» The Last Newspaper - Authenticities - Edelman Digital - 0 views
I received my Tabbloid Today tabbloid_2009-02-05_0900-edelman-digital-zemanta Tabbloid is a free service from Hewlett Packard and is a client of Edelman ! There a lot of great articles and I found One on Zemanta and The Last Newspaper by by Gary Goldhammer
The Last Newspaper - Authenticities - Edelman Digital Image representing Edelman as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase I received my Tabbloid Today tabbloid_2009-02-05_0900-edelman-digital-zemanta Tabbloid is a free service from Hewlett Packard and is a client of Edelman ! There a lot of great articles and I found One on Zemanta and The Last Newspaper by by Gary Goldhammer "Daniel headed for the darkest corner of his local Starbucks, the Last Newspaper clutched snug against his chest. He opened it slowly, carefully, as if he were cradling an ancient parchment. The crinkling sound it made drew a few stares,…!" This is more than an ordinary post it tell's a sad story in a few well chosen words! I also follow on my Tabbloid Fred Wilson Gotham Gal Steve Rubel and more ! Gotham Gal is one of my wife's favorites she gives you Scrapple from the Apple "Scrapple from the Apple" is a bebop composition by Charlie Parker, commonly regonized today as a jazz standard, written in F major. The song borrows its chord progression from "Honeysuckle Rose", a common practice for Parker, as he based many of his successful tunes over already well-known chord changes.tabbloid_2009-01-10_0901-gotham-gal I use Scrapple from the Apple Above Since Gotham Gal has among other things great food features Now Scrapple , Scrapple is a savory mush of pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal and flour, often buckwheat flour. The mush is formed into a loaf, and slices of the scrapple are then fried before serving. Scraps of meat left over from butchering, not used or sold elsewhere, were made into scrapple to avoid waste. Scrapple is best known as a regional American food of Delaware, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland. And me well I was Born In 1936 and as a member of the Inner Bop Circle know that " Bird!" still lives in our Heart and Minds. I approve of all my rebogs is a playground of ideas, introductions, and syne