Mobile Security- A Must Have for Smartphone Users - 0 views
Many things have changed in the past decade. Major inventions have taken place and some are on the verge of extinction. Take a general poll of the best invention ever, and you won't be surprised that Mobile phones top the list. There were days when birthdays were etched in your mind, you had phone numbers on the tip of your tongue and your appointments will scheduled in your planner.
The summer season each year brings wafting memories of a juicy and luscious fruit called litchi. The origins of Litchi lie in southern China where as a crop it has been cultivated uninterruptedly for close to 2500 years. Its geographical propagation has been rather slow, which is due to the short life-span of its seed and the peculiar soil and climatic requirements associated with the plant.A classical instance of this is India which is the second largest producer just behind China, but litchi farming is chronologically speaking, very recent having been introduced only sometime in the middle of the 1700's. Together China and India between themselves produce more than 90% of the world's Litchi, leaving the rest of the world far behind. In the backdrop of all this it is interesting to know the various cultivars and varieties which dot the world of Litchi farming. Most or all of them have their genesis probably in China but have been suitably bred and modified to thrive in countries of their adoption. The terms 'cultivar' and 'variety' have often been used interchangeably but this convention often seems to ignore the obvious differences which exist between the two. A 'cultivar' is bred with the help of vegetative propagation, which could include cutting, grafting,budding and tissue culture and is a product of human effort and ingenuity. A 'variety' on the other hand is a natural phenomenon and is bred through seedlings. A 'variety' will always produce clones of the parent plant, but in a cultivar,there may be slight variation in a progeny compared to the parent particularly in the case of hybrids. The Litchi cultivars in India number about 40 out of which around 12 or 13 are commercially cultivated.The same cultivar or variety may be known by different names in various parts of the country. In China there are about 200 known cultivars although only 20 or so are in commercial farming, which means the genetic repository is much more widespread compared to India but
Health And Fitness Benefits of Mango Fruit Juice - 0 views
Mangoes are the richest source of most important vitamins (A, C, B, E, K), minerals, dietary fibbers, electrolytes and iron which are mostly required by the for better growth and development as well as being healthy and live life without any diseases and infections. It is liked by all people due to its nice color, taste, flavor and quality health aspects. I have mentioned below the few beneficial aspects of the mangoes which you must know to enhance your interest while eating mangoes:
Benefits of Mango juice for Cancer Prevention
Mango fruit has antioxidant compounds (such as quercetin, fisetin, astragalin, gallic acid, isoquercitrin, methyl gallate and etc) and lots of enzymes which help in protecting against various body organs cancers like colon, leukemia, breast, stomach, prostate, lungs, cervical, oral cavity cancers and etc. These compounds include, as well as the abundant.
Polyphenols found in it acts as an anti inflammatory agent and restricts the growth of cancerous cells.
The soluble dietary fibers, pectin found in it has property of decreasing the action of protein (galectin) found in the cancerous cells.
Benefits of Mango juice for Heart health
It contains highest level of soluble dietary fibers (pectin) and vitamin C which involves in lowering the bad serum cholesterol levels means Low-Density Lipoproteins as well as enhancing the good serum cholesterol levels means High-Density Lipoproteins thus keeps the heart healthy by keeping all the heart problems away.
It is the rich source of potassium which involves in controlling the blood pressure thus heart rate.
Benefits of Mango juice for Skin
It is beneficial for the skin in both ways whether it is eaten or applied externally on the skin.
It India juice has antioxidants which make the skin healthy, smooth, glowing and wrinkles free.
It clear out the blocked pores and provides solution to get free from the
Brilliant Decorative Closet Door Ideas - 1 views
Your modern home would do better if you install decorative closet doors. They are great elements for your interior remodeling ideas as they fulfill your basic need for beauty and functionality.Deco...
Know The Importance Of Tamarind In Various Industries In India - 1 views
Many of us have secretly or openly, relished the tongue-tickling taste of tamarind. It is widely used in South-Indian dishes like Sambhar, Rasam, etc. However, you must be unaware that tamarind is something more than just a soaring agent. Tamarind kernel powder extracted from the popular leguminous tree is used widely in the food industry because of its excellent properties and advantages in various food products.
Maintenance of door locks - 1 views
Unlike commercial hardware standards, civilian hardware accessories have been used for a long time and are prone to many problems here and there. Especially for door locks, such high-load operating...
deaf entrepreneurs develop a tablet case that interprets gestures - 1 views
Although 70 million of deaf people use sign language as their mother tongue, not everyone knows it, so communication is still a challenge. Now, a team of entrepreneurs, all deaf, has come up with a...
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