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中国人吃葡萄(皮)地图 - 0 views

  • 都说中国人“吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮”,但现在随着葡萄酒的流行,中国人既吃葡萄,也“吃”葡萄皮。(酿制葡萄酒的风味主要来自葡萄皮) 
  • 自张骞出使西域将“大宛蒲陶”带回中原,中原葡萄的种植历史已逾千年。而本就位于西北边陲的新疆,种植葡萄的历史则更为悠久,这样的家学底蕴使得新疆成为“世界葡萄植物园”。
  • 挂架上一串串葡萄垂坠下来,经过一个多月的火洲热风吹拂之后,甜蜜的气味开始在城里飘荡,鲜美多汁的葡萄化身硬实齁甜的葡萄干。通过这种方式晾晒的无核白葡萄干,含糖量高达80%,是名副其实的“新疆第一甜心”。
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • 陕西杨凌,标价一粒10元的蓝宝石葡萄。 图/视觉中国
  • 和烟台类似,滨海的河北昌黎气候、光热条件非常适宜酿酒葡萄的种植,是远近闻名的“酿酒葡萄之乡”。20世纪80年代初,昌黎就被定点为优质干红葡萄引种点和高档干红葡萄酒生产基地。2002年,“昌黎葡萄酒”获得国家原产地域产品保护,成为第一个获得该资质的葡萄酒产品。
  • 河北葡萄也有着它属于它自己的荣耀,除了种植面积和产量常年位居第二之外,它是我国古老葡萄品种牛奶、龙眼的最佳栽培地,种植历史也非常悠久。
  • 而河北另外一大葡萄产区沙城,除了创造了远近闻名的“长城干红”葡萄酒之外,还为我们贡献了一个“市区葡萄园”的视觉奇观——宣化城市传统葡萄园。在宣化古城中,人们以庭院式栽培为主,以独一无二的漏斗架栽培方式在城市中构造出一块块绿色的天井,从空中俯瞰,极具视觉冲击力。
  • 2015年,制作葡萄酒使用的酿酒葡萄占据世界葡萄总产量的65%,尽管鲜食葡萄产量逐年递增,但短时间内,酿酒葡萄仍然是世界葡萄产业的核心作物。
  • 而近现代中国的葡萄酒产业,发端自山东半岛的烟台地区。1892年,张裕酿酒公司的成立,标志着中国葡萄酒业步履蹒跚的艰辛起点。
  • 张裕葡萄酒创始人张弼士在考察全国各地后,认为烟台的条件和法国葡萄种植区非常相似,因此从法国引进了酿酒葡萄品种,建立了两个葡萄园,开启了国产葡萄酒业的创业史。
  • 比较有趣的是,张弼士为了让国人尽快地熟悉葡萄酒文化,还请当时的文人墨客给酿酒葡萄起了相当文艺的网名,比如说酿制红葡萄酒的代表品种Cabernet Sauvignon被译作“赤霞珠”,而酿制白葡萄酒的代表品种Chardonnay被译作“霞多丽”。而张裕葡萄酒最出名的子品牌“解百纳”,则是取名自“赤霞珠、品丽珠、蛇龙珠”三种酿酒葡萄的法文名中共有的Cabernet(本意为红葡萄酒)。 
  • 霞多丽(上)、赤霞珠(下)。 图/视觉中国
  • 酿酒葡萄和鲜食葡萄差异巨大。酿酒葡萄的糖分比鲜食葡萄高,但同时混杂了大量的有机酸和单宁物质,这些东西的杂糅,使得生吃酿酒葡萄的口感非常接近喝一碗调好的糖醋汁。如果说鲜食葡萄都追求皮薄肉厚的身材,那么酿酒葡萄则是反其道而行——偏好粒小皮厚,吃它们完全没有平时吃水果的快感,就像在嗑一堆口味奇特的瓜子,但酿酒所需要的风味物质都富集在这些果皮之中。
  • 在经过多年发展后,2015年烟台葡萄酒产量达到32.8万升,占全国产量的28.6%,在国内市场占有率为42%。并且以896.4亿的品牌价值,名列酒水类地理标志产品第二名(仅次于茅台酒),是目前当之无愧的中国葡萄酒第一区域品牌。
  • 在20余年前,云南还是葡萄年产量排名倒数第七的省份,现在已经是常年排名前四的领头羊了。云南大部分地区位于亚热带、热带地区,按常理说不应该会出现大面积的葡萄种植园。但是得益于云南立体丰富的地形地貌,在局部地区形成了适合葡萄种植的小气候。
  • 云南葡萄的核心种植区集中在金沙江、红河流域的干热河谷。充足的光照、河水的灌溉、加之较少的雨水,云南干热河谷的种植条件,几乎和盛行地中海气候的意大利河谷地区如出一辙,并且云南还有一个世界绝大多数葡萄产区欠缺的优势:纬度低,热量足,是少见的葡萄早熟区。
  • 通常你在市面上吃到的第一颗葡萄,可能都来自云南产区。

