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NATO holds the largest military exercise after the Cold War and 50,000 people from 31 c... - 0 views

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO began a two week joint military exercise of Tirty Contact 2018 in Norway and its surrounding areas on the 25th. This is the largest joint military exercise since the end of the Cold War in NATO. According to information released by NATO, about

NATO will stage the strongest military exercise after the Cold War 45,000 soldiers near... - 0 views

    According to Russia Today reported on October 5, NATO will deploy 45,000 soldiers, 130 aircraft, 70 combat vessels and nearly 10,000 military vehicles in this years Third Trident-2018 military exercise. The military exercise is expected to begin on October 25th local time and end on November

The largest military exercise in NATO in 20 years will join the US aircraft carrier Dul... - 0 views

    According to the Russian satellite news agency, NATO official Adm. James G. Foggo said in a speech at the headquarters in Brussels on the 9th that NATO will officially launch the largest military exercise in the past 20 years, the US aircraft carrier later this month. The Truman and its forwards

Will Trump cancel the NATO military exercise for Putin? His European allies panicked - 0 views

    At the annual NATO summit held recently, Trump frequently speaks amazingly and successively put pressure on allies including Germany on military expenses and other issues. What is even more surprising is that Trump said that if Russian President Vladimir Putin makes a request, he will not rule out

After the Norwegian frigate crashed it continued to sink and almost completely sank. - 0 views

    According to a Reuters report on November 13, the Norwegian Coastal Administration photographed that the Norwegian Navy Herg Insta frigate continued to sink on Tuesday 13th, almost completely flooded . It is unclear whether the operation of the nearby crude oil export terminal will be affected.
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