who do not have sufficient sympathy to counter the greedy faction.
  • Greed
  • Uttering a slogan does no good unless it arouses sympathy.
    This site is an editorial called: The progress report. Its written by an editor named Fred E. Foldvary. This was really interesting because the author mentioned 3 main problems and what they lead to. He spoke al lot about ignorance, which is exactly what my project is about, and the consequences of ignorance.
mira ahmad

The Apathetic New Generation - CBS News - 2 views

  • We can't let apathy and ignorance become the status quo
    • mira ahmad
      What this quote signifies is that we can't let ignorance and apathy be a reason for people not to make a difference. We need to change what's going on and make people realize the importance of several fundamental issues going on in today's world.
  • The report found that younger people "do not understand the ideals of citizenship, they are disengaged from the political process, they lack the knowledge necessary for effective self-government, and their appreciation and support of American democracy is limited."
    • mira ahmad
      Younger people don't know what's going on politically. When it comes time to vote, they won't be able to make their own decisions; they will most likely be lead to follow something that they don't truly understand.
    • mira ahmad
      No, I do not think that it's the only knowledge that they lack. I was just giving an example. There are elements of corruption, but our society is always looking for change. I think that if people are really passionate, that their efforts will be worth while.
  • The baby boomers, the World War II generation and our schools have failed to teach the ideals of citizenship to young people."
    This article is useful for my project because it states facts and shows statistics that really show how younger people are unaware and apathetic towards issues that revolve around their own government. It helps us make our hypothesis of teen awareness more thorough.
mira ahmad

Survey Finds Teenagers Ignorant on Basic History and Literature Questions - 1 views

    Surveys that show teen ignorance regarding basic history and literature.
mira ahmad

Influential Marketing Blog: and Teens Changing the World - 2 views

  • The younger generation, in particular, has been very vocal in their crusades against injustices of many kinds.  This is a different kind of social networking - all about having a voice in something that matters, and using it.
  • " With more efforts like Youth Noise - hopefully teens will continue to find their voice on issues that matter to them.  There are already signs these voices getting stronger. 
    This blog is small, but and I thought that it showed how involved some teens are and how much effort they put towards the issues that they are passionate about. Instead of always speaking about those who are ignorant and apathetic, I wanted to show how some teenagers have made a different by doing small things.
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