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Frederick Smith

by Theresa Brown, RN - 0 views

    Most people in health care understand and accept the need for clinical hierarchies. The problem is that we aren't usually prepared for them; nor are we given protocols for resolving the inevitable tensions that arise over appropriate care. Doctors and nurses are trained differently, and our sense of priorities can conflict. When that happens, the lack of an established, neutral way of resolving such clashes works to everyone's detriment. This isn't about hurt feelings or bruised egos. Modern health care is complex, highly technical and dangerous, and the lack of flexible, dynamic protocols to facilitate communication along the medical hierarchy can be deadly. Indeed, preventable medical errors kill 100,000 patients a year, or a million people a decade, wrote Rosemary Gordon and Janardan Prasad Singh in their book "Wall of Silence."
Frederick Smith

Doctors argue for decision aids to promote patient engagement - by Melanie Evans - 0 views

    '...the Cochrane Collaboration reported last year that patients who used tools to guide their decisions had a better grasp of their choices and risks. They were also more likely to select less intense or invasive treatment when considering major elective surgery, though results were mixed for other decisions. The influence of decision aids on adherence to medication or overall costs was "inconclusive," according to the report. 'But that uncertainty does not reduce the ethical obligation to better inform patients, or lessen the promise of tools that help patients understand their options and identify their values, some doctors say. "It is the right thing to do," said Dr. Victor Montori, associate director of the Health Care Delivery Research Program at the Mayo Clinic Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery....'
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