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urroyansh urroyansh

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Toutefois, les enquêteurs français se montrent prudents. "En l'état rien ne permet d'affirmer son implication" dans les attentats du 13 novembre qui ont fait 130 morts et plusieurs centaines de ble...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 30 Dec 15 no follow-up yet
urroyansh urroyansh

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Le porte-parole des Houthis, Mohammed Abdelsalam, a affirmé samedi: "nous arrêterons (les combats) quand s'arrêtera l'agression contre nous".De son côté, le chef d'état-major des forces progouverne...

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started by urroyansh urroyansh on 15 Dec 15 no follow-up yet

Why steel bulletproof plates have many advantages and will be replaced by ceramic bulle... - 0 views

The metal armor was applied very early, and people in the Shang Dynasty began to use bronze helmets a thousand years ago. The armor with iron as the main material is the longest-lived and widely us...


started by kbojezhang44 on 16 Mar 20 no follow-up yet

GDP PPP là gì? Chỉ số GDP PPP 187 quốc gia trên thế giới 2021 - 1 views


started by topkinhdoanh on 28 Feb 22 no follow-up yet
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