A Unified Credit Union Member Experience Strategy | CloudCherry - 0 views
cloudcherry on 17 Apr 17The banking and financial services industry really loves its traditions, which is why the fast changes and digital disruption affecting the sector have knocked many for a loop. And credit unions are no different, despite the fact that they are more nimble and agile compared to top-heavy banks and other financial organizations. The problem is that amongst all these changes, credit unions still have to maintain their focus on the member experience, which can be complicated. First of all, customers have become agnostic about industries when comparing experiences. In other words, you aren't competing solely with other credit unions or banks or even just other organizations in the financial sector on experience, but with every other brand out there. Your members won't just think about the experience they had with another credit union or a bank when dealing with you. No, they'll compare to how they were treated by Amazon and Zappos and similar companies that have set the customer experience bar higher than ever. Another issue is that, despite their agility, credit unions are still relatively slow in implementing changes, which limits the effectiveness of any member experience initiatives being implemented. While phased and tempered change is advisable in the financial sector, financial organizations are moving so slowly that it is almost stagnant.