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Gary Edwards

American Thinker: The Productive Class and the American Aristocracy - 1 views

  • the ruling class and the country party.
  • In his excellent American Spectator article on "America's Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution," Angelo Codevilla calls these two antagonistic and irreconcilable groups
  • the progressive aristocracy and the productive class.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • they are more than just political movements and are in fact separate cultures.
  • The culture of the progressive aristocracy is devoted to statism, whereas the productive class tends to hold classical liberal values.
  • the American leaders of the past, who came from truly diverse backgrounds and held a variety of beliefs while accepting the nation's founding values.
  • progressive aristocracy is based on commitment to a set of ideas. Foremost among these is hostility toward Christianity
  • Accountability and personal responsibility -- the sine qua non of liberty and of the American experiment -- are kryptonite to the ruling class.
    As the hostilities between the current government and the Tea Party movement have become increasingly rancorous, the division of American society into two cultures holding thoroughly incompatible worldviews has become obvious. In fact, the two forces are clearly on an unavoidable collision course. Although many people may understandably be most interested in knowing which side will prevail, I think an equally important and troubling question is precisely by what means the matter will be resolved. Will reason prevail and the people in power either have their agenda confirmed or step aside gracefully? Or will there be intransigence, increasing conflict, and even violence? I do not believe that the answer to that question is by any means obvious. In his excellent American Spectator article on "America's Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution," Angelo Codevilla calls these two antagonistic and irreconcilable groups the ruling class and the country party. Although I agree with Codevilla's outline of the two groups, I prefer to characterize them as the progressive aristocracy and the productive class. In fact, I think that it's vitally important for those in the productive class to understand that what Codevilla calls the ruling party is an aristocracy, albeit a corrupt one. Differences in nomenclature notwithstanding, Codevilla's article is particularly useful in its lengthy descriptions of the two parties to the conflict, for they are more than just political movements and are in fact separate cultures. The culture of the progressive aristocracy is devoted to statism, whereas the productive class tends to hold classical liberal values.
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