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From Atoms (GM) to Bits (Bing) « Ms12's Weblog - 0 views

    Date: June 1, 2009 7:40:07 AM GMT-04:00 Subject: From Atoms (GM) to Bits (Bing) Source: Continuations It is an interesting juxtaposition to have GM file for bankruptcy the same day that Microsoft launches its new search engine bing. It would be difficult to find a clearer illustration of how the shift from atoms to bits is transforming industries. It is not just the recession that is causing a smaller demand for cars - the demand will never be the same. Using the net, we can share cars more efficiently. Video conferencing reduces the need to drive for business. And streaming video (search for it on bing) may cut out a few trips to the movies.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Wheelchair Safety With Power Wheelchairs - 0 views

    Folding Lightweight Wheelchairs For indoor wheelchair safety the folding power wheelchair models that are lightweight have front casters which turn easily, making them ideal for use in small apartments. Having the casters in front makes this a dangerous chair to use outdoors as the front wheels can turn sharply if encountering a crack in the sidewalk, incline, or rocks.Wheelchair india is manufacturer, supplier, distributor and dealer of Karma KP 10-2 Power Wheelchair for disabled and handicapped in india. They usually have one or two removable batteries and have a similar appearance as the manual wheelchair. They can be controlled with a joystick or a sip and puff method. Lightweight Power Assisted Wheelchairs These chairs can be propelled in a similar manner as the manual wheelchair or use a battery. You may want this type if you want to keep fit and get some exercise but need some power when going up an incline or when traveling a distance. They are smaller and lighter weight than the folding wheelchair and have smaller batteries and motors. Dual Purpose Power Wheelchairs These chairs generally are good for either indoor or outdoor use. You need to have larger wheels in front for outdoors as this is a safety feature. It is better to have six wheels for stability when traveling outdoors. These indoor/outdoor power chairs compromise wheelchair safety and perform poorly when you do not have enough room to turn indoors and you need to travel over rough ground and uneven surfaces. Their optimum performance indoors is when you have wider doors and hallways in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or homes/apartments. Ideal outdoor surfaces in urban and suburban areas would include sidewalks and paved areas. Outdoor Power Wheelchairs These chairs weigh as much as 400-500 pounds, add the weight of the user up to 250 pounds and the total weight is approximately 650 pounds. They are very efficient outdoors with their rear wheels they can sa

How to 'get paid to link' with Linkbucks? - 1 views


[Internet] Twitter is the fastest growing social networking website - 1 views


Online jobs that pay with PayPal - 1 views


Exclusive Offer For Power Wheelchair - 0 views


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Riya Patle

Unbelievable Goal Missing In Football History ...... - YouTube - 0 views

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