Contents contributed and discussions participated by Maria Jesus Salido
infografia ADA diabetes america - 0 views
The future of digital healthcare - 0 views
Clinical and Economic Impact of a Digital, Remotely-Delivered Intensive Behavioral Coun... - 0 views
Background Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease impose substantial clinical and economic burdens for seniors (age 65 and above) and the Medicare program. Intensive Behavioral Counseling (IBC) interventions like the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP), have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing excess body weight and lowering or delaying morbidity onset.
Front Line of Healthcare Report 2016 - 0 views
The surveys highlighted regional and national differences in healthcare systems in the US and Europe and across the four European countries we surveyed. Our findings underscore an urgent call to action for European healthcare organizations to move faster in renewing systems and processes to meet future demands.
Diabetes commissioning pack - London Clinical Networks - 0 views
Sensely | Virtual visits, real care. - 0 views
From Virtual Nurses To Drug Discovery: 90+ Artificial Intelligence Startups In Healthcare - 0 views
Khosla Ventures has backed 5 of the startups on the map. In our quarterly analysis of companies pursuing healthcare-focused applications of AI, we reported that deals leapt from less than 10 in 2011 to 60 in 2015. So far this year (as of 8/23/2016), companies in this space have raised over 55 equity funding rounds.
"No tengo ni idea del horario que hacen mis trabajadores" - 0 views
Jueves, 22 de septiembre del 2016 - 19:48 CEST Conciliación total, tanta que es independiente de la situación personal y familiar de los trabajadores. En la empresa Cocunat, dedicada a producir y vender cosméticos libres de tóxicos por internet, este derecho se aplica a rajatabla, de arriba abajo y de abajo a arriba.
Interoperability Handbook - 0 views
Diabetes management startup CBinsights - 0 views
Medtronic gets CE Mark for smartphone-connected CGM - 0 views
Medtronic has received a CE Mark for its Guardian Connect mobile continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and app. The company will begin selling the system in select countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America in Q2 2017 and expects to receive FDA clearance to launch the device in the US around that same time.
JMU-View Announcement - 0 views
Demo Day de MundiLab: nueve startups de alto potencial presentan su pitch - 0 views
Tras recibir mentoring por parte de ejecutivos de Munich Re y Mundi Ventures durante cinco semanas, las nueve startups participantes, compitieron en tres categorías de premios. El Demo Day de Mundi Lab se convirtió en una exhibición de las tecnologías e ideas que renovarán, sin duda, la industria de los seguros.
Un crecimiento imparable de smartphones en México reporta 52.6 millones de di... - 0 views
Para nadie es una sorpresa que estamos en pleno boom de la venta de smartphones, quienes poco a poco han relegado a los llamados Feature Phones, lo anterior debido a que los costos se han reducido considerablemente y ahora es posible que cualquier persona puede hacerse de un teléfono inteligente sin necesidad de desembolsar una gran cantidad de dinero.
NHS to offer free devices and apps to help people manage illnesses - 0 views
Millions of people will receive devices and apps free on the NHS to help them manage conditions such as diabetes and heart disease in an major drive to use technology to reduce patient deaths. NHS England's chief executive, Simon Stevens, has backed the move as a significant expansion of self-care that could help prevent patients becoming seriously unwell and needing hospital treatment.
Abbott adds data sharing to smartphone app for Freestyle Libre - 0 views
Abbott's FreeStyle Libre Flash glucose monitoring system--Courtesy of Abbott Abbott ($ABT) now has a mobile app to collect and share data for its continuous glucose monitor that doesn't require routine finger-stick calibration, FreeStyle Libre. The app was created by AirStrip Technologies--and now partner Diasend also enables patients to view that data alongside information from other compatible devices including insulin pumps, blood glucose meters and activity trackers.
Slim lanza plataforma educativa y de capacitación de empleo; es gratuita e in... - 0 views
Por Redacción / Sin Embargo junio 15, 2016 - 4:57 pm * 14 Comentarios Ciudad de México, 15 de junio (SinEmbargo).- Carlos Slim Helú, presidente de la Fundación Carlos Slim, presentó una plataforma educativa llamada App-prende, con el que se ofrecerán contenidos educativos gratuitos y capacitación de empleo a través de Telcel e Infinitum.