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The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Stumble-Spam - 0 views

    Alex Laburu raises a serious point about Stumbleupon; that perverse incentives are built in to the system by SU's business model, in which the company makes money, not from visits to blogs on their system, but by getting paid for "stumbles" - random visits to sponsor websites taking place through their system. Under such a model, Laburu argues, a well written blog costs the company money, because it is a blog visitors are less likely to leave soon via a stumble - and those following its links aren't stumbling. He raises a good point (among others), one that should lead SU users to view with concern the supposedly good feature that is the absence of advertising on our blogs on SU, because it provides SU admins with a short term incentive to side with those misusing the system at the expense of those using it constructively. Which does leave us with the question of how Diigo is making its money, does it? One might ask if many of the users bring this sort of thing upon themselves - listen in on the screaming when the very possibility of introducing advertising is raised, on some sites, as if the hosting service didn't need to make money. Perhaps when the subject arises here - Diigo is still in Beta as I write this - some of us might want to speak in support of that very sensible source of revenue for a company we'd like to evolve in a healthier direction than that being taken by some of its competition, at the moment.
online world

Seodirectory will do manually social bookmarking submission to 115+ sites including hig... - 0 views

    Buy 3 gigs and Get 1 free. 100% manual Submission. I will do manually Social bookmarking submission to 115+ sites Including High PR 50 sites like stumble upon, folkd, diggo etc. Using WHITE HAT SEO Technique. Safe with Panda & Penguin. New Bookmarking Account Creation. Max 2 url allowed. Customer support 24/7. Report Login details & Live links. I DO NOT SUBMIT SEX/ADULT/PORN AND GAMBLING SITES. Dont Wait Order NOW!!
marshal sandler » Krumlr: Twitter - like Social Bookmarking - 0 views

    seths blog Your page Krum titled " » Seth's Blog: Why be good?", at url, that you added to your Krumlr page has been approved and promoted to the main page where it will be ranked with others based on its popularity. tabbloid_2009-01-01_0901 tabbloid_2009-01-01_0900-2 Krumlr: Twitter - like Social Bookmarking. Reblog this post [with Zemanta] Check out my lens Stumble It! Add this page to Mister Wong
marshal sandler

WinExtra » aka Steve Hodson - a cranky old fart wandering the internet causin... - 0 views

    March 9, 2009 WinExtra » aka Steve Hodson - a cranky old fart wandering the internet causing mayhem as he goes Image representing Plaxo as depicted in CrunchBase Image via CrunchBase Steve Hodson reviews results of a changing A Page Format- also does a review of Likaholix which I do not necessarily agree with ,I see tremendous possibilities in Likaholix and a real potential for creating revenue-I checked my stats on Lijit and got numerous hits after only using it for two days-You must remember my work experience is not Tech Oriented , but belly to belly marketing and have done a lot of work with statistics -Geekry aside Likaholix is a very personal affair and does not restrict how you use it-I added a lot of info on Gadgets Food Music etc what i like-many of the Micro Blogging apps are swamped with Geek's would rather communicate with a machine than a person-Likaholix is an ego boost-Mr Hodson is an excellent wordsmith and worth following . He Is on Plaxo and Twitter Mr Hodson I will be 73 this month now that is old HEH WinExtra » aka Steve Hodson - a cranky old fart wandering the internet causing mayhem as he goes. Software tracking Check out my lens follow MarshalSandler at Twitter Stumble it! Add this page to Mister Wong diigo it Enhanced by Zemanta ShareThis Tags: Blogging, Business, Employment, Facebook, Fart, Google, Humor, Lijit, Marketing, Marketing and Advertising, Online Communities, Plaxo, Recreation, Social network, Statistics, Steve Hodson, Twitter, Web, WinExtra Filed under Uncategorized by marshal Spread the Word! Digg StumbleUpon Help Permalink Print Email Comment Related Posts * How will we get our news? Scripting News * Seth's Blog: Return on Design * The Stimulus Plan Update « blog maverick-mark cuban- * BlueBlog: Glue Swag: Limited Edition * Seth's Blog Log into DISQUS Add New Comment * Logged in as AnonymousUser * Logged in as AnonymousUser Logout from Di
marshal sandler

