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Leia Organa

Allentown Super Premium Pack Bedding Set | Southern Textiles | Free Shipping - 0 views

    The Allentown Queen Super Premium Pack Bedding Set by Southern Textiles features moss green plaids and stripes with rich, woven leafy textures of green and a natural-colored matelaisse. This bedding set is also available in king and cal. king sizes in the options above.
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Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: About Litchi Fruit Juice And It's Nutritional Value - 0 views

    Litchi is a fruit with amazing health benefits belongs to Sapindaceae family. It is grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and found abundantly in the summer season. It was first originated in the Chinese regions of Guangdong and Fujian and has been started cultivating in the various countries of the world (India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Australia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Mexico, Southern Africa and etc). It is very delicate and attractive smelling fruit which is usually eaten fresh. It is found in many types such as emperor lychee or biggest lychee, ohia lychee or litchi with little seed, Brewster lychee and etc.

    Benefits of Litchi (Lychee) Fruit Juice
    It is loaded with numerous healthy nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and so many. It protects from various diseases, infections and skin problems by enhancing the immunity power. It contains polyphenols which helps in fighting with weight problems, liver damage and type-2 diabetes.
    Some of its amazing health benefits are mentioned below:

    Benefits of Litchi for Heart
    Benefits of Litchi for Cancer
    Benefits of Litchi for Digestive System
    Benefits of Litchi for Bones, Teeth and Joints
    Benefits of Litchi for Hair
    Benefits of Litchi for Weight Loss
    Benefits of Litchi for Aging
    Benefits of Litchi for Women during Pregnancy
    Benefits of Litchi for Kids
    Benefits of Litchi for Men
    Benefits of Litchi Seeds
    Benefits of Litchi Juice of Skin

    Nutrition Facts of Litchi Dash per 100 ml
    Energy: 60 Kcal
    Fat: 0 gm
    Carbohydrate: 14.8 gm
    Protein: 0 gm
    Sugar: 12.5 g

    Thiamine: 0.011 mg
    Riboflavin: 0.065 mg
    Niacin: 0.603 mg
    Choline: 7.1 mg
    Pyridoxine: 0.100 mg
    Folates: 14 µg
    Vitamin C: 71.5 mg
Mango Dash india


    The summer season each year brings wafting memories of a juicy and luscious fruit called litchi. The origins of Litchi lie in southern China where as a crop it has been cultivated uninterruptedly for close to 2500 years. Its geographical propagation has been rather slow, which is due to the short life-span of its seed and the peculiar soil and climatic requirements associated with the plant.A classical instance of this is India which is the second largest producer just behind China, but litchi farming is chronologically speaking, very recent having been introduced only sometime in the middle of the 1700's. Together China and India between themselves produce more than 90% of the world's Litchi, leaving the rest of the world far behind. In the backdrop of all this it is interesting to know the various cultivars and varieties which dot the world of Litchi farming. Most or all of them have their genesis probably in China but have been suitably bred and modified to thrive in countries of their adoption. The terms 'cultivar' and 'variety' have often been used interchangeably but this convention often seems to ignore the obvious differences which exist between the two. A 'cultivar' is bred with the help of vegetative propagation, which could include cutting, grafting,budding and tissue culture and is a product of human effort and ingenuity. A 'variety' on the other hand is a natural phenomenon and is bred through seedlings. A 'variety' will always produce clones of the parent plant, but in a cultivar,there may be slight variation in a progeny compared to the parent particularly in the case of hybrids. The Litchi cultivars in India number about 40 out of which around 12 or 13 are commercially cultivated.The same cultivar or variety may be known by different names in various parts of the country. In China there are about 200 known cultivars although only 20 or so are in commercial farming, which means the genetic repository is much more widespread compared to India but

Southern Selection - 0 views

    Southern Selection is an online shop for the born and raised cowgirls as well as the cowgirls at heart. Keeping it country with our popular handbags, belts, jeans, and more.
Mango Dash india

Litchi Dash Juice - 0 views

    Summer is one of the Most season only times when one can enjoy the true ecstasy of fresh mango drink.Litchi is an exotic fruit derived from the rainforests of Southern China, and has been used traditionally for thousands of years to calm the spirit and provide energy. Litchi contains unique polyphenols that have actually been suggested by studies to help support healthy body composition. Litchi is healthy as well, containing more antioxidants than even red wine grapes. Litchi juice are low in calories, contain no saturated fats or cholesterol, but rich in dietary fiber which can be a helpful to aid in weight loss. Litchi is also known to provide a great source of Vitamin C, a vitamin that the body does not produce naturally. Vitamin C helps support heart health and is good for bones and skin. Mango juice is beloved worldwide as the "queen of fruits." Research suggests that mango may help your weight loss efforts by exerting a beneficial effect on key hormones: The litchi is the sole member of the genus Litchi in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. It is a tropical and subtropical fruit tree native to the Guangdong and Fujian provinces of China, and now cultivated in many parts of the world. Leptin- supports healthy appetite, thermogenesis, and weight loss. Adiponectin- may help promote sugar metabolism.
Sheridan Grey

Perfect Collectible Jade(玉石) - 1 views

As a connoisseur of fine things, I always searched for the perfect and genuine art works that I can collect. Lately, I have been fascinated by the beauty and history of jade. I know for a fact that...

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started by Sheridan Grey on 10 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
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