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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tamira Chapman

Tamira Chapman

For Engaging Projects, Connect Learning to Students' Lives | Edutopia - 0 views

  • By connecting academics to students' lives, she has managed to get them engaged.
    Impassioned students whose lives connect to learning.  'Students work harder when they have an authentic audience.'  These students accumulated over 60,000n authentic viewers.  
Tamira Chapman

Harvard deans urge renewing civic education | Harvard Magazine Mar-Apr 2012 - 0 views

  • What strikes us about these passages is not their antiquity, but their wisdom. Today, many Americans have lost pride in their government. At a time when universities trumpet their place in the world—and within Facebook—but say little about their place in the Republic, these calls to educate citizens who will sustain the nation have new and vital meaning. It is time to reimagine higher education’s civic mission.
  • They are positioned not only to foster innovation, which is essential to national prosperity, but also to teach the public responsibilities associated with invention and entrepreneurship.
  • Its antiauthoritarian agenda and tactics notwithstanding, the student movement sought to reassert the educational importance of common values and social mission.
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  • “A Republic, if you can keep it,” as Benjamin Franklin described our form of government, will not persist through momentum alone.
  • We see civic education as the cultivation of knowledge and traits that sustain democratic self-governance. The synergistic components of civic education in American colleges and universities are a tripod of intellect, morality, and action, all grounded in a knowledge base of American history and constitutional principles.
  • Civic education cannot flourish if intellect is privileged over morality and action, as is usual today.
  • As science either marginalized or helped transform other subjects, citizens’ responsibilities for the public good were squeezed out of the mission of higher education. Moral philosophy became a marginal
  • The student movement of the 1960s
  • American democracy depend
  • In the mid 1980s,
  • Service learning flourished
  • A student volunteering at a soup kitchen…very much enjoyed the experience and felt that it had made him a better person. Without thinking through the implications of his statement, he said, “I hope it is still around when my children are in college, so they can work here, too.”Finding a Way Forward
  • Instead of a prescription, we offer a framework for conversation about the intertwined roles of intellect, morality, and action.
  • civic education needs to be spread across the curriculum.
  • transgressions are likely to be treated legalistically, rather than as teachable moments.
  • Action. Civic learning is about the effect of human decisions on other people and on society at large.
  • Integrate civic education into core requirements and concentrations or majors.
Tamira Chapman

Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition - Home - 0 views

  • “And if the official school licence is once again denied, maybe we’ll have better luck in a couple of years’ time”
  • The school, which has operated independently without state ratification since the autumn of 2010, applied for the official school licence again last year.      The licence would give the school the right to issue school certificates and receive state aid.      Currently the school perseveres with the help of the EUR 250-300 student fees and voluntary contributions.      In the autumn, 15 year-round pupils started with the school. In addition, there are a certain number of “seasonal students”.
  • The government can grant private communities or foundations the right to organise basic education, if it can be established that there is a need for it.      The curricula of the school and the finances of the organiser also have to be in order. The granting of the licence is discretionary.
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  • There are now 72 private schools in Finland offering basic education. Their pupils constitute about two per cent of all the comprehensive-school-age pupils in the country.
  • Some of the schools are “ordinary” private schools originating from the era prior to the introduction of the comprehensive school system.      Some, in turn, represent certain ideologies, such as Christianity, or certain pedagogical trends, such as the Steiner or Freinet approaches.
Tamira Chapman

Lawyers in Rutgers Dorm Spying Trial Make Final Presentations - - 0 views

  • The facts of the case are supported by an extensive electronic record, including text messages and Twitter feeds and a record of the exact moments of computer activity in the dormitory where the events occurred in September 2010.
  • Mr. Clementi had checked Mr. Ravi’s Twitter feed dozens of times after discovering that he had been viewed
Tamira Chapman

