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Venezuela China Announce Joint Oil Venture - 0 views

    Venezuela and China will together invest $16.32 billion in a joint oil venture to pump 400,000 barrels per day from the Junin 4 Block in the Andean nation's crude-rich Orinoco Belt, state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. has said at Caracas.

Russia, Venezuela sign energy deals - 0 views

    Venezuela and Russia have bolstered bilateral ties during a visit to the South American country by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. They have signed dozens of accords in a range of sectors, most notably defence and energy.

China Gives $20 Billion to Venezuela in Exchange For Fuel - 1 views

    China would provide $20 billion to Venezuela for a "large volume and long term" financing plan in exchange for more petroleum, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said.

Venezuela Cuba Sign Oil Exploration Treaty - 0 views

    Venezuela and Cuba have signed a treaty for exploration of crude oil and natural gas in two Venezuelan states, the state-owned oil authority has said on Thursday in Caracas.

UAE and Venezuela Sign Deal to Avoid Double Taxation - 0 views

    The UAE finance ministry Monday said it has signed an agreement with Venezuela to avoid double taxation and tax evasion on income and capital.

Indian Firms to Increase Oil Production in Venezuela - 0 views

    India Wednesday told Venezuela that Indian companies would be increasing production from oil fields in the Latin American country that could be sent for further processing in upcoming refining projects in India.
Ajay Kumar

Find genuine and 100% authentic exports of Venezuela - 0 views

    Venezuela is the major exporter of crude petroleum (represents 73% of total exports) in the world followed by developed petroleum (16%), Gold (2.7%) and Acyclic Alcohols (1.3%) and petroleum coke. Top purposes of Venezuela exports are the United States, China, India, Singapore and Switzerland.

Russian investment in Venezuela - 0 views

    Chavez was the favourite of the Russian defence industry, the Russian oil company Rosneft, a state oil company, has been able to raise Venezuelan oil assets.

No pay, no expenses, no laws for Venezuela opposition lawmakers - Locality News - 0 views

    On a minor scale, congressmen say they are also being obstructed from doing their job because of lac...
The Dollar Business

India-Venezuela trade to expand beyond crude: Indian Ambassador - 0 views

    Last year's plunge in global oil prices has affected no other economy more than that of Venezuela, the banana republic of Latin America which is excessively dependent on oil exports. Crude petroleum accounted for 73% of the nation's exports in 2015. Woes of dropping oil prices coupled with sky-rocketing inflation left the nation defaulting on its import bills.
urroyansh urroyansh

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But that overestimated the Russians' interest in the Iranian market relative to their fear of sacrificing their relations with the Europeans and the Americans,'' he says.L'Europe doit défendre les ...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 11 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
urroyansh urroyansh

Cours longchamp pas cher - 0 views

- Nouvel échec pour la gauche latino-américaine -L'échec d'Evo Morales survient après plusieurs revers, ces derniers mois, pour la gauche latino-américaine : en Argentine, le président libéral Maur...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 25 Feb 16 no follow-up yet
urroyansh urroyansh

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L'annonce dans la nuit des résultats officiels, après plusieurs heures de retard, a été accueillie dans certains quartiers de Caracas par des cris de joie, des pétards et des feux d'artifice tandis...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 09 Dec 15 no follow-up yet
urroyansh urroyansh

Concordantes sac longchamp pliage soldes pas cher - 0 views

L'annonce dans la nuit des résultats officiels, après plusieurs heures de retard, a été accueillie dans certains quartiers de Caracas par des cris de joie, des pétards et des feux d'artifice tandis...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 09 Dec 15 no follow-up yet
urroyansh urroyansh

Sac Longchamp Bandoulière Mais - 0 views

Certes, les 150 ch sont un peu justes pour emmener les 1 600 kg de la caisse à vide, là où la concurrence sait monter à 175 ch ou plus. Il est vrai que le couple maximal de 320 Nm met déjà à rude é...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 08 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
chen jody

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Les États ne l'appliquent guère, en invoquant l' immunité des dirigeants politiques étrangers, ou l'idée naturelle, mais souvent illusoire, qu'il appartient d'abord à chaque État de poursuivre ses ...

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started by chen jody on 27 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
urroyansh urroyansh

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Ces élus mettent en avant le risque que des jihadistes ne se glissent parmi le flot des réfugiés fuyant la guerre civile en Syrie pour venir commettre des attaques sur le sol américain.M. Obama, qu...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 16 Dec 15 no follow-up yet
urroyansh urroyansh

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Mais la plus haute autorité judiciaire du pays a décidé fin décembre de suspendre l'élection de trois députés de l'opposition et d'un chaviste dans l'Etat d'Amazonas (sud). L'opposition ne reconnai...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 06 Jan 16 no follow-up yet
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