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Akmal Yousuf

Fix Microsoft Office Something Went Wrong Errors in Windows 10 - - 0 views

  • Blogs: MS Office 2013 was the Microsoft Office version released in 2012 and was more popular than the Office 2010 version. Later Microsoft released Office 365 and the latest Microsoft Office 2016 for the Windows users. Even though, these tools either come pre-installed with Windows OS or the users have to purchase them online, Office has been the most popular Office suite until now. There is no other Office suite available as of now which can take the crown from Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office 2007 - 2010 - 2013 and the Office 2016 didn't have any major errors, but a minor yet frustrating Office error is "Something went wrong error" in Office 2013 and 2016. The "Something went wrong" error is common among Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016 users, but the fix for them may vary depending on the problem. Therefore, in today's post, I will show you how to fix something went wrong errors in Office 2013 - 2016. Fix Something Went Wrong Errors in Office 2013 - 2016 - 365 in Windows 10 - FIX SOMETHING WENT WRONG ERRORS IN OFFICE 2013/2016 Note: This guide is written for Windows 10 users. But, you can try these fixes on Windows 7, 8 and Windows 8.1 running machines as well. As I said earlier; the "Something went wrong error in Office 2013" may occur due to several reasons and at a different point. Some users face the "something went wrong error" while installing Office 2013 or the Office 2016, but some may come across this error while restarting Microsoft Office. There are other few reasons and fixes for them that I will discuss later in the article. Advertisement So, if you are facing the "Something went wrong error" in Office 2013 or Office 2016 then make sure you read the error description before proceeding with the fixes. Click on any of these something went wrong error link to jump to the fix section. Fix something went Wrong Error 1058-13 Fix Something Went Wrong Error While Installing Office
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Managing Slides - Office Setup Help - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: As you add more slides to a presentation, it can be difficult to keep everything organized. Fortunately, PowerPoint offers tools to help you organize and prepare your slide show. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about managing slides in PowerPoint. ABOUT SLIDE VIEWS PowerPoint includes several different slide views, which are all useful for various tasks. The slide view commands are located in the bottom-right of the PowerPoint window. There are four main slide views. The different slide view commands - Normal view: This is the default view, where you create and edit slides. You can also move slides in the Slide Navigation pane on the left. Normal View - Slide sorter view: In this view, you'll see a thumbnail version of each slide. You can drag and drop slides to reorder them quickly. Slide Sorter - Reading view: This view fills the PowerPoint window with a preview of your presentation. It includes easily accessible navigation buttons at the bottom-right. Reading View - Slide show view: This is the view you'll use to present to an audience. This command will begin the presentation from the current slide. You can also press F5 on your keyboard to start from the beginning. A menu will appear in the bottom-left corner when you move the mouse. These commands allow you to navigate through the slides and access other features, such as the pen and highlighter. Playing a slide show - OUTLINE VIEW Outline view shows your slide text in outline form. This allows you to quickly edit your slide text and view the content of multiple slides at once. You could use this layout to review the organization of your slide show and prepare to deliver your presentation. TO VIEW AN OUTLINE: From the View tab, click the Outline View command. Clicking the Outline V
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Managing Slides - Office Setup Help - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: As you add more slides to a presentation, it can be difficult to keep everything organized. Fortunately, PowerPoint offers tools to help you organize and prepare your slide show. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about managing slides in PowerPoint. ABOUT SLIDE VIEWS PowerPoint includes several different slide views, which are all useful for various tasks. The slide view commands are located in the bottom-right of the PowerPoint window. There are four main slide views. The different slide view commands - Normal view: This is the default view, where you create and edit slides. You can also move slides in the Slide Navigation pane on the left. Normal View - Slide sorter view: In this view, you'll see a thumbnail version of each slide. You can drag and drop slides to reorder them quickly. Slide Sorter - Reading view: This view fills the PowerPoint window with a preview of your presentation. It includes easily accessible navigation buttons at the bottom-right. Reading View - Slide show view: This is the view you'll use to present to an audience. This command will begin the presentation from the current slide. You can also press F5 on your keyboard to start from the beginning. A menu will appear in the bottom-left corner when you move the mouse. These commands allow you to navigate through the slides and access other features, such as the pen and highlighter. Playing a slide show - OUTLINE VIEW Outline view shows your slide text in outline form. This allows you to quickly edit your slide text and view the content of multiple slides at once. You could use this layout to review the organization of your slide show and prepare to deliver your presentation. TO VIEW AN OUTLINE: From the View tab, click the Outline View command. Clicking the Outline
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Hyperlinks - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Whenever you use the Internet, you use hyperlinks to navigate from one webpage to another. If you want to include a web address or email address in your PowerPoint presentation, you can choose to format it as a hyperlink so a person can easily click it. It's also possible to link to files and other slides within a presentation. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about inserting hyperlinks in PowerPoint. ABOUT HYPERLINKS Hyperlinks have two basic parts: the address of the webpage, email address, or other location they are linking to, and the display text (which can also be a picture or a shape). For example, the address could be, and YouTube could be the display text. In some cases, the display text might be the same as the address. When you're creating a hyperlink in PowerPoint, you'll be able to choose both the address and the display text or image. TO INSERT A HYPERLINK: Select the image or text you want to make a hyperlink. Right-click the selected text or image, then click Hyperlink. Alternatively, you can go to the Insert tab and click the Hyperlink command. - The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will open. - If you selected text, the words will appear in the Text to display field at the top. You can change this text if you want. Type the address you want to link to in the Address field. Click OK. The text or image you selected will now be a hyperlink to the web address. - TO INSERT A HYPERLINK TO AN EMAIL ADDRESS: Right-click the selected text or image, then click Hyperlink. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will open. On the left side of the dialog box, click Email Address. - Type the email address you want to connect to in the Email Address box, then click OK. - PowerPoint often recognizes email and web addresses as you type and will format them as hyperlin
Akmal Yousuf