Economic Pulse: Saturday Errands - 0 views

    February 22, 2009 Economic Pulse: Saturday Errands Charles Shaw wine displayed in a Trader Joe's ... Image via Wikipedia Shopping Frank- Naomi and I live in a small town Royal Oak Michigan-both of us have time and every day we go out at least for coffee-If i don't take a laptop we usually got to McDonalds and since we both have Kindles we sit and read-the place is usually busy with kids as well as retired folks ! They still serve one of the best cups of coffee anywhere and they have three chocolate chip cookies for a dollar-and the product is good-fast food in known for serving a percentage but McDonalds is cost conscious and always maintains a quality level above other food outlets-we get our local television from Detroit Stations and I have been watching the National Advertisments diminish and being replaced with infomercials-all the newpapers in Michigan have cut down delivery days and are losing readership- I don't really care since we both get our news Online and there are Online Magazines Like Zimbio which have ton's of content-The other Local coffee shops and most restuarants are as dead as Custer-We buy the a lot of food items at small middle eastern and oriental grocery stores where expecially vegetables are always fresh and priced right-Chicken and Meat in Middle Eastern Grocery stores is dressed according to dietary laws and they all sell Amish Chicken the best available.If we want deserts we buy the at a middle eastern bakery that ships world wide- and is a short drive-One of the few stores alway busy is Trader Joes they are marketing a brand of wine Charles Shaw and I see people buying it in cases, we have bought it is a good brand-and they seem to sell a lot of well processed frozen items-I have noticed a lot of Trendy Brands are being replaced with private label- Wallmart are experts at quality control in store brand foods-and sell more television sets than any store we buy at-I noticed they had great pricing on a
marshal sandler

Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: We Will Prove You Wrong - 0 views

    February 21, 2009 Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: We Will Prove You Wrong Image representing Edelman as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase February 20, 2009 We Will Prove You Wrong "Jeff Jarvis handed me a copy of his new book, "What Would Google Do?" after we finished a brainstorm on health care costs at the World Economic Forum. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the author as a visionary and change agent. He does not disappoint in his very pointed and inspirational text that is a must-read for anyone in the communications business. His central thesis is that control has moved to the people, that companies are advised to tap into the power of networks and that marketing must be based on relationships."Richard Edleman The last person to attempted to take a stab at Mr Edleman's Profession was Jason Calacanis-It is pretty hard to criticize the field of public relations unless you have a backround in Semantics,General Semantics, Mathematics,Game Theory and Statistics- Not just mouthing the words but are educated in these fields-General Semantics is a field pioneered by Alfred Korzibski and promoted by Carl Rogers,S I Hayakawa and Antatol Rapaport-and others- The map is not the territory is a remark by Polish-American scientist and philosopher Alfred Korzybski, encapsulating his view that an abstraction derived from something, or a reaction to it, is not the thing itself, e.g., the pain from a stone falling on your foot is not the stone; one's opinion of a politician, favorable or unfavorable, is not that person; a metaphorical representation of a concept is not the concept itself; and so on. A specific abstraction or reaction does not capture all facets of its source-e.g., the pain in your foot does not convey the internal structure of the stone, you don't know everything that is going on in the life of a politician, etc.-and thus may limit an individual's understanding and cognitive abilities unless the two are distinguished. Korzybski hel
marshal sandler » Ned Sublette - 0 views

    Ned Sublette I was on Gotham Gal's website this morning using th LIJIT Search Engine I wanted to re read a book by one of my favorite authors and he is also a great musician ! Yes I found it! Viva Ritmo Latino Cuba and Its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo by Ned Sublette "This entertaining history of Cuba and its music begins with the collision of Spain and Africa and continues through the era of Miguelito Valdés, Arsenio Rodríguez, Benny Moré, and Pérez Prado. It offers a behind-the-scenes examination of music from a Cuban point of view, unearthing surprising, provocative connections and making a case for Cuba as fundamental to the evolution of music in the New World. Revealed are how the music of black slaves transformed 16th-century Europe, how the claves appeared, and how Cuban music influenced ragtime, jazz, and rhythm and blues. Music lovers will follow this journey from Andalucía, the Congo, the Calabar, Dahomey, and Yorubaland via Cuba to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Saint-Domingue, New Orleans, New York, and Miami. The music is placed in a historical context that considers the complexities of the slave trade; Cuba's relationship to the United States; its revolutionary political traditions; the music of Santería, Palo, Abakuá, Vodú, and much more. Cuba and its Music is an ambitious project whose repercussions in a different genre might be on a par with those of Buena Vista. Grounded on frequent trips to the island and an extensive bibliography, this book by Ned Sublette is a first for an English-reading public: a didactic and accessible steer through part of Cuba's turbulent history and its music, whose parameters embrace cultural anthropology, sociology, politics, and history, as well as musicology and music. I also get a lot of great Latin Music from NPR Lijit is great search engine with excellent Tech Support it is great add for any web site N
marshal sandler » How to be the most hated person on the Internet: Five ro... - 0 views