After 244 Years, Encyclopaedia Britannica Stops the Presses - - 0 views

  • In an acknowledgment of the realities of the digital age — and of competition from the Web site Wikipedia — Encyclopaedia Britannica will focus primarily on its online encyclopedias and educational curriculum for schools. The last print version is the 32-volume 2010 edition, which weighs 129 pounds and includes new entries on global warming and the Human Genome Project.
  • Since it was started 11 years ago, Wikipedia has moved a long way toward replacing the authority of experts with the wisdom of the crowds. The site is now written and edited by tens of thousands of contributors around the world, and it has been gradually accepted as a largely accurate and comprehensive source, even by many scholars and academics.
  • The Britannica, the oldest continuously published encyclopedia in the English language, has become a luxury item with a $1,395 price tag
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  • Only 8,000 sets of the 2010 edition have been sold, and the remaining 4,000 have been stored in a warehouse until they are bought.
  • Gary Marchionini, the dean of the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said the fading of print encyclopedias was “an inexorable trend that will continue.”“There’s more comprehensive material available on the Web,” Mr. Marchionini said. “The thing that you get from an encyclopedia is one of the best scholars in the world writing a description of that phenomenon or that object, but you’re still getting just one point of view. Anything worth discussing in life is worth getting more than one point of view.”
Tamira Chapman

Texas Southern University Vows to Improve Graduation Rates - - 0 views

  • T.S.U. had been one of the state’s last open-enrollment public universities. Now prospective students must have at least a 2.5 grade point average and either a combined reading and math score of 820 on the SAT or a 17 on the ACT.
  • “We thought access should be free and open.”
  • To meet that goal, students in the academic village are pushed to take at least 15 credit hours each semester and are encouraged not to hold jobs. Mr. Rudley said graduation rates are unlikely to rise without applying pressure. “If you just let them do things on their own, they’ll start out with 15 hours and drop down to 12 hours, then drop down to 9 hours,” he said.
Tamira Chapman Rebooting for the New Talent Economy - 0 views

  • used to joke that education was one of the few things people were willing to pay for and not get.
  • Over three decades, for-profit schools added students at more than six times the rate of traditional colleges and universities. However, that growth also sparked controversy over their marketing techniques to attract students and led recently to tougher regulations. The new rules require for-profit education companies to offer programs that prepare students for “gainful employment” so they can pay down their school loans and reduce their ratio of debt to income. Those changes have slowed new enrollments significantly, so it is unclear whether for-profit schools will continue to outpace more traditional institutions of higher education in the future.
  • For all institutions — public, non-profit and for-profit — better measurement is essential to increasing graduation rates and success in the workplace. I am in radical agreement with Rosen that data can and should be used to motivate schools to improve, and that greater transparency and accountability will encourage students and government funders to support the institutions that demonstrate the best outcomes.
Tamira Chapman

Technology in the Classroom - The Role of the Principal - 0 views

  • We are very fortunate to work in a school district which places a high value on the use of educational technologies, so many valuable sites are not blocked including YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr,, and other social networking sites. Of course, we have strong filters protecting students from inappropriate material, but generally speaking, we believe that our responsibility as educators in the 21st Century is to teach students how to use the Internet responsibility as opposed to automatically shutting them out of everything which is done in too many schools through the world and across our country.
  • That learning is important and that education should be fun, interesting and challenging.” Can you talk a little bit about how you as an administrator can foster a climate where “education is fun, interesting and challenging?”
  • . The power of the Internet! I also have used YouTube and TeacherTube videos in faculty meetings to introduce a topic or reinforce a point, and I try to incorporate an activity that engages teachers with technology such as a digital camera scavenger hunt in the building for our staff.
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  • Alan also taught us that the Read/Write Web is much more than “cool new tools,” and that ultimately it is about teaching and learning, not about technology.
  • xemplars that your teaching staff created with these new tools?
  • s part of the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund’s trip to Japan. He used his blog and Skype to communicate with and teach our students from Japan. Blog link: Minorsensei.
  • He has another blog where he does a lot with digital storytelling and other cool stuff: The South Park Lab’s Blog.
  • She is a podcasting pro. Check out her South Park News Network podcasts: Blog link: Faust Facts 5.0.
  • The teacher needs to relinquish the role of “Expert who imparts all of the knowledge to his students.” Instead, he needs to help the students become more self-directed in their learning. These Web 2.0 tools are a great way to do this. If the work is authentic, rigorous, and relevant, then the student and teacher focus will remain high.
Tamira Chapman

Five Lessons from the International Summit on the Teaching Profession - Global Learning... - 0 views

  • High-quality education is the result of a system, not just of the work of individual teachers. If you put a high-quality teacher recruit into a dysfunctional school environment, the "system wins every time."
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