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Brian K

What's Happening in Libya Explained | Mother Jones - 2 views

  • If the Libyan protesters are ignored," she wrote, "the fear is that
  • will be able to seal the country off from foreign observers, and ruthlessly crush any uprising before it even has a chance to begin."
  • more than 200 protesters, including children, have reportedly been killed.
    • Brian M
      Started Febuary 15th. Great libyan backround info. great info on how all the trouble started
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • " Discussing national policy with a foreigner is punishable with three years in prison.
  • document.write(DisplayAds(Drupal.settings.denali.ad_locations_str + "!" + "Middle1", null, null, null)); var zflag_nid="305"; var zflag_cid="6159/1697/1"; var zflag_sid="619"; var zflag_width="300"; var zflag_height="250"; var zflag_sz="9"; var ipoll_c = 98; var cmpid = "pinnaclefoods/mrspauls/300"; var ipoll_link_nc = ""; var rfiTrackParameters='rb=806&re=21252&aa=19077,87691,16393,162295,1374,19375,s-trM6i2QxEA,,865,3250,38778,2113,8180&pa=&id=' _qoptions={qacct:"p-02uqnnIGWyZdo"}; Advertise on MotherJones.comOil is the economy in Libya and oil profits have bankrolled massive investments in education and infrastructure—yet Libya lags far behind other oil-rich Arab states. Unemployment stands at 30 percent.
  • Since at least the 1980s, the name has been alternately spelled as "Moammar / Muammar Gadaffi /Gaddafi / Gathafi / Kadafi / Kaddafi /Khadafy / Qadhafi / Qathafi /etc.,
  • battling Qaddafi's troops, and hundreds are reported to have been killed.
  • In 2003, Qaddafi agreed to stop developing weapons of mass destruction and paid $2.7 billion to the families of the 270 victims of Pan Am 101—the plane bombed by Libyan agents over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. In return, the US and the United Nations lifted economic sanctions against Libya.
  • n Sunday, February 20, protesters succeeded in overtaking all parts of Benghazi except for a government security compound. Qaddafi's son gave a long, rambling televised speech in which he blamed Islamic radicals and Libyan exiles for the uprising
  • ripoli, with thousands of demonstrators converging onto the city's main square and reportedly taking over state television headquarters. They faced well-armed pro-Qaddafi militias who fired into the crowds
    Good basis to start from
    Brian - this is not a summary of the article. It's a fine start, but know that if you're going to use this as a source you need to summarize it and highlight it.
Brian K

CIA - The World Factbook - 0 views

shared by Brian K on 04 Apr 11 - No Cached
Brian M liked it
  • inyar al-QADHAFI began to espouse his own political system, the Third Universal Theory. The system is a
    Really good specific facts. Very good website to check out.
Brandon K

Arab League condemns broad bombing campaign in Libya - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • desire to prevent Moammar Gaddafi’s air force from attacking civilians and was not designed to endorse the intense bombing and missile attacks
  • Al-Qaeda, which could be expected to oppose foreign intervention in an Arab country and embrace Gaddafi’s description of the Western campaign as a new crusade, made no immediate comment
  • This opens the way for foreign interventions in every Arab country. It brings us back to the days of occupation, colonization and partition
    The Arabs have approved of the no-fly zone over Libya but are mad about the bombings saying that the no-fly is suppose to protect the civilans not put them in harms way. They also think it was a way to cover up on easer way for the other nations the exploit the oil coming out of Libya.
Brandon K

The bombing of Libya: What's the endgame? - The Week - 0 views

  • most likely means a long, ill-defined slog, "fought by committee" and "with one hand behind our back," ending in a stalemate with Gadhafi.
  • As "messy and confusing" as the war will be, it "isn't likely to last long,"
    Brandon - good job highlighting a few things - now you still need to make sure to do a summary of the article if you're going to use it in your project.
Brandon K

Libya Ordeal: A Frightening First-Hand Account | 06880 - 0 views

    This is a first hand account of how the fighting affects everyone even the reporters trying to get the news to the people. It shows how the enemy is willing to take people and use them to bargain with the U.S. And other countries .
Brandon K

Libya Economy - 0 views

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