"This Acceptable Use Agreement has six conditions or facets of being a Digital Citizen. The intended audience of this agreement is for Senior School students". Give a more practical, easy to read agreement for students to connect with, without all the legaleeze.
The Smart AUP is a fast, simple, assessment tool designed to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of the rules and provisions outlined in a standard Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). "
Here your students will watch a short video/comic that explains copyright. Next, students can explore how copyright came to be by looking at the milestone files on record. Reading the Fine Print helps students answer questions such as: "Do I have to register a copyright to secure protection?"; "If it's on the Internet can I use it?"; and "Is it okay to use up to 5% of someone else's work?". Finally, students can learn what steps they need to take to secure a copyright for their work.
"Internet Wisdom (iWisdom) represents a holistic approach to Cyber Citizenship and Digital Literacy that includes the consideration of four key spheres of influence, technology, community, legislation, and curriculum. Each of these spheres has a unique and important role that shapes a balanced perspective of the internet and its educational potential. \n"
"The Digital Citizenship and Creative Content program is a free, turnkey instructional program. The goal is to create an awareness of the rights connected with creative content. Because only through education can students gain an understanding of the relevance of and a personal respect for creative rights and grow to become good digital citizens."
With a license from Movie Licensing USA you can show movies legally for non-teaching activities such as Family Movie Nights, Before- or After-School programs, Student Rewards, Holiday Events and more.
A Public Performance Site License saves you time and money - since you don't have to contact each studio directly. In addition to your personal comfort and reputation, this license provides protection from the hazards of non-compliance with U.S. Copyright Law.