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al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Data Collection by the People, for the People - 1 views

    Data Collection by the People, for the People is a CHI 2011 workshop to explore data from the crowd, bringing together mobile crowdsourcing & participatory urbanism researchers with data analysis and visualization researchers.
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Unhosted: separating web apps from data storage - 0 views

    "The web is not as open as it used to be: monopoly platforms formed new proprietary layers on top of it. But we create a better architecture for the web. We break the package deal »you get our app, we get your data« with remoteStorage, a cross-origin data storage protocol separating application servers from data storage."
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

FinalReport - Social Web XG Wiki - 0 views

  • One key to make ordinary users take advantage of a decentralized Social Web is to build identity and portability into the browser and other devices.
    • al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif
      هذه ملاحظة مهمة
  • Define mappings between existing data-formats for profiles on a semantic level, making sure that a common core is available in a consistent manner across various syntactic serializations.
  • Investigate how identity can become a central part of the Web
    • al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif
      هناك نقطة أساسية ملاحظة، وهي التمحور حول المستخدم بدل التمحور حول التطبيقات، وهو الوضع الحالي للوب
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • mobile users spending more minutes per day on social networking sites than the average PC user
    • al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif
      تأثير الأجهزة المحمولة يجب أن يدرس بشكل حاسم
  • Users seem attracted to mobile device access because they can consult with friends and quickly make decisions while remaining mobile, allowing users to use applications in a context such as the live-tracking of buses
  • As more and more of Web usage goes mobile and data access speeds increase, one can expect the difference in capabilities between the Web and the mobile Web to diminish
  • Tim Berners-Lee proposed Socially Aware Cloud Computing, where he illustrated how the technologies required to have a decentralized socially aware Web were available and how it is but a matter of engineering to realize this forward
    • al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif
      هناك علاقة وثيقة بين الوب الاجتماعي والحوسبة السحابية. فإذا أردنا أن يتجه الوب الاجتماعي إلى اللامركزية، فهذا سيعني أننا سنتخلص من التمركز حول التطبيق إلى التمركز حول المستخدم، وهذا يعني بالضرورة الحوسبة السحابية
    This document is the final report of the W3C Social Web Incubator Group. This report presents systems and technologies that are working towards enabling a Social Web, and is followed by a strategy for standardizing this work in order to ensure the Social Web is open, decentralized, and royalty-free.
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Decentralized Online Social Networks - 0 views

    Some interesting materials from Sands Research Group
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Socially aware cloud storage - Design Issues - 0 views

    "There is an architecture in which a few existing or Web protocols are gathered together with some glue to make a world wide system in which applications (desktop or Web Application) can work on top of a layer of commodity read-write storage. Crucial design issues are that principals (users) and groups are identifies by URIs, and so are global in scope, and that elements of storage are access controlled using those global identifiers. The result is that storage becomes a commodity, independent of the application running on it."
    هذه المقالة مهمة جداً
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif - Share and remix data using open standards - 0 views

    Data portability enables a borderless experience, where people can move easily between network services, reusing data they provide while controlling their privacy and respecting the privacy of others.
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Brad's Thoughts on the Social Graph - 0 views

    I've been thinking a lot about the social graph for awhile now: aggregating the graph, decentralization, social network portability, etc.
    مقالة مهمة جداً
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

The New Social Web Project - Information Center - 0 views

    " On this page we are working on organizing information and links to create a useful reference source for people learning about the social web. Feel free to add links and explanations. You can also copy stuff over from here. If you have suggestions for improving the organization of the page please comment on the discussion page."
    هذه مجموعة متميزة من الروابط، وهي مشابهة للعمل الذي نقوم به
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Design Issues for the World Wide Web - 0 views

    These statements of architectural principle explain the thinking behind the specifications. These are personal notes by Tim Berners-Lee: they are not endorsed by W3C. They are aimed at the technical community, to explain reasons, provide a framework to provide consistency for for future developments, and avoid repetition of discussions once resolved.
    هذه الصفحة تتضمن ثروة معرفية هائلة جداً
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Pinax - 0 views

    Pinax has been used for everything from social networks to conference websites, and from intranets to online games.
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

SocialWebFrameworks - Social Web XG Wiki - 0 views

    Its main purpose was to elicit open discussion towards common understanding of the Social Web Architecture. It offers terminology and possible solutions for one or more identity, profile and social graph management challenges through a Social Web architecture/system of frameworks
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Component-based software engineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "UML 2.0"
    هذه مهمة جداً، وأظن أن الألة الاجتماعية ستكون من هذا النمط البرمجي
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Component Object Model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    هذه أحد الأفكار التي تسمح بالتواصل بين العديد من لغات البرمجة بعزل واجهات الكائنات عن اللغة
    طبعاً هذه الفكرة بديلة عن فكرة البرمجة كائنية التوجه
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Microkernel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    أظن ان هذا النموذج هو الأنسب من أجل إنشاء الآلة الاجتماعية. فمن المستحيل أن نقوم بإنشاء نظام monolethic متكامل
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Rails::Engine - 0 views

    "Rails::Engine allows you to wrap a specific Rails application or subset of functionality and share it with other applications. Since Rails 3.0, every Rails::Application is just an engine, which allows for simple feature and application sharing."
    هذه تتشابه كثيراً مع فكرة محمد في الأجهزة الاجتماعية social devices
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

A Guide To Starting Your Own Rails Engine Gem - Smashing Coding | Smashing Coding - 0 views

    "A Rails engine is a prepackaged application that is able to be run or mounted within another Rails application."
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

ownCloud web services under your control - 0 views

    ownCloud gives you universal access to your files through a web interface or WebDAV. It also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web.
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

VOS: OpenLink Data Spaces - 0 views

    "A named structured data cluster within a distributed data network where each item of data (each "datum") has a unique identifier. "
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Lorea - 0 views

    Lorea is a project to create secure social cybernetic systems, in which human networks will become simultaneusly represented on a virtual shared world.
al-Amjad Tawfiq Isstaif

Workflow Software, BPM Software And Web Application Builder - 0 views

    "Iceberg is Workflow Software and Application Building combined"
    هو عبارة عن نمذجة جزء معين من الآلة الاجتماعية يستحق الدراسة
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