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How to enable options to customize Windows Logon / Logoff, Exit and Unlock Sounds in Wi... - 0 views

    Windows 8 doesn't allow users to change the sound settings pertaining to system events such as Windows startup, shutdown, logon and logoff through Control Panel. However, a registry tweak can help you customize the sound settings easily.
marshal sandler » Welcoming Justin Levy to the Pirate Ship | - 0 views

    Welcoming Justin Levy to the Pirate Ship | tabbloid_2008-12-20_0900-1 Yacht mainsail Image via Wikipedia Sail Free Lads they never will catch your Pirate Ship- Sailing is the art of controlling a sailing vessel. By changing the rigging, rudder and dagger or centre board, a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails in order to change the direction and speed of a boat. Mastery of the skill requires experience in varying wind and sea conditions, as well as knowledge concerning sailboats. The "rules of the road" for ships and boats declare that when the courses of two sailing vessels converge, the vessel on port tack must give way to a vessel on starboard tack . For this purpose, port and starboard tack include any position with the wind to that side, whether moving upwind or downwind. If a vessel is fore-and-aft-rigged, the actual wind position is overridden by the position of the boom (the mainsail boom in a vessel with multiple masts), which is assumed to be on the side opposite the wind, even if the vessel is running straight downwind or is in the act of tacking; that is, if the boom is to port the vessel is on starboard tack, and vice versa. There are exceptions to the requirement to give way: in particular, if the vessel on port tack does not have sea-room to tack or maneuver out of the way. Chris Brogan is President of New Marketing Labs, a new media marketing agency, as well as the home of the New Marketing Summit conferences and New Marketing Bootcamp educational events. He helps large and mid-sized businesses understand how to use social media tools like blogging, social networks, community platforms, and more to build business value for marketers, sales organizations, and internal collaboration in general. For more information on this, please contact Chris directly Chris has a First Mate Kathryn Jenex A Chief Mate (C/M) or Chief Officer, usually also synonymous with the First Mate or First Officer (except on passenger l
marshal sandler » Social media business strategy and more - - 0 views

    I start the day with Chris Brogan ! I also follow Chris on Tabbloid a free service from Hewlett Packard ! and his feed is in my mail app ! Content Management "I'm launching several New Marketing Bootcamp events to help give people keyboard level skills in social media execution. This intensive, one day training experience will help business communicators learn what goes into building new online marketing efforts. I'm looking for your help to make sure I'm not missing parts of the training curriculum. Want to glance over what I'm doing? " Chris Brogan DECEMBER 18, 2008 · 26 COMMENTS tabbloid_2008-12-18_10002 Tabbloid is excellent since I use it to store all articles from blogs I follow ! The articles are mailed automatically every monday ! This way if I delete someone's feed from my mail box I still have it in Tabbloid Turn your favorite feeds into a personal magazine Pro design Automatic delivery 1-step setup Free No account required Get Started Here's how it works: Enter at least one RSS feed Select your delivery options On schedule, we email you a print-ready PDF Using this site means you accept its terms | Privacy statement ©2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Social media business strategy and more - Related articles by Zemanta
marshal sandler » The All-Digital Newsroom of the Not-So-Distant Future - 0 views

    The All-Digital Newsroom of the Not-So-Distant Future Image representing Seth Godin as depicted in C... Image by via CrunchBase I am not sure any of the old media could ever pull off the a digital newsroom ! There are certain content creators like Chris Brogan Seth Godin Steve Rubel Dave Winer who could show them how, but will they understand ! I don't think so ! Most of the Old Media could not find there way with Google Earth ! Attached is a copy of tabbloid Seth Godin talks about how to create a newspaper tabbloid_2009-01-10_0901-seth-2-now I was born in 1936 and sadly can get more infrmation from Twitter than any of the local media in Michigan, unless you wnat information you might find in A publication in the United States by this name was officially The National Police Gazette, although commonly referred to as simply the Police Gazette. It was founded in 1845 by George Wilkes, a journalist and sometime transcontinental railroad booster.[1] The editor for most of the 19th century was Richard K. Fox, an immigrant from Ireland. Ostensibly devoted to matters of interest to the police, it was more often a tabloid-like publication, with lurid coverage of murders, Wild West outlaws, and sport. It was well known for its engravings and photographs of scantily clad strippers, burlesque dancers, and prostitutes, often skirting on the edge of what was legally considered obscenity. The National Police Gazette enjoyed considerable popularity in the late 19th century and early decades of the 20th century; but its popularity decreased during the Great Depression. [1] It continued publishing until 1982. [2] Musician Dan Hicks has claimed that he derived inspiration for some of his witty, satiric lyrics by stories he had read in The Police Gazette. The website,[3], mimics the Police Gazette style in coverage of current events and contains some archival materials from the original publication that give a
marshal sandler