Buy Elite Yelp Reviews - 100% Non-Drop,Safe, Permanent, Cheap ... - 1 views

    to lack of funds six months later." How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp Yelp is the world's largest local search and discovery engine. They have more than 1 million reviews from their users, which makes it a great place to get professional Elite Reviews for your business. If you're looking for ways to increase your visibility on Yelp and make sure that people are talking about your business, then this guide will show you how! Buy Elite Yelp Reviews How To Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews On Yelp & Why It Matters How to Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business If you're looking to improve your business, then Elite Yelp Reviews is a great place to start. It's important that you have a good service and product before trying to get professional reviews on Yelp. The best way to do this is by offering a good price and being honest and transparent with your customers about what they will receive in return for their money. If you want more tips on how to get elite reviews from yelp or other platforms, visit our website here: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews on Yelp When you see the word "Elite" next to a business on Yelp, it can be tempting to think that you have nothing more to do than wait for your elite reviews. But is this true? The answer is no! Elite reviews aren't just something that happen overnight; they require hard work and dedication from both sides of the table: The business owner who wants them and their team members who are willing to put in hours upon hours of research into their market. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Elite Yelp Reviews Yelp Reviews Yelp is a review site that allows users to post reviews about local businesses. It's also a social network for consumers, where people can sha
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    What You Need to Know About Elite Yelp Reviews The first thing you need to know about Elite Yelp Reviews is that they are not the same as regular reviews. In fact, they can be even better! Elite reviews have a higher quality rating than regular ones do and are written by users who have received extensive training on how to write effective customer testimonials. This means that your business will be able to get more clients who trust what they read in these reviews and feel confident buying from you because of them. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews One thing that I love about having elite Yelp reviews is how easy it was for me just by paying $99 per month (which includes unlimited access) until my account was closed down due to lack of funds six months later." How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp Yelp is the world's largest local search and discovery engine. They have more than 1 million reviews from their users, which makes it a great place to get professional Elite Reviews for your business. If you're looking for ways to increase your visibility on Yelp and make sure that people are talking about your business, then this guide will show you how! Buy Elite Yelp Reviews How To Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews On Yelp & Why It Matters How to Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business If you're looking to improve your business, then Elite Yelp Reviews is a great place to start. It's important that you have a good service and product before trying to get professional reviews on Yelp. The best way to do this is by offering a good price and being honest and transparent with your customers about what they will receive in return for their money. If you want more tips on how to get elite reviews from yelp or other platforms, visit our website here: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews on Yelp When you see the word "Elite" next to a busin
    What You Need to Know About Elite Yelp Reviews The first thing you need to know about Elite Yelp Reviews is that they are not the same as regular reviews. In fact, they can be even better! Elite reviews have a higher quality rating than regular ones do and are written by users who have received extensive training on how to write effective customer testimonials. This means that your business will be able to get more clients who trust what they read in these reviews and feel confident buying from you because of them. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews One thing that I love about having elite Yelp reviews is how easy it was for me just by paying $99 per month (which includes unlimited access) until my account was closed down due to lack of funds six months later." How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp Yelp is the world's largest local search and discovery engine. They have more than 1 million reviews from their users, which makes it a great place to get professional Elite Reviews for your business. If you're looking for ways to increase your visibility on Yelp and make sure that people are talking about your business, then this guide will show you how! Buy Elite Yelp Reviews How To Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews On Yelp & Why It Matters How to Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business If you're looking to improve your business, then Elite Yelp Reviews is a great place to start. It's important that you have a good service and product before trying to get professional reviews on Yelp. The best way to do this is by offering a good price and being honest and transparent with your customers about what they will receive in return for their money. If you want more tips on how to get elite reviews from yelp or other platforms, visit our website here: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews on Yelp When you see the word "Elite" next to a busin