Word 2016: Indents and Tabs - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Indenting text adds structure to your document by allowing you to separate information. Whether you'd like to move a single line or an entire paragraph, you can use the tab selector and the horizontal ruler to set tabs and indents. Optional: Download our practice document. Watch the video below to learn more about how to use indents and tabs in Word. INDENTING TEXT In many types of documents, you may want to indent only the first line of each paragraph. This helps to visually separate paragraphs from one another. - It's also possible to indent every line except for the first line, which is known as a hanging indent. - TO INDENT USING THE TAB KEY A quick way to indent is to use the Tab key. This will create a first-line indent of 1/2 inch. Place the insertion point at the very beginning of the paragraph you want to indent. - Press the Tab key. On the Ruler, you should see the first-line indent marker move to the right by 1/2 inch. The first line of the paragraph will be indented. - If you can't see the Ruler, select the View tab, then click the check box next to the Ruler. - INDENT MARKERS In some cases, you may want to have more control over indents. Word provides indent markers that allow you to indent paragraphs to the location you want. - The indent markers are located to the left of the horizontal ruler, and they provide several indenting options: First-line indent marker adjusts the first-line indent Hanging indent marker adjusts the hanging indent Left indent marker moves both the first-line indent and hanging indent markers at the same time (this will indent all lines in a paragraph) TO INDENT USING THE INDENT MARKERS Place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph you want to indent, or select one or more paragraphs. -
Akmal Yousuf

SOLVED! Couldn't Start Office Installation Error Code 0-1018 (0) - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Recently we ran into an error code that would not allow us to install a brand new copy of Office 2016 Home and Business. We received the below message: Couldn't start re sorry but we could not start your Office installation. Another installation is in progress. Please try again later. Error Code 0-1018 0 The solution was simple. Microsoft provides an Easy Fix Tool to completely cleanup your Office installation. This will remove all remnants and allow you to attempt the install again without receiving this error. Choose Option 2 and click download: REINSTALL OFFICE To reinstall Office, see Download and install or reinstall Office on your PC or Mac and follow the steps for your Office plan. UNINSTALL OFFICE ON A MAC OR OLDER VERSIONS OF OFFICE See: Uninstall Office 2016 for Mac Uninstall Office 2011 for Mac Uninstall or remove Office 2010 How to uninstall or remove Microsoft Office 2007 suites
Akmal Yousuf