Skytone's Android-powered netbook to cost around $250 | - 0 views

    April 26, 2009 Skytone's Android-powered netbook to cost around $250 The Battle for the Netbook Market ! Tag and Bookmark louisgray, squidoo, marshalsandler, zemanta, chrisbrogan, seth, likaholix, micropersuasion, facebook, edelamdigital, edelmandigital, kindle2.0, comcast cares, nazis, tumblr, fox2dertoit, disqus,, trust, plummets, fredwilson, pownce, google, music, slavery,, search, wordpress, vimeo, holacost, wordle, newyorktimes, headup, bose, krumlr, scriptingnews, rocks, foodzie, edlemandigital, worldblog, customerservice, gothamgal, iphone, housefire, vegetableart, socialmedia, frankeliason, robocrunch, android,janetfouts,,ericgoldstein,steve rubel,edelman digital,shave,haircut,chris brogan,seth godin,activism · animals · animation · anime · architecture · arts · astronomy · atheist · bizarre · blogs · books · cars · cartoons · cats · clothing · comics · computer-graphics · computers · cooking · crafts · cyberculture · drawing · drugs · environment · graphic-design · hacking · health · history · humor · illusions · internet · internet-tools · linguistics · linux · mathematics · movies · multimedia · music · online-games · open-source · painting · philosophy · photography · physics · politics · programming · psychology · relationships · satire · science · self-improvement · software · stumblers · travel · video · video-games · web-design · windows · writing ·chris-brogan,micro persuasion,zimbio,stumbleupon,netbook,endgaget, Skytone's Android-powered netbook to cost around $250. Related articles by Zemanta * Will The Skytone Alpha 680 Be The First Android Netbook? ( * Microsoft tries to hold its own with netbooks ( * Android netbooks on their way, likely by 2010 (VentureBeat) ( * HP Looks to Power Netbooks With Google Android ( * I Want an Android Netbook, and I Want It With the
marshal sandler

Seth's Blog: Prizes, kindles, subscriptions, tweets-Subscribe Now « Ms12's We... - 0 views

    Seth's Blog: Prizes, kindles, subscriptions, tweets-Subscribe Now Posted on May 29, 2009 by ms12 Image via CrunchBase Prizes, kindles, subscriptions, tweets You can get alerts whenever this blog is updated by following @thisissethsblog on Twitter. Twitter is immersive. It washes over you. But what happens when a great link or clever post goes by?  Squidoo just launched a promotion around the new TwttrList tool. The power of this tool is that it turns the momentary stream of tweets into a permanent sign post. A curated best of instead of a random time-based river. You can chronicle a conference, or highlight great posts about your brand or event. This lets other people find your collection of the best tweets on Google, or see a series of messages without the noise in between. Here are a few good ones. Give it a try. Maybe you'll win something.  Posted by Seth Godin on May 28, 2009 and check out Related articles by Zemanta
Carol Clark

Social Media's True Impact on Haiti, China, and the World - 0 views

    The Social Analyst is a weekly column by Mashable Co-Editor Ben Parr, where he digs into social media trends and how they are affecting companies in the space.We've seen some major world events unfold on the social media stage this week, the biggest being Google's threat to pull out of China and the Haiti earthquake.

Arun Jaitley: Government Will Encourage Start Ups - CRB Tech Reviews - 0 views

    Arun Jaitley: Government Will Encourage Start Ups. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley was talking at the launch event of the administration's 'Start-up India.

Indian Armed Forces Proud To Celebrate Army Day Today! - 0 views

    Indian Armed Forces Proud To Celebrate Army Day Today! On the event of 68th Army Day, Twitterati tweeted regards to overcome troopers who hazard their.

Essential Moving Tips for your Move - 0 views

    Do proper research before choosing the right method for your move and hiring the moving company. This will definitely remove tons of stress from the overall move. Moving is a very chaotic event in anyones life. While the thought it may not cause panic, the act of moving actually does. The following

Saudi Arabia announces preliminary findings missing journalists are dead, caused by con... - 0 views

    Recently, the disappearance of Saudi reporters has caused great concern in international public opinion. The center of the event, Kaschi, is 59 years old and has contributed to many media such as the Washington Post. In recent years, he has disputed the policy inside and outside Saudi Arabia. On

Best Tips For the Graduation party Celebration - 0 views

    its school finishing time or your son is graduating from college, the time is to cherish that special moment. Graduation is an exciting event takes place in everyones life. As a parent, you must have to organize a grad party for children. There are several tricks to do and to not do for celebrating

Here is Everything that Happened in Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Event - Thinkwik Blogs - 0 views

    Samsung Galaxy Note 9 : Here is Everything You Should know about the most awaited smartphone of the year 2018.

Trump and his wife are on the go? Netizen: Melaniya is not long like this - 0 views

    US President Trump went to Columbus, Ohio's capital, to participate in the event on August 24th. Foreign media exposed, accompanied by Trump at the airport is not the first lady Melaniya, very It may be a substitute for Melania. When the news came out, it immediately triggered a hot discussion among
Bobby Brown

What is Poliomyelitis (polio) - 0 views

shared by Bobby Brown on 10 Sep 18 - No Cached
    Poliomyelitis: WHO health topic page on poliomyelitis provides links to descriptions of activities, reports, publications, statistics, news, multimedia and events, as well as contacts and cooperating partners in the various WHO programmes and offices working on this topic.
    Bad disease

Some Useful Information's For Cleaning Artificial Grass - 0 views

    How frequently you have to perform artificial grass upkeep errands will rely upon your specific circumstance. For instance, in the event that you have open-air pets, youngsters, or loads of trees and bushes, you will probably need to clean your engineered yard more frequently than mortgage holders

The Thai youth football team was rescued from Hollywood but could not sit still - 0 views

    The rescue teams from all over the world have joined forces to rescue the touching story of the Thai youth football team in the trapped cave for 18 days, making the film company and producers ready to move. They want to bring this news event to the big screen. 4th cave of Sleeping Beauty in Chiang

Japan and the EU hold a group to engage in free trade! Is this the opposite of the Unit... - 0 views

    all major Japanese media were paying attention to the same news event. The keywords were concentrated on the words against the United States, free trade and wide-area economic and trade circle. EU and Japan signed the Economic Partnership Agreement - EPA, the largest free trade agreement to date

If the asteroid hits the earth, what should we do? - 0 views

    In the history of the Earth, there have been many incidents of asteroids colliding with the Earth. Scientific research shows that several major extinctions may have been caused by asteroids hitting the Earth. The most famous event here is the extinction of dinosaurs. At present, the most powerful
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