    Introduction Yelp is a great way to get reviews for your business. But if you want to ensure that your Yelp reviews are unique and genuine, it's important to use the best services on the market. Elite Yelp Reviews is one such service that can help you gain more visibility online through its high-quality content and professional services. What You Need to Know About Elite Yelp Reviews The first thing you need to know about Elite Yelp Reviews is that they are not the same as regular reviews. In fact, they can be even better! Elite reviews have a higher quality rating than regular ones do and are written by users who have received extensive training on how to write effective customer testimonials. This means that your business will be able to get more clients who trust what they read in these reviews and feel confident buying from you because of them. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews One thing that I love about having elite Yelp reviews is how easy it was for me just by paying $99 per month (which includes unlimited access) until my account was closed down due to lack of funds six months later." How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp Yelp is the world's largest local search and discovery engine. They have more than 1 million reviews from their users, which makes it a great place to get professional Elite Reviews for your business. If you're looking for ways to increase your visibility on Yelp and make sure that people are talking about your business, then this guide will show you how! Buy Elite Yelp Reviews How To Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews On Yelp & Why It Matters How to Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business If you're looking to improve your business, then Elite Yelp Reviews is a great place to start. It's important that you have a good service and product before trying to get professional reviews on Yelp. The best way to do this is by offering a good price and bei
    Introduction Yelp is a great way to get reviews for your business. But if you want to ensure that your Yelp reviews are unique and genuine, it's important to use the best services on the market. Elite Yelp Reviews is one such service that can help you gain more visibility online through its high-quality content and professional services. What You Need to Know About Elite Yelp Reviews The first thing you need to know about Elite Yelp Reviews is that they are not the same as regular reviews. In fact, they can be even better! Elite reviews have a higher quality rating than regular ones do and are written by users who have received extensive training on how to write effective customer testimonials. This means that your business will be able to get more clients who trust what they read in these reviews and feel confident buying from you because of them. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews One thing that I love about having elite Yelp reviews is how easy it was for me just by paying $99 per month (which includes unlimited access) until my account was closed down due to lack of funds six months later." How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp Yelp is the world's largest local search and discovery engine. They have more than 1 million reviews from their users, which makes it a great place to get professional Elite Reviews for your business. If you're looking for ways to increase your visibility on Yelp and make sure that people are talking about your business, then this guide will show you how! Buy Elite Yelp Reviews How To Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews On Yelp & Why It Matters How to Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business If you're looking to improve your business, then Elite Yelp Reviews is a great place to start. It's important that you have a good service and product before trying to get professional reviews on Yelp. The best way to do this is by offering a good price and bei

Everything You Need to Know about Men Gym Shorts - 1 views

It seems that more and more people like to have mens workout wear at daily time. So what about you? Do you exercise regularly? Exercise is a physical activity that affects our health...


started by kbojezhang44 on 07 May 20 no follow-up yet
iyus qobain

Okamoto 0.02 EX Polyurethane Condom 12pc | Regular Size (Japan Import) By Okamoto - 0 views

    Okamoto 0.02 EX Polyurethane Condom 12pc | Regular Size (Japan Import) By Okamoto - with price: $325.00  - This is Japanese version. Imported from Japan. This is The Best Selling Okamoto 0.02 EX Polyurethane Condom 12pc | Regular Size (Japan Import) By Okamoto tends to
iyus qobain

