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Pneumonia, causes and treatment - Healthykeeps - 0 views

    Pneumonia in medical can mean describes a disease of the lungs that can be lightly until the serious as well as terrorizing lives. The most serious pneumonia when it takes place on the baby as well as the children, parents above the age of 65 years old, as well as some people with underlying health problems or weak body immunity system. I.e. pneumonia infection or inflammation in one or 2 of lung inflammation, rather it takes place on the eve or the SAC called the alveoli. Fluid-filled sacs Eve prone or pus, to result in shortness of breath, coughing, fever, phlegm so chills, and trouble breathing. That's because infections by diverse organisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Skin care Acne solution with olive oil - 0 views

    Get rid of acne with this olive have been some people who prove it and certainly tested, in a natural way and there is also combined with body lotion for skin care. There are ways that you can use to get rid of acne with olive oil. Olive oil for Acne it should be you know, to make it more efficient in her treatment.

Anemia in pregnant women - 0 views

    Anemia also often faced by pregnant women, as well as why it can take? This is because all the time she had her mother's blood production role to support the growth of the fetus in the mother's stomach resulting in requiring a lot of red blood cells so that the body remains healthy and robust, therefore, anemia in pregnant women often take place as well as fitting treatment be done so unobtrusive and pregnancy the fetus.
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