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Frederick Smith

In Honor of Teachers - By CHARLES M. BLOW - 0 views

    Since it's back-to-school season across the country, I wanted to celebrate a group that is often maligned: teachers. Like so many others, it was a teacher who changed the direction of my life, and to whom I'm forever indebted.
Frederick Smith

StanleyFish,TheStone:DefendingMoralRelativism - 0 views

    Says presence or absence of belief in moral absolutes tends to be philosophical argument with little influence on everyday life of an individual.
Frederick Smith

Secularization of evangelical "mission" space - 0 views

    cf ABSimpson - focus is on building community
Frederick Smith

Fatal Mercies (asstd suicide) - by Frank Bruni - 0 views

    Legal PAS at EOL in Oregon, Wash, Montana & Vt states - vs prosecution in Penna (req of 93yo failing man).
Frederick Smith

by Paula Span, The New Old Age - 0 views

    The chilling dilemma of "the unbefriended elderly," who don't have family or close friends to make medical decisions on their behalf if they can't speak for themselves, generated a bunch of ideas the last time we discussed it. "I would much rather pay a professional, whom I get to know and who knows me, to make the decisions," she wrote. "That way it is an objective decision-maker based on the priorities I have discussed with him/her before my incapacitation." Elizabeth, it turns out other people have been thinking the same way.
Frederick Smith

The Emerging "Coffee Party" Movement & coincidental convergence - 1 views

Americans' Break for Coffee: "Let's wake up, smell the coffee, and converse civilly about America's ABCs" (Incomplete write-up-2/14/10) A. Our Government is Paralyzed Americans Break for Coff...

politics Coffee-Party government Tea Party movement

started by Frederick Smith on 03 Mar 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

At end, offering comfort instead of cure-NYTimes feature - 0 views

    Palliative care program at Montefiore Hospital
Frederick Smith

NYT letters re "Offering Comfort, Not Cure" - 0 views

    letters re Montefiore palliative program description in NYTimes
Frederick Smith

Hard Choice for a Comfortable Death: Sedation - Readers' Comments - - 0 views

    Most readers favor palliative sedation if its primary intent is to allay intolerable suffering even if it may accelerate dying - as opposed to allowing the suffering because its treatment may lead to an earlier death.
Frederick Smith

Healthcare-Reform - 1 views

Health care reform is an issue that has been on the political front burner for me this year - as it has been for so many others, now and in 1993-4, if not earlier. (The comments below draw in part...

health care reform FSmith posting

started by Frederick Smith on 10 Jan 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith


Total opposition appears to be the only relationship between science and religion admissible by "militant atheists" like Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Caniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens. Las...

religion and science religion

started by Frederick Smith on 10 Jan 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

ECONOMICS & UNIN - 0 views

ECONOMICS & UNINSURED An individual's lack of health insurance affects everyone in the country economically, so requiring it is constitutional.  When the uninsured person goes to the ER, t...

health care reform health costs health insurance uninsured constitution

started by Frederick Smith on 06 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
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