Voguestrap TX77720BN Allstrap 20mm Brown Regular-Length Genuine Leather-Contrast Stitch Watchband - 0 views

    Voguestrap TX77720BN Allstrap 20mm Brown Regular-Length Genuine Leather-Contrast Stitch Watchband - Discount only for limited time: Check Price Now - If you're looking for top recommended Voguestrap TX77720BN Allstrap 20mm Brown Regular-Length Genuine Leather-Contrast Stitch Watchband

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Benefit Of Commode Wheelchair - 0 views

    Commode Wheelchair are best suited for people who cannot use a regular toilet. The Wheelchair enable patients who have limited mobility due to an accident or any medical condition to use the toilet with ease. The Wheelchair allows the patient to use the toilet without causing discomfort to the legs and back. The Wheelchair can be used by people who are restricted to a bed. What are the advantages? The Wheelchair are convenient and portable with some models available fitted with wheels.Commode Wheelchair can be setup next to the bedside, in the toilet, or even as a frame placed over a regular toilet. The Wheelchair are fairly comfortable and are equipped with back and arm rests that can be removed whenever needed. The removable back option allows the chair to be used as frame for a regular toilet. Patients who are recuperating from surgery and have difficulty in standing up can easily shift from the wheelchair to the Commode Wheelchair without requiring any support. The Wheelchair can be modeled to suit the user's requirements. The chairs come in a variety of shapes and sizes for people of all ages. Bariatric commode chairs are designed for use by people who are over 280-300 pounds. Buy online commode wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of commode wheelchair manufacturer, distributor, dealer and supplier of variety of Karma Commode Wheelchair at low price in india Durable and easy to maintain Commode Wheelchair are quite durable especially those made from a combination of metal and plastic. Ideally the legs and arms of the chair should have a metal base while the rest of the body could be made from plastic. The Wheelchair if it's to be used in the shower can be fitted with a mesh covering that not only protects the chair from mold but also dries quickly. A commode Wheelchair built from durable plastic material is easier to clean using a disinfecta
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Mango Juice Benefits In Diabetes - 0 views

    Good remedy for diabetes Diabetes is not a condition that one can ignore or consider trivial. The condition is essentially a disorder that is characterized by excess amounts of blood sugar leading to serious medical complications such as damaged blood vessels. Some of the more common causes of diabetes include: high cholesterol, hereditary, insulin resistance and high blood pressure. There are three main types of diabetes type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes in pregnant women. In order to control the blood sugar levels properly, one needs to be careful of the different kinds of sugar ingested meaning that a number of sweet foods will have to be avoided. When discussing about diet for diabetics, most people wonder if mangos for diabetics are safe. Mango juice still Leaves For Diabetes One of the best natural treatments is to use mango leaves for diabetes. You just need to boil about three or four mango leaves and drink the water. The benefits of mango leaves for blood sugar have been ascertained after lot of research. The research substantiates that the medicinal properties contribute to the lowering of the blood sugar levels within the body. For better results, you should try soaking the leaves over the course of the night in water and consume the solution early the next morning. Ensure that you consume the solution on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Mango Juice Diabetes Prevention and Management Further Mango juice research is still ongoing, but some studies have already revealed that mangoes are a great natural remedy for diabetes. It was a long-told myth that diabetic patients should avoid mangoes because of its sweet taste; now it is being shown that other than the fruit, the mango leaves are also helpful in curing diabetes. Place 10 or 15 mango leaves in warm water and close it with a lid before going to bed. In the morning, drink the water on an empty stomach after filtering the leaves. Regular practice of this meth

Hand Drive Tricycle - 0 views

    Those third volume from claiming tricycle Teachings: contemplation offers a determination of the clearest Also mossycup oak supportive contemplation guidelines starting with Pema Chödrön, joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, and a lot of people others. The direction of these expert meditators will help you start alternately reinvigorate a Every day reflection act.
Roxie Metro