Word 2016: Indents and Tabs - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Indenting text adds structure to your document by allowing you to separate information. Whether you'd like to move a single line or an entire paragraph, you can use the tab selector and the horizontal ruler to set tabs and indents. Optional: Download our practice document. Watch the video below to learn more about how to use indents and tabs in Word. INDENTING TEXT In many types of documents, you may want to indent only the first line of each paragraph. This helps to visually separate paragraphs from one another. - It's also possible to indent every line except for the first line, which is known as a hanging indent. - TO INDENT USING THE TAB KEY A quick way to indent is to use the Tab key. This will create a first-line indent of 1/2 inch. Place the insertion point at the very beginning of the paragraph you want to indent. - Press the Tab key. On the Ruler, you should see the first-line indent marker move to the right by 1/2 inch. The first line of the paragraph will be indented. - If you can't see the Ruler, select the View tab, then click the check box next to the Ruler. - INDENT MARKERS In some cases, you may want to have more control over indents. Word provides indent markers that allow you to indent paragraphs to the location you want. - The indent markers are located to the left of the horizontal ruler, and they provide several indenting options: First-line indent marker adjusts the first-line indent Hanging indent marker adjusts the hanging indent Left indent marker moves both the first-line indent and hanging indent markers at the same time (this will indent all lines in a paragraph) TO INDENT USING THE INDENT MARKERS Place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph you want to indent, or select one or more paragraphs. - Click and drag the desired indent marke
Akmal Yousuf

Add Words to Dictionary in Word 2016 - - 0 views

    Does Microsoft Word 2016 regularly detect words that you commonly use as misspelled words? You can change this by adding custom words to the dictionary. OPTION 1 - ADD WHILE WRITING Type the word in your document and right-click on it and select "Add to Dictionary". Add to Word dictionary - OPTION 2 - ADD FROM SETTINGS Expand the Office Quick Access Toolbar and select "More Commands…". Word 2016 More Comments option - Select "Proofing" in the left pane, then click the "Custom Dictionaries…" button. Word 2016 Custome Dictionaries button - Here you can add or remove dictionaries. Usually you just need to use one dictionary. To add a word to the dictionary, select "Edit Word List…" . Word 2016 Edit Word List button - Type the word you wish to add to the dictionary and click "Add". Word 2016 Add word to dictionary - Select "OK" then "OK" again when you are done adding words.Now your word will not be detected by Word as a misspelling. Note: This option is also available in other Office applications such as Outlook, Excel, Publisher, etc. FAQ Why is my "Add to Dictionary" option grayed out? This seems like a bug in the software. Try going to File > Options > Proofing > Customer Dictionaries. Then select the "Dictionary language". Then remove the checkbox next to the dictionary item, then check it again. These steps seem to toggle something in the software that makes the "Add to Dictionary" option available again.
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: SmartArt Graphics - Blogs - 0 views

    SmartArt allows you to communicate information with graphics instead of just using text. There are a variety of styles to choose from, which you can use to illustrate different types of ideas. Watch the video below to learn more about working with SmartArt. TO INSERT A SMARTART GRAPHIC: Select the slide where you want the SmartArt graphic to appear. From the Insert tab, select the SmartArt command in the Illustrations group. selecting the SmartArt command on the Insert tab - A dialog box will appear. Select a category on the left, choose the desired SmartArt graphic, then click OK. choosing a SmartArt graphic - The SmartArt graphic will appear on the current slide. the inserted smartart - You can also click the Insert a SmartArt Graphic command in a placeholder to add SmartArt. Inserting a SmartArt Graphic from a placeholder - TO ADD TEXT TO A SMARTART GRAPHIC: Select the SmartArt graphic. The text pane will appear to the left Enter text next to each bullet in the text pane. The text will appear in the corresponding shape. It will be resized automatically to fit inside the shape. adding text to the SmartArt graphic - You can also add text by clicking the desired shape and then typing. This works well if you only need to add text to a few shapes. However, for more complex SmartArt graphics, working in the text pane is often quicker and easier. adding text directly in the shapes of the SmartArt instead of the text pane - TO REORDER, ADD, AND DELETE SHAPES: It's easy to add new shapes, change their order, and even delete shapes from your SmartArt graphic. You can do all of this in the text pane, and it's a lot like creating an outline with a multilevel list. For more information on multilevel lists, you may want to review our Lists lesson. To demote a shape, select the desired bullet, then press the Tab key. The bullet will move to the
Akmal Yousuf

Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide for Office 2013 Installation Problems - - 0 views

