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Paul Merrell

US tested biological weapons in Japan's Okinawa in the 60s - report - RT News - 0 views

  • The American army conducted experiments with biological weapons aimed at destroying rice crops on the Japanese island of Okinawa in the 60s, Kyodo news agency reports. The alleged target of the tests was the China and Southeast Asia region. Citing classified US documents, Japanese news agency Kyodo said the US military carried out experiments on their sovereign territory between 1961 and 1962. At this time Japan’s southern island of Okinawa was still under post-WWII, US jurisdiction. The US did similar tests in Taiwan and the American mainland, notes Kyodo.
  • "Field tests for stem rust of wheat and rice blast disease were begun at several sites in the (US) Midwest and south and in Okinawa with partial success in the accumulation of useful data," wrote Kyodo, citing its documents.
    • Paul Merrell
      This is only the latest disclosure of prior outrageous and criminal government behavior that was enabled only by unjustifiable government secrecy. Secrecy defeats accountability and is thus fundamentally anti-democratic, granting the government license to misbehave. 
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