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International School of Central Switzerland

Teaching Geometry with Google SketchUp - 3 views

    Bring Geometry to Life with Google SketchUp Welcome to 3DVinci's Math Forum Page! Google SketchUp is a free, fun, easy-to-use 3D modeling application. Originally created for architects and designers, SketchUp is also a great tool for teaching geometry. The resources on this page will help you bring SketchUp into your classroom and show you some wonderful projects in 2D and 3D geometry.
International School of Central Switzerland

Table of Contents (Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies) - 5 views

International School of Central Switzerland

Virtual Field Trips - 1 views

    Our collection includes the following media: Virtual Field Trips (Google Earth) Historical Structure Models (Google SketchUp, Quicktime, and Windows Media) Modern Image Galleries
International School of Central Switzerland

Home: - 0 views

    The snoovel Tour Director is the first interactive browser tool to build so called geo movies. In our application you can pull together your gpx-data, kmz-files (e.g. Google Sketchup 3d objects) and all kinds of media (videos , audiofiles, images, texts etc.) to one dynamic Google Earth animation playing inside a webbrowser.
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