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Frederick Smith


Wheaton College Christianity & other religions Larycia Hawkins Muslims fundamentalism Vinoth Ramachandra

started by Frederick Smith on 16 Jan 16
  • Frederick Smith

    The signatories above do not necessarily affirm all of
    the content or language of the following essay. It is added (1) to illuminate
    the way in which Muslims and Christians refer to the same God, while differing
    dramatically in their theology; and (2) to illustrate the potentially negative
    consequences Wheaton's action toward Dr. Hawkins may have for the global Church,
    as Christians seek to dialogue with Muslims about the Gospel.


      by Vinoth Ramachandra

    Posted by vinoth-ifes on December
    30, 2015
    , at

    Malaysian Church, in recent decades, was engaged in a prolonged legal battle
    with their Islamist-influenced government which prohibited non-Muslims from
    using the word Allah to refer to the supreme God and
    creator. Church leaders received directives stating that several words of
    Arabic origin, including Allah,
     (prophet) and Al Kitab (Bible) were not to be used by
    non-Muslims as Arabic was the language of Muslims. Usage by Christians would
    sow the seeds of "confusion". The import of Malay Bibles printed in Indonesia
    (which used Allah) was
    effectively banned.

    countered by pointing out that Allah was the common term used to refer to
    the supreme God long before Islam came into existence in North Africa. Arab
    Christians continue to worship God as Allah and Malay-speaking Christians have
    also been using Allah for centuries. Far from sowing
    "confusion", it has facilitated communication and promoted mutual understanding
    between Christians and Muslims.

    Clearly this
    was more than a matter of official historical ignorance. Islamists fearful of
    the conversion of Muslims sought to deter the latter from reading the Bible by
    claiming that Christians and Muslims worship different Gods. They have been
    successful. Christians lost the legal battle, with dire consequences for the
    future of social justice and religious harmony in Malaysia.

    How ironic,
    then, to find these Islamist arguments flourishing among conservative Christians
    in the so-called American Bible Belt.

    Earlier this
    month, the authorities at Wheaton College, a prominent "evangelical" liberal
    arts college aligned themselves with the Islamists. They suspended a tenured
    professor for referring to Jews and Muslims as "people of the book" (a common
    Qur'anic expression, distinguishing Jews and Christians from polytheistic
    pagans), and stating that "Christians and Muslims worship the same God". In the
    statement of suspension, the professor was accused of not "upholding
    theological clarity". The obsession with "clarity" and fear of "confusion" -  at the expense of other intellectual virtues
    such as desiring truth and tolerance of different theological opinions - have
    long been hallmarks of religious fundamentalisms.

    The eminent
    logician Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) famously drew an important distinction
    between the referent of a word/phrase and its sense or meaning. He took the
    example of the planet Venus which is, paradoxically, described as both the
    "Evening Star" and the "Morning Star". The two expressions have different
    senses or meanings, but they have the same referent, namely the planet Venus.

    The earliest
    Christians, most of them Jews, found themselves worshiping Jesus as Lord and
    ascribing to him all the titles and functions that applied to Yahweh, the God
    of the Hebrew Bible. They were not bi-theists. Nor were they rejecting Yahweh.
    As they reflected more deeply on their experience, they eventually came to
    articulate a deeper and fuller understanding of who Yahweh is. They became
    Trinitarian monotheists.

    Christians share many beliefs in common with their Muslim neighbours. Not only
    do they both worship Allah as the unique creator and sustainer of
    the universe, but Christians accept most of the 99 Beautiful Names for Allah in
    the Qur'an. The differences, of course, are crucial and decisive. Belief in God
    as Trinity, as Incarnate as the person Jesus of Nazareth, as crucified for the
    salvation of the world … these are foundational to all Christian believing and
    living. It grieves Christians that these are misunderstood and rejected by
    Muslims (and Jews). Therein lies the great challenge to communication.
    Christians ascribe a different narrative identity to Allah and Yahweh. But if
    there were no overlapping areas of agreement, no dialogue between Christians
    and Muslims (and Jews) would be possible. (Indeed, even argument would be
    impossible because argument presupposes that we are arguing about the same
    subject matter). And Christians, Muslims and Jews have engaged in mutually
    fruitful dialogue for centuries in Europe, Africa and Asia (along with
    monotheist Hindus and Sikhs).

    All the
    distinctive Christian truths are paradoxical. Christians, therefore, should be
    at home with paradoxical thinking and not shun it.

    So, do
    Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Yes and No. To use Frege's
    terminology, the same referent but different senses.

    But why is
    this question not raised in conservative American circles in relation to Jews
    and Judaism? (This is what makes many suspect that underlying this debate is
    fear or even animosity towards Muslims. If so, it would be deeply disturbing.)

    The actions
    of the Wheaton College authorities, like much of what is done in the U.S.,
    reach a global audience. I can imagine how they will be seized upon by
    Islamists around the world as ammunition to deploy against Christians. And how
    betrayed Malaysian Christians must feel.

    Christians- especially those studying and working in colleges and universities-
    cannot remain complacent with theological, historical or political naiveté. Wilful
    ignorance is inexcusable. Americans have ready access to a wide range of
    scholarly literature and the latest information technologies that the rest of
    us envy. They don't have to watch Fox News or listen to the
    latest chauvinist or demagogue. Some of the finest biblical scholars,
    theologians, philosophers and historians are found in the American Church
    (sadly, it is not their works that are exported to the rest of
    the world).

    every American city is multi-cultural and multi-religious. You can meet
    Christians from all over the world, as well as thoughtful Muslims from every
    Muslim sect, Jews, Sikhs, Jains or Buddhists. You can have your prejudices
    dispelled, your viewpoints and worldviews enlarged through such encounters and

    If American
    Christians do not avail themselves of the resources and opportunities on their
    doorstep, they will remain culturally marginal, intellectually lightweight,
    politically reactionary, and a deep source of embarrassment to the rest of the
    global Church.


    The author, Vinoth
    born in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He earned bachelors and doctoral degrees in nuclear
    engineering from the University of London. Instead of pursuing an academic
    career, he returned to Sri Lanka in 1980 and helped to develop a Christian
    university ministry in that country. From 1987 until 2001 he served as the
    South Asian Regional Secretary for the International Fellowship of Evangelical
    Students (IFES).

    He currently serves on the IFES Senior
    Leadership Team as Secretary for Dialogue & Social Engagement. His ministry
    aims to promote holistic engagement and dialogue within the university among
    students and professors, and to encourage Christian students and graduates to
    think and respond as Christians to some of the social, cultural and political
    challenges they face in their national contexts throughout the world.

    Vinoth lives in Sri Lanka with his Danish
    wife, Karin, a trained counselor and also a Bible teacher. They often travel
    and minster together at student and graduate conferences. Vinoth has also been
    involved for many years with the Civil Rights Movement in Sri
    , as well as with the global Micah Network and A Rocha (a world-wide biodiversity
    conservation organization). He is the author of several essays, articles and
    books including The Message of
     (2003), Subverting
    Global Myths: Theology and the Public Issues that Shape Our World (2008)
     and Church
    and Mission in the New Asia

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