    How to be the most hated person on the Internet: Five role models | Webware - CNET Dave Winer Image via Wikipedia These are the kind of articles that appear in a publication when they are losing readership ! It is obvious that Author is fixated on Dave Winers Credentials as Loren Feldman is with Shel Israel's Puppet ! If he actually believes any one is angry at Dave Winer he has a problem ! Winer just speaks his mind but with fact check and great content creation skills ! I will define fixation for the functional illiterate at C-Net Fixation (psychology), the state in which an individual becomes obsessed with an attachment to another human, an animal, or an inanimate object ! Feldman is fixated with a Puppet the man who wrote this article may be fixated on the Credential's of Dave Winer which I am sure he lacks ! the C-net Author plays a non zero sum game There is a game called Chicken, in which two people drive two very fast cars towards each other from opposite ends of a long straight road. If one of them swerves before the other, he is called a chicken. Of course, if neither swerves, they will crash. The worst possible payoff is to crash into each other, so we assign this a value 0. The best payoff is to have your opponent be the chicken, so we assign this a value 3. The next to worst possibility is to be the chicken, so we assign this a value 1. The last possibility is that both drivers swerve. Then, neither has less honor than the other, so this is preferable to being the chicken. However, it is not quite as good as being the victor, so we assign it a value 2. We could assign a payoff matrix to this: Swerve Drive Straight Swerve 2, 2 1, 3 Drive Straight 3, 1 0, 0 Now Dave Winer who has a solid base in mathematics understands this game ! How to be the most hated person on the Internet: Five role models | Webware - CNET. Reblog this post [with Zemanta] Stumble It!

How I Digg, Shout, Stumble & Review Submissions - 0 views

    Breaking out of the 1000 friends mark, you then find that fans start adding you by the hundreds.
marshal sandler

Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts | - 0 views

    May 3, 2009 Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase I don't know Janets backround but no Social Media Consultant on the internet can present the features and how to use an application better ! There is a knack to creating information on Products very few do it successfully-her content is a manual for success ! Book Mark and Tag Janet Fouts-for Knowledge squidoo, marshalsandler, zemanta, chrisbrogan, seth, likaholix, micropersuasion, facebook, edelamdigital, edelmandigital, kindle2.0, comcast cares, nazis, tumblr, fox2dertoit, disqus,, trust, plummets, fredwilson, pownce, google, music, slavery,, search, wordpress, vimeo, holacost, wordle, newyorktimes, headup, bose, krumlr, scriptingnews, rocks, foodzie, edlemandigital, worldblog, customerservice, gothamgal, iphone, housefire, vegetableart, socialmedia, frankeliason, robocrunch, android,janetfouts,,ericgoldstein,steve rubel,edelman digital,shave,haircut,chris brogan,seth godin,techburgh,andyquayle,squid blog,Janet Fouts-Social media,how to, Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts. Enhanced by Zemanta diigo it Save Page to Krumlr! Stumble It! Add this page to Mister Wong Share and Enjoy: * Digg * Sphinn * * Facebook * Mixx * Google * * connotea * MisterWong.DE * BarraPunto * Faves * MisterWong * co.mments * SphereIt * Netvibes * Tumblr * LinkedIn * TwitThis * Reddit * Yahoo! Buzz * * StumbleUpon * YahooMyWeb Sphere: Related Content Blog Traffic Exchange Related Posts * Gotham Gal-Etiquette Image via Wikipedia It is no secret Gotham Gal is one of my favorites and is a top content creator ! I once posted a comment on her husband's web site that I still took notes on Crain StationaryWith A Quill pen ! My mother was very well...... * Disqus Add
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