Time Warner Posts Business Outlook & Raises Cash Dividend by 11% - 0 views

    The Board of Directors of Time Warner Inc. (NYSE:TWX) reportedly affirmed a boost in the Company's regular quarterly cash dividend of 11%. The BOD of TWX declared an annual basis regular cash dividend on its Common Stock that will rise from $0.94 per share to $1.04 per share.
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Some Health Benefits of Litchi juice - 0 views

    Litchi Juice of Skin health It nourishes the skin very deeply as it contains high level of vitamins B and C which are very necessary for the skin health. Litchi reduces the occurrence of acne, wrinkles, spots, dryness and other skin problems. Vitamin C found in it has antioxidant and anti-aging property thus prevents skin from the early ageing. It prevents skin from the skin disorders caused due to the pollution, UV radiations, smoking, drinking, free radicals, unhealthy diet and premature ageing. Its availability of vitamin B-complex and phytonutrient flavonoids prevents skin from the harmful effects of oxidative stress caused due to pollution and UV radiations. Its antioxidants nature helps in neutralizing the free radicals as well as protects skin cells from getting damaged, skin cancer and inflammations. Some other skin friendly nutrients (thiamine, copper, niacin) found in it helps in the metabolism of fat and protein in order to maintain skin health. Niacin found in it boosts the skin hydration level to keep it moisturized always whereas copper mineral speeds up the wound healing of damaged skin. Benefits of Litchi for Weight Loss Regular consumption of litchi helps in increasing the metabolism rate as it contains dietary fibers and B group vitamins thus helps in managing weight. It is very low in calorie and high in insoluble dietary fibers without saturated fats and cholesterol thus good for the weight conscious people. Benefits of Litchi for Aging It reduces the aging process by decreasing the effects of UV radiations, smoke, oxidative stress, pollution and other reasons of aging. Litchi also protects from the age related degenerative changes in the body in earlier age and keeps body healthy and fresh if eaten Regularly. Benefits of Litchi for Hair It helps in maintaining the healthy hair scalp by improving the flow of blood and oxygen to the hair follicles. Litchi provides long, healthy, bright, black, smooth, silky and lustrous ha
Mango Dash india

Health And Fitness Benefits of Mango Fruit Juice - 0 views

    Mangoes are the richest source of most important vitamins (A, C, B, E, K), minerals, dietary fibbers, electrolytes and iron which are mostly required by the for better growth and development as well as being healthy and live life without any diseases and infections. It is liked by all people due to its nice color, taste, flavor and quality health aspects. I have mentioned below the few beneficial aspects of the mangoes which you must know to enhance your interest while eating mangoes:

    Benefits of Mango juice for Cancer Prevention
    Mango fruit has antioxidant compounds (such as quercetin, fisetin, astragalin, gallic acid, isoquercitrin, methyl gallate and etc) and lots of enzymes which help in protecting against various body organs cancers like colon, leukemia, breast, stomach, prostate, lungs, cervical, oral cavity cancers and etc. These compounds include, as well as the abundant.
    Polyphenols found in it acts as an anti inflammatory agent and restricts the growth of cancerous cells.
    The soluble dietary fibers, pectin found in it has property of decreasing the action of protein (galectin) found in the cancerous cells.

    Benefits of Mango juice for Heart health
    It contains highest level of soluble dietary fibers (pectin) and vitamin C which involves in lowering the bad serum cholesterol levels means Low-Density Lipoproteins as well as enhancing the good serum cholesterol levels means High-Density Lipoproteins thus keeps the heart healthy by keeping all the heart problems away.
    It is the rich source of potassium which involves in controlling the blood pressure thus heart rate.

