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alexandra m. pickett

C. M. Rubin: The Global Search for Education: Is Your Child an Innovator? - 0 views

    "How do you train an Innovator? We are born curious. We are born with imagination. The first challenge is to ensure that these very human qualities are not schooled out of us, as Sir Ken Robinson says. Beyond that, in my research, I identified five essential education and parenting practices that develop young people's capacities to innovate: 1. Learning to work collaboratively (innovation is a team sport!). 2. Learning to understand problems from a multi-disciplinary perspective. 3. Learning to take risks and learn from mistakes. 4. Focusing on creating versus consuming. 5. Reinforcing the intrinsic motivations of play, passion, and purpose versus the extrinsic carrots and sticks."

WeVideo - Collaborative Online Video Editor in the Cloud - 0 views

    upload your video clips and photos, create your storylines, and edit them in the cloud
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