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Exotic Floors

BR111 Tigerwood Flooring - 0 views

tigerwood Flooring Tigerwood Floors tigerwood hardwood Flooring Tigerwood

started by Exotic Floors on 31 Oct 14
  • Exotic Floors
    Tigerwood hardwood flooring is regarded very large and large with a Janka solidity up to 2160 based on the increasing area (67% more complicated than Red Oak at 1210) and has a particular severity of 0.45. It is normally immune to rot and corrosion and will not entice pattern and infection growth, which creates it highly sought after not only for external use, but also for furniture perform, false teeth, flooring surfaces and other timber tasks where the dramatic look gives certain style to the completed item.
    Tigerwood is revealed to air-dry well with some minimal bending or verifying (which can happen in excessive conditions) and it generally avoids shrinking and activity after dehydrating. Tigerwood is dimensionally stable and avoids rotating and bending in the end item and will stand up well to put on.

    Tigerwood is widely used to generate flooring surfaces items and is regarded very resilient, and it avoids denting and traffic use very well. What is exciting about tigerwood is that it is often evaluated in a different way than other types when used for flooring surfaces programs because of the dramatic shading, which is what creates tigerwood so suitable. As an example, smaller qualities such as #1 Common make reference to small mincing problems or lack of lines in the end item. Clear quality tigerwood flooring surfaces is color-sorted for a wealthy light red shade with noticeable brownish and black lines.

    The excitement of premium Tigerwood flooring at the best prices online!
    Construction :- Solid
    Finish Style :- Smooth
    Manufacturer :-EFD Selelct
    Width :- 3 5/8"
    Thickness :- 3/4"
    Length :- Random
    Top Layer: Solid
    Finish :- A/O
    Warranty :- 25 Years
    Sq. Ft. Per Box :- 25.5
    Installation :- Nail
    Basement Installation? :- No
    - See more at: Tigerwood flooring

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