    Benefits of Mango juice for Skin
    It is beneficial for the skin in both ways whether it is eaten or applied externally on the skin.
    It India juice has antioxidants which make the skin healthy, smooth, glowing and wrinkles free.
    It clear out the blocked pores and provides solution to get free from the
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Mango Juice Uses Cures Acne And Skin Health - 0 views

    Mango Juice Perhaps you are surprised to know that mangoes are closely related to skin health. Other than bringing a healthy glow to your face, mango Juice also help to lighten skin color. You can easily enhance your beauty by including this tasty fruit in your diet on a regular basis. Mangoes effectively treat acne by opening the clogged pores of the skin. Once these pores are opened, acne formation will eventually stop. Unclogging the pores of the skin is the most effective way to eliminate acne. To enjoy this benefit, there is no need to eat mangoes every day you need to remove the mango pulp and apply it on the skin for around 10 minutes, then rinse it off. Consuming this Mango Juice regularly will help keep your body healthy and slow down premature skin aging caused by environmentally stresses such as pollution and sun damage. THE ROLE OF JUICE IN SKIN HEALTH Mango Juices are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, loaded with phytonutrients and they help build and repair skin collagen and connective tissue, thus reducing acne scars and acne scarring. Some juices may also help to balance hormones, whereas others may have antibacterial and antibiotic properties. Furthermore, these juices can help reduce stress, improve circulation, and speed healing. Five Best Skin Health Benefits of Mango Juice: Besides being extremely pleasing to your taste buds, mango is amazing for your skin as it is a great source of antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, which keep your skin healthy and glowing. It is often used in various face masks and scrubs. Its various skin benefits are as follows: 1. Mango juice for Glowing Skin: Mango Juice are great for your skin as they have the ability to reduce dark spots, blemishes and acne, thus imparting a natural glow to your skin. Vitamin A and Beta carotene in this fruit restore, rejuvenate and revive your skin with vigor as well as add shine to your skin. 2. Mango Juice Improves Complexion: Mangoes are pac
Weetjij Alivenet

Weetjij Health and Fitness With Exercise Tips Blog - 0 views

    Want to get fit this year, but don't know where to start? We have chosen the best health and fitness blogs to empower you and help to get you started on your journey to tip-top physical fitness. Regular exercise can help to control your weight, strengthen your bones and muscles, and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease Getting up off the couch and taking part in Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you remain healthy. We've carefully selected and publish these blogs because they are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower their readers with frequent updates and high-quality information. If you Want to nominate a blog? Email us at! and visit at:

glaciallight announces emergency backup module gl-em01f for led panel lights and troffer - 1 views

TAIPEI, Taiwan, July 19, 2015--(PR. com)--GlacialLight, a diversified LED technology provider, announced an emergency backup module for its PL0606 and pl03 12 ceiling panel lights and TL0...


started by kbojezhang44 on 17 Mar 20 no follow-up yet

I will set up and do pinterest marketing to increase your organic traffic - 0 views

    Hello, Firstly, I would like to thank you for visiting my gig. I will set up and do pinterest marketing to increase your organic traffic with targeted keywords. Pinterest Marketing is the best way to reach your potential customer's in a short time as it has over 442 million monthly active users worldwide. So if you are not using it to promote your pins, you are missing a lot of excellent and free traffic to your website store. If you want to do a successful business with lots of expected customers, I will play my role to make it profitable. My Services: ☑ SEO keywords added to your URL, title, biography & board descriptions. ☑ Regular marketing, management and scheduling Pins. ☑ Eyectchy content to get customers ☑ Create new boards and optimization. ☑ Gain your followers, clicks, monthly viewer's ☑ Research and follow targeted peoples. ☑ Relevant trending hashtags for more visitors and rank your profile ☑ Regular increase in daily views and impressions. I am always friendly and much more dedicated to work. Why you'll choose me? ►Quick Delivery ►100% Satisfaction Guarantee ►Unique Support ►24/7 Friendly Communication Please visit the FAQ question. Regards, fazlul_karim666

Advantages (And Disadvantages) Of Installing Bi-Fold Doors - 1 views

Bi-fold doors are the doors that fold in on themselves; whether they come in two or four sections (or ...


started by kbojezhang44 on 14 Jun 19 no follow-up yet
John smith

What To Do If You Inhale Refrigerant Gas? | WESTRON - AL WALEED REFRIGERANT GAS INDUSTRY LLC - 0 views