  • Blogs: I've been installing Office 2013 on a lot of computers lately and I've ran into quite a few problems along the way. From annoying messages like "Sorry we ran into a problem" and "Something went wrong" to slow downloads, hanging at certain percentages during the install, it's been typical Microsoft problems all along the way. If you've been trying to install Office 2013 on Windows 8 or Windows 7 and you're running into issues, I'm going to try and give you as many possible solutions as I could find. If you run into a different issue not mentioned here, feel free to post a comment and let us know. It's also worth noting that you can't install Office 2013 on Windows Vista or Windows XP, it's just not possible. You'll get an error message like: This is not a valid Win32 application or We are sorry, you couldn't install your Office product because you don't have a modern Windows operating system. You need Microsoft windows 7 (or newer) to install this product or The procedure entry point K32GetProcessImageFileNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNERL32.dll Now let's talk about some of the problems that can occur when installing Office 2013 on Windows 7 and Windows 8. FIX "SOMETHING WENT WRONG" OFFICE 2013 You might get this error if a first installation stalled and you ended up starting a second installation over the first one. You might also get this error if the computer restarted for some reason before the installation was finished. In this case, you should go to the Control Panel, click on Microsoft Office 2013 or Microsoft Office 365 and click on Change. Office 2013 change - Blogs Depending on your version of Office installed, you should either see an option called Repair or Online Repair. If you have Office 365, you'll see Online Repair and then the Repair option. Office 2013 repair - Blogs If, for some reason, this fails or
Akmal Yousuf

The Best Tool for Office 2016 Password Recovery - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Forgetting a password to your office folder can be annoying. Halting the work because of the password loss may cause immediate monetary loss. Then how to control over your own documents even if there are protected with a password. Office Password Recovery recovers and removes instantly passwords protecting or locking files created with Microsoft Office 2016. Actually it can unlock documents created with all versions of Microsoft Office from the ancient 97 to the latest 2016, and supports recovering passwords for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint, Money and all OpenOffice applications and Hangual Office suite. HOW TO RECOVER THE MICROSOFT OFFICE PASSWORD 2016 WITHIN 3 STEPS? Office Password Recovery is the most professional and powerful office documents password recovery software. Before you start, you have to make sure you have downloaded and installed it on your computer. Then you can easily crack and remove MS Office 2016 passwords. Step1. Run the program and click "Office Password Recovery". Then click "browse" in the main window to import protected Office files. click browse to import office files - Step2. Here are 3 types of attack available. Choose anyone from them in accordance with your real situation. 1. Brute-force Attack: If you can remember nothing about your password at all. It will try all possibilities to find your password. It is the default for password recovery. 2. Brute-force with Mask Attack: If you can remember anything about password such as customize number, symbols or characters. You can try this way to find your password. Click "Settings" to define the sets such as Min Length, Max Length, Character Set etc. 3. Dictionary Attack: If you have a dictionary already that is a text file listing character combinations such as a, ab, 123, 4, AB etc. Click "Settings" to use the default dictionary to recover. choose attack type - Step3. Finally, click "Recov
Akmal Yousuf

Note-Taking Showdown: Evernote vs. OneNote (2016 Edition) - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Evernote and OneNote are two of our favorite tools, but both have changed substantially since we last compared these two apps-in some ways, not for the best. Here's where these two stand today. LIFEHACKER FACEOFF: ONENOTE VS. EVERNOTE Now that Microsoft OneNote is free for Mac and Windows, the price and cross-platform barriers to…Read more WHAT'S NEW IN EVERNOTE In the last year, Evernote introduced a new pricing plan, redesigned its webapp, and added new features for its Android and iOS apps. THE FREE PLAN LOSES A FEATURE, BUT NOW THERE'S A MORE AFFORDABLE PAID PLAN Let's talk price first with Evernote, since it's the biggest change in the last year. The free plan no longer lets you email notes to Evernote, something most users enjoyed and used often prior to that change. Although you can get around this limitation with an IFTTT recipe, you won't get the full flexibility of Evernote's email-to-notes feature, such as specifying your destination notebook in the email subject line. So that's a bummer. On the positive side, however, Evernote introduced a new, more affordable paid plan called Evernote Plus. For $25 a year, you get offline notebooks for Evernote's mobile apps and the ability to lock the app on your phone with a PIN. Both of these used to require Evernote's Premium plan, which used to cost $45 a year. Finally, Evernote's Premium plan now costs $50 a year. But in return for those five extra bucks, you get larger upload limits: 10GB a month, instead of the previous 4GB data cap. With Evernote Premium, you can search attachments, scan business cards, view previous note versions, annotate PDFs, and use the new note presentation mode. EVERNOTE'S USER INTERFACE KEEPS EVOLVING Last year, Evernote took its redesigned, minimalist web client out of beta. Though slicker and easier on the eyes, the makeover also made the webapp less functional. You can't order
Akmal Yousuf


