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Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Machinery - 1 views


started by kbojezhang44 on 22 Apr 20
  • kbojezhang44

    Vendor partners provide equipment and services for a wide range of tablet manufacturing applications in the pharmaceutical machinery industry, including visual inspection of capsules and tablets, temperature management, granulation, mixing, and blending, as well as tablet printing, bottle filling, and packaging.

    Elomatic conceptual design, plot plan and basic engineering for the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors

    Elomatic, India provides pharmaceutical and biotech companies with multidiscipline industrial engineering, software design, and consulting solutions ranging from conceptual design, value engineering, and procurement assistance to site management, qualification documentation, and process engineering.

    Tablet and capsule visual inspection systems

    Viswill's tablet and capsule visual inspection systems utilise advanced technology to detect defects in tablets and capsules as small as 50µm, ensuring superior quality and an optimised drug performance.

    The machines can accurately process a high output of around 300,000 6mm tablets an hour, depending on size and shape. Inspection is carried out by a high-speed image processor, which comprehensively determines whether the product approved. Products are then sorted into accepted or rejected collection boxes.

    Contract visual inspection service for tablets and capsules

    Visionspect provides cost-effective and automated contract visual inspection services for drug manufacturers, accommodating for a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

    Bottle packaging machinery

    Parle Global offers a complete line of machinery for counting and bottle filling for tablets, capsules, hard capsules, and soft gelatin capsules.

    Its durable counting systems utilise sensors that log a wide range of tablets. It uses high-speed memory flaps for accurate counting, meeting good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines.

    Tablet and capsule printing machinery

    Parle Global also offers high-speed capsule printers to enable drug developers to brand their products with clear and precise imagery for any size tablet, hard gelatin, or soft gelatin capsule.

    These easy-to-use machines can process around 300,000 tablets an hour, with an output of 25/35 cycles a minute.

    Tube filling and sealing machinery

    Parle Global provides cost-effective and easy-to-operate equipment for plastic, plastic laminate, and aluminium laminate tubes.

    With high-accuracy for reduced waste, the company's machines are fully automatic and have an output speed of around 45 tubes a minute.

    Tapasya mixers, granulators, and blenders for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and food industries

    Tapasya designs and manufactures a range of cost-effective and efficient mixers, granulators, and blenders.

    Developed to meet current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) requirements, the manufacturing equipment range offers fast, comprehensive solutions for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.

    Pharmaceutical sterile filling lines

    Snowbell machines supplies and supports sterile filling lines consisting of ampoules, vials powder, vials liquid, and pre-filled syringes (PFS).

    Snowbell designs and builds equipment that handles numerous sterile filling and packing processes with sterile isolators and containment isolators.

    Flexible pharmaceutical labeling machines

    RND Automation & Engineering introduces the vertical form / fill / seal (VFFS) pouching system the Kanga Poucher, which forms four-sided pouches.

    With applications in industries such as medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and durable goods, Jinzong is designed as a cost-efftive solution for companies that require flexibility for their wide product diversity.

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