    If a system's refrigerant gas escapes, it can contribute to direct global warming. Manufacturers and suppliers are working hard to keep refrigerant leaks under control. A refrigerant must meet three criteria to be considered a long-term option: it must be safe, ecologically benign, and deliver great performance benefits, resulting in minimal ozone depletion and low global warming potential (GWP). SYMPTOMS OF REFRIGERANT POISONING It is extremely harmful to intentionally inhale refrigerant vapors in order to "get high." Even the first time you do it, it can be fatal. Inhaling excessive quantities of Freon on a regular basis might result in symptoms such as: Trouble breathing Fluid buildup in the lungs Organ deterioration Sudden death SAFETY MEASURES If you suspect someone has been exposed to refrigerant, get them to fresh air as quickly as possible to avoid serious consequences. Immediately call 998 and transport the victim to the hospital. In the emergency room of a hospital, refrigerant poisoning is treated. WORKPLACE SECURITY IS IMPORTANT. If you work with refrigerators or other types of cooling machines, it's critical that you understand and follow all safety procedures. Attend all appliance training and, if necessary, wear protective clothes or a mask to avoid contact with refrigerant compounds. MAINTENANCE OF REFRIGERANT IN YOUR DOMESTIC HVAC SYSTEM Leaks Can Be Difficult To Detect It can be difficult to spot refrigerant leakage in your Dubai home. If your air conditioner requires additional refrigerant on a regular basis during HVAC maintenance, you have a leak, and a reputable firm will repair the leak rather than just adding refrigerant. You Can Assist It is possible to detect a leak by smelling it. The majority of refrigerants are reported as having a sweet odor, or as smelling like chloroform in some cases. If you have any suspicions, you should contact the specialists right once. Breathing in refrigerants is not only bad for the envir

Direct Vs Regular Mutual Fund - 0 views

    Direct and regular mutual funds are ways of investing in mutual funds that differ from each other in terms of their cost, performance and uses to the investor.

Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market - Growth, Trends, Covid-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2022 - 2030) - 0 views

    The most recent published by Reports & Insights termed as "Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market: Opportunity Analysis and Future Assessment 2022-2030" provides exclusive information about the market, covering in-depth data about future market opportunities and prospects along with the possible challenges. It further mentions recent trends and impact of various factors which affects the growth of Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market. Moreover, the report also thoroughly states about the leading players competing in the market for the interest of its readers. Request a Sample Copy of this Report @: Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Introduction There are several instances in everyday lives of people when they feel tempted to purchase some trendy clothes or order delicious food online but drop the idea as they recall their bank balance. However, in the present times, the buy now pay later platforms came as a saviour for such instances in regular lives, as it allows customers to purchase commodities right away without worrying about their bank balance owing to the liberty provided to users to pay for the purchase later on. The "shop now pay later" solution has grown extremely popular in the past few years as it provides users with flexible repayment options and to prefer a relevant financing plan and repay in instalments instead of having to pay the total cost up-front. Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market Dynamics As a matter of fact, the concept of "Buy now pay later" is not at all new and it has been around for a very long time. Although the BNPL platform has become the talk of the town in the past few years owing to its emerging presence in the digital world. The buy now pay later platforms have finally appeared and started to deliver digitally and have become mobile-optimized along with user-friendly functions. As of which, the buy now pay later platforms are on a boom and are gaining huge traction in the glo

Tricycle for Handicapped Children - 0 views

    Cycles may be a tricycle planned to full measured Grown-ups What's more the individuals searching for solace Also load pulling capacity. I visited electric bicycle advances Previously, Croydon pennsylvania to look at their electrified adaptation of the stretch trike which employments a 500 watt gearless center engine Also 48 volt lithium battery pack starting with E-BikeKit. Com Also sold only starting with ElectricTrike. Com. When i dive in excessively awful much, the perspective from claiming imparting these subtle elements may be individuals who at that point own the stretch Might get their engine.
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