  • Blogs: Forgetting a password to your office folder can be annoying. Halting the work because of the password loss may cause immediate monetary loss. Then how to control over your own documents even if there are protected with a password. Office Password Recovery recovers and removes instantly passwords protecting or locking files created with Microsoft Office 2016. Actually it can unlock documents created with all versions of Microsoft Office from the ancient 97 to the latest 2016, and supports recovering passwords for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint, Money and all OpenOffice applications and Hangual Office suite. HOW TO RECOVER THE MICROSOFT OFFICE PASSWORD 2016 WITHIN 3 STEPS? Office Password Recovery is the most professional and powerful office documents password recovery software. Before you start, you have to make sure you have downloaded and installed it on your computer. Then you can easily crack and remove MS Office 2016 passwords. Step1. Run the program and click "Office Password Recovery". Then click "browse" in the main window to import protected Office files. click browse to import office files - Step2. Here are 3 types of attack available. Choose anyone from them in accordance with your real situation. 1. Brute-force Attack: If you can remember nothing about your password at all. It will try all possibilities to find your password. It is the default for password recovery. 2. Brute-force with Mask Attack: If you can remember anything about password such as customize number, symbols or characters. You can try this way to find your password. Click "Settings" to define the sets such as Min Length, Max Length, Character Set etc. 3. Dictionary Attack: If you have a dictionary already that is a text file listing character combinations such as a, ab, 123, 4, AB etc. Click "Settings" to use the default dictionary to recover. choose attack type - Step3. Finally, click "Recov
Akmal Yousuf

Four reasons why governments trust Microsoft - - 0 views

    As governments strive to become more responsive and transparent, it's important for them to make public information easily accessible to citizens. At the same time, it's critical that they protect confidential data. A key reason why governments choose Microsoft Office 365 is Microsoft's leadership in the industry when it comes to privacy, security, and compliance practices. In short, governments know they can trust Microsoft to help protect their data. So how does Microsoft demonstrate leadership and why exactly do governments trust Office 365 to help protect their data? Here are four reasons: We respect your privacy. Google is under criticism for its privacy practices. Office 365 does not build advertising products out of customer data, unlike other companies. Nor do we scan your email or documents for building analytics, data mining, or advertising, or to improve the service. What's more, you own your data. Office 365 customer data belongs to the customer. Customers can remove their data whenever they choose. Office 365 is independently verified. Office 365 is compliant with many world-class industry standards, and it is verified by third parties. For example, Office 365 is the first major business productivity public cloud service to have implemented the rigorous set of physical, logical, process, and management controls defined by ISO 27001, one of the best security benchmarks available in the world. In addition, Office 365 is the first major business productivity public cloud service provider to sign the standard contractual clauses created by the European Union ("EU Model Clauses") with all customers. Office 365 also implements security processes that adhere to the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) required by U.S. federal agencies and to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). With Office 365, you know where your data is located. Office 365 customers know where major Office 365 datacenters are located
Akmal Yousuf

5 tips for running a small business from anywhere - Office Setup Help - 0 views

    The concept of a 'physical office' as a small business hub of productivity is quickly being replaced by the connected 'mobile office,' which connects employees wherever they happen to be. Today's business landscape favors those who are nimble and able to adapt rapidly by collaborating on the go, sharing ideas quickly and anticipating customer needs. Luckily, small businesses today can achieve this dynamic work environment through the use of Web-based software available for both desktop and mobile platforms. Web-based software is known as 'cloud services' or as 'the cloud' for short. Today, small businesses have access to IT solutions that were previously only available to enterprises - allowing them to punch above their weight class and better compete in their industry. By taking advantage of these Web-based and mobile solutions, small businesses can effectively run their company from anywhere - even from a mobile device or tablet. Here are just a few of the ways technology can help small businesses overcome everyday business challenges: ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR A PHYSICAL OFFICE Starting a business is difficult. Many small businesses owners may not have the capital to lease office space, or they may be hiring friends and staff who aren't based in the same city. Modern cloud technology can unify small business teams, removing the need for a physical office space. WORK WHEREVER IT'S CONVENIENT Cloud services let employees set up a shared folder from a mobile device while taking the bus; create a new spreadsheet on a tablet at lunch; get a presentation from the company's shared drive and make edits from a friend's computer; or schedule a team meeting from a home computer. Office 365 can be installed on up to 5 devices, giving small businesses the ability to do more than just read documents from a mobile device, a tablet, a laptop or even a desktop* by extending the office experience to employees wherever and whenever they need to cond
Akmal Yousuf

