Oracle Training Classes & Certification - 0 views
ducat fbd on 15 Jul 14DUCAT is the only training institute giving technical training with a difference. The institute not only provides training but takes proper care that the training is meaningful. DUCAT provides training on Oracle 10g DBA in the most technical way. Oracle 10g DBA is an Oracle revolution which is a boom for database administrators.
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ducat fbd on 06 Aug 14DUCAT gives 6 Months Project Based Industrial training that makes one improve his job availability. Oracle 10G DEVELOPER training is provided in such a manner that the students become experts and that increases their ability to work with this technology as experts.
ducat fbd on 13 Aug 14DUCAT gives training by actually making the student work with Oracle 10G DEVELOPER. The training process is set in such a way that the students get a real feel of the work. The technology is taught in a step by step process so that the students can get that into their head and implement it when needed.