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Magento 2 Order Split & Merge Extension - Webkul - 1 views

    Magento 2 Order Split & Merge allows the admin to split and merge orders. Hence, with the use of Split Order for the Magento 2 module, the admin can easily manage the orders and shipments by splitting and merging orders. Magento 2 split order extension will help the admin to minimize the shipping cost. Also, the admin will not require to manage all the orders separately.
Bobby Brown

North Korea is still making nukes and the Trump admin is taking a harder line - 0 views

    In public, Trump praises Kim Jong Un. But his administration is taking a tougher stance toward North Korea as proof mounts it's still making nuclear weapons.
    Better be careful people
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Stumble-Spam - 0 views

    Alex Laburu raises a serious point about Stumbleupon; that perverse incentives are built in to the system by SU's business model, in which the company makes money, not from visits to blogs on their system, but by getting paid for "stumbles" - random visits to sponsor websites taking place through their system. Under such a model, Laburu argues, a well written blog costs the company money, because it is a blog visitors are less likely to leave soon via a stumble - and those following its links aren't stumbling. He raises a good point (among others), one that should lead SU users to view with concern the supposedly good feature that is the absence of advertising on our blogs on SU, because it provides SU admins with a short term incentive to side with those misusing the system at the expense of those using it constructively. Which does leave us with the question of how Diigo is making its money, does it? One might ask if many of the users bring this sort of thing upon themselves - listen in on the screaming when the very possibility of introducing advertising is raised, on some sites, as if the hosting service didn't need to make money. Perhaps when the subject arises here - Diigo is still in Beta as I write this - some of us might want to speak in support of that very sensible source of revenue for a company we'd like to evolve in a healthier direction than that being taken by some of its competition, at the moment.

Upcoming edge browser alerts users in administrator mode - 0 views

    The upcoming edge browser will notify users if they launch the browser with admin rights. The developers have published the pre-survey for windows browser.

Top New Agriculture ERP Software In India  - 0 views

    ERP for Agriculture Industry provides the company with a complete ERP solution which will provide the management with various modules like account payable, account receivable, general ledger, purchase, sales, inventory and admin services, through which they can easily manage and improve financial accounting.

Effortless Warehouse Control with Magento 2 Extensions - 1 views

Magento 2 warehouse extension is also essential for growing online business and marketplace. Also, it is super mandatory to have a smooth logistics and quality control system. It is a Magento 2 Inv...

Magento 2 warehouse extension

started by webkulsoftware on 27 Dec 24 no follow-up yet
tech vedic

Four Free Tools that every Administrator should Know About - 5 views

    There are certain tools which an administrator should know. Thus, cover up this tutorial to come across these tools.
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