Word Tips: 5 Tips for Printing Word Documents - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: 5 TIPS FOR PRINTING WORD DOCUMENTS Blogs: If you've ever used Microsoft Word, there's a good chance you've needed to print a document. While Word's printing options are more advanced than some of the other programs in the Office suite, it can still be difficult to get printed documents to look exactly the way you want. That's why we've put together this list of tips. Keep these in mind the next time you need to print a document, and you're sure to have better results. These tips should work the same way for Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word 2010. If you're using Word 2007 or earlier, you can make many of these changes in the Print dialog box. 1. USE PRINT PREVIEW Before you print anything, you'll want to preview it. Just go to File > Print to see a preview of your document. From here, you'll also be able to adjust different page layout and printing settings, such as the page orientation, paper size, and margin width. Any changes you make will be updated in the preview pane as well. Screenshot of Microsoft Word - 2. USE SMALLER PAGE MARGINS There may be times when you need a way to make your document take up fewer printed pages. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using smaller margins. Just go to the Page Layout tab, click Margins, then select Narrow (you can also select Custom Margins for even smaller margins). Keep in mind that using very small margins may cause some text to be cut off by your printer. Screenshot of Microsoft Word - We've found this especially helpful if you have a multi-page document with just a few sentences on the last page. Making the margins smaller will bring the text up, which will usually remove the extra page. 3. PRINT DOUBLE-SIDED Double-sided printing is another great way to save paper. Double-siding printing options can vary, depending on your printer. Go to File > Print and select the menu just below the Pages: field (if you've never
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Tables - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Tables are another tool you can use to display information in PowerPoint. A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Tables are useful for various tasks, including presenting text information and numerical data. You can even customize tables to fit your presentation. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about inserting tables in PowerPoint. TO INSERT A TABLE: From the Insert tab, click the Table command. Hover the mouse over the grid of squares to select the desired number of columns and rows in the table. In our example, we'll insert a table with six rows and six columns (6x6). inserting a table - The table will appear on the currently selected slide. In our example, that's slide 3. Click anywhere in the table, and begin typing to add text. You can also use the Tab key or the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate through the table. adding text to a new table - You can also insert a table by clicking the Insert Table command in a placeholder. inserting a table from a placeholder - MODIFYING TABLES PowerPoint includes several options for customizing tables, including moving and resizing, as well as adding rows and columns. TO MOVE A TABLE: Click and drag the edge of a table to move it to a new location on a slide. moving a table - TO RESIZE A TABLE: Click and drag the sizing handles until the table is the desired size. resizing a table - TO ADD A ROW OR COLUMN: Click a cell adjacent to the location where you want to add a row or column. In our example, we'll select the cell that says Mystery. selecting a cell - Click the Layout tab on the right side of the Ribbon. Locate the Rows & Columns group. If you want to insert a new row, select either Insert Above or Insert Below. If you want to insert a new column, select either Insert Left or Insert Ri
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Working with Tables - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: While there are four types of database objects in Access, tables are arguably the most important. Even when you're using forms, queries, and reports, you're still working with tables because that's where all of your data is stored. Tables are at the heart of any database, so it's important to understand how to use them. In this lesson, you will learn how to open tables, create and edit records, and modify the appearance of your table to make it easier to view and work with. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about working with tables in Access. TABLE BASICS TO OPEN AN EXISTING TABLE: Open your database, and locate the Navigation pane. In the Navigation pane, locate the table you want to open. Double-click the desired table. Opening a table - The table will open and appear as a tab in the Document Tabs bar. The open table - UNDERSTANDING TABLES All tables are composed of horizontal rows and vertical columns, with small rectangles called cells in the places where rows and columns intersect. In Access, rows and columns are referred to as records and fields. A field is a way of organizing information by type. Think of the field name as a question and every cell within that field as a response to that question. In our example, the Last Name field is selected, which contains all the last names in the table. Fields and field names - A record is one unit of information. Every cell on a given row is part of that row's record. In our example, Quinton Boyd's record is selected, which contains all of the information related to him in the table. Records and record ID numbers -
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