How AI-enabled competitive intelligence solutions can drive an informational advantage - 0 views
adityadogra071 on 02 Nov 20Having an informational advantage means you have access to data that your competitors don't have. It means you are leveraging a differentiated dataset of information to make inferences that your competitors may not. This is easier said than done! One way to develop such an information advantage is by integrating information from all possible sources. In our experience, effective competitive intelligence integrates information from both primary research and secondary monitoring. The secondary monitoring provides a comprehensive overview of the market and competitive landscape. It works as an early warning system and surfaces signals that indicate potential threats or new opportunities. Result-oriented competitive intelligence teams discover these signals from secondary monitoring and then validate their credibility using primary research. Technology-based market intelligence platforms such as Contify helps in creating institutional memory. It ensures that what is learned in the previous months doesn't have to be re-learned in the coming months. Read the full blog on -