StumbleUpon = Worthless Traffic | DAY JOB NUKER.COM - 0 views

    Bringing this down to the bottom line, yet another blogger shares his experience, of watching people bounce away without doing much of anything on his site. How much is traffic like that to a site, and how much will somebody be willing to pay to keep getting more of it? As the author says, "The problem is that when I stumble I am in the mood for some fast action. I don't want to be bothered with heavy reading and just want to be amused." a spirit that, as somebody in one of the sites bookmarked above argues, Stumbleupon's business model gives the company and its management a perverse short term incentive to encourage. But can one encourage impatience and then, moments later, hope that impatience will suddenly vanish the moment a visitor reaches a sponsor's site? Or does behavior, once reinforced, tend to linger? Does the company really expect those sponsors to not notice that their bottom line isn't being helped, just because they hope it will, and assume that it must?
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Is StumbleUpon Traffic Worthless? - 0 views

    The article points us toward a reason why the business model alluded to in links above (paid for stumbles) is ultimately unsustainable - those visiting bounce through without doing much more than briefly glancing at the pages they visit, very often. This is plausible. People get enthusiastic about their new toy, they get a rhythm going, and they don't want to stop.
marshal sandler

Skytone's Android-powered netbook to cost around $250 | - 0 views

    April 26, 2009 Skytone's Android-powered netbook to cost around $250 The Battle for the Netbook Market ! Tag and Bookmark louisgray, squidoo, marshalsandler, zemanta, chrisbrogan, seth, likaholix, micropersuasion, facebook, edelamdigital, edelmandigital, kindle2.0, comcast cares, nazis, tumblr, fox2dertoit, disqus,, trust, plummets, fredwilson, pownce, google, music, slavery,, search, wordpress, vimeo, holacost, wordle, newyorktimes, headup, bose, krumlr, scriptingnews, rocks, foodzie, edlemandigital, worldblog, customerservice, gothamgal, iphone, housefire, vegetableart, socialmedia, frankeliason, robocrunch, android,janetfouts,,ericgoldstein,steve rubel,edelman digital,shave,haircut,chris brogan,seth godin,activism · animals · animation · anime · architecture · arts · astronomy · atheist · bizarre · blogs · books · cars · cartoons · cats · clothing · comics · computer-graphics · computers · cooking · crafts · cyberculture · drawing · drugs · environment · graphic-design · hacking · health · history · humor · illusions · internet · internet-tools · linguistics · linux · mathematics · movies · multimedia · music · online-games · open-source · painting · philosophy · photography · physics · politics · programming · psychology · relationships · satire · science · self-improvement · software · stumblers · travel · video · video-games · web-design · windows · writing ·chris-brogan,micro persuasion,zimbio,stumbleupon,netbook,endgaget, Skytone's Android-powered netbook to cost around $250. Related articles by Zemanta * Will The Skytone Alpha 680 Be The First Android Netbook? ( * Microsoft tries to hold its own with netbooks ( * Android netbooks on their way, likely by 2010 (VentureBeat) ( * HP Looks to Power Netbooks With Google Android ( * I Want an Android Netbook, and I Want It With the
marshal sandler

Gallery: How the Leading Social Sites Describe Themselves - The Steve Rubel Lifestream - 1 views

    Gallery: How the Leading Social Sites Describe Themselves - The Steve Rubel Lifestream We might call this article by Steve Rubel from the Eye of The Hurricane! I have some select feeds on my site and make every attempt to reblog with Zemanta what I feel will help promote Social Media ! What I find is that many people really ignore the bookmarking sites ! I use Stumble Upon a lot and Only Wire among others ! What's the secret ! Mr Rubel hints at it they may get lost in Silicon Valley Territory the protected land of the Geek's ! Mr Rubel as a member of the Edelman Digital Team know you can't brand what you cant's See! August 26, 2009 "Gallery: How the Leading Social Sites Describe Themselve

This School in Assam Takes Plastic Waste as the Fees! - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views

    Located in the breathtaking Pamohi area of Guwahati, Akshar is a very unique school which takes just plastic waste when it comes to its fees! Yes, you read that right. This eco-friendly school lets the little kids connect with the Mother Nature in a thoughtful and amazing way. Parmita Sarma, the co-founder of the school stated "We wanted to start a free school for all, but stumbled upon this idea after we realized a larger social and ecological problem brewing in this area. I still remember how our classrooms would be filled with toxic fumes every time someone in the nearby areas would burn plastics. Here it was a norm to burn waste plastic to keep warm. We wanted to change that and so started to encourage our students to bring their plastic waste as school fees". The school is a brainchild of Parmita and Mazin Mukhtar and they together founded the school in the month